Purchase Intention towards Sustainable Residential Housing

Evanthe, Larassayu Arvaneira (2023) Purchase Intention towards Sustainable Residential Housing. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pertumbuhan isu lingkungan sebagai akibat dari perubahan iklim mendesak pemerintah dan bisnis di semua sektor, termasuk properti, untuk beradaptasi dengan cara yang lebih berkelanjutan dalam melakukan bisnis. Mengingat meningkatnya permintaan perumahan sebagai akibat dari populasi yang tumbuh pesat, sektor properti memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap lingkungan. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, pemerintah Indonesia telah memperkenalkan sejumlah peraturan dan inisiatif, termasuk pembuatan kode bangunan, promosi bahan dan praktik bangunan berkelanjutan, dan penerapan sistem sertifikasi bangunan hijau. Meskipun demikian, ada beberapa hambatan untuk adopsi perumahan berkelanjutan secara luas di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan sikap, norma subjektif, dan perceived behavioral control berdasarkan teori perilaku terencana untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat membeli rumah. Pria dan wanita dewasa berusia antara 25 dan 60 tahun yang tinggal di Jabodetabek, Surabaya, dan Malang dipilih sebagai responden karena rentang usia prospektif mereka sebagai pembeli rumah pertama kali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan apakah sikap konsumen, norma subyektif, dan kontrol perilaku yang dirasakan, dan sebagaimana dimediasi oleh pengetahuan mereka tentang produk hijau, mempengaruhi niat beli mereka terhadap perumahan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan survei kuesioner dengan pertanyaan berdasarkan penelitian sebelumnya untuk mengumpulkan data. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan metode PLS-SEM dengan bantuan SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil yang diperoleh dari 204 responden membuktikan bahwa perceived behavioral control merupakan satu-satunya variabel yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap purchase intention terhadap Sustainable Residential Housing (SRH). Sementara itu, sikap dan norma subjektif tidak berpengaruh signifikan
terhadap niat beli terhadap SRH. Juga, pengetahuan tentang produk hijau tidak memoderasi hubungan antara sikap, norma subjektif, dan kontrol perilaku yang dirasakan pada niat beli terhadap Sustainable Residential Housing (SRH).
The growth of environmental issues as a result of climate change urges the government and businesses in all sectors, including real estate, to adapt to a more sustainable manner of doing business. Given the rising demand for housing as a result of rapidly growing populations, the real estate sector has a significant influence on the environment. To address this issue, the Indonesian government has introduced a number of regulations and initiatives, including the creation of building codes, the promotion of sustainable building materials and practices, and the implementation of green building certification systems. Nonetheless, there are several barriers to the widespread adoption of sustainable housing in Indonesia. This study used attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control based on the theory of planned behavior to analyze the factors that influence home buying intentions. Adult men and women between the ages of 25 and 60 who live in Jabodetabek, Surabaya, and Malang were chosen due to their prospective age range as first-time house purchasers. The purpose of this study is to determine if customers' attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, and as mediated by their knowledge of green products, influence their purchase intention of sustainable housing. This research is quantitative research that uses questionnaire surveys with questions based on previous research to collect data. The collected data was analyzed using the PLS-SEM method with the help of SmartPLS 3.0. The results obtained from 204 respondents proved that the perceived behavioral control was the only variable that had a significant effect on purchase intention towards Sustainable Residential Housing (SRH). Meanwhile, attitude and subjective norms do not have a significant effect on purchase intention towards SRH. Also, the knowledge on green product do not moderate the relationship between attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control on purchase intention towards Sustainable Residential Housing (SRH)

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Isu Lingkungan, Sustainable Housing, Theory of Planned Behavior, Minat Pembelian, PLS-SEM; Enviromental Issues, Sustainable Housing, Theory of Planned Behavior, Purchase Intention, PLS-SEM
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5415.127 Market segmentation. Target marketing
Divisions: Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (CREABIZ) > Business Management > 61205-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Larassayu Arvaneira Evanthe
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2023 04:04
Last Modified: 10 Oct 2023 04:04
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/103359

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