Perancangan Sistem Branding Transportasi Umum Suroboyo Bus Kota Surabaya

Ariyanti, Felani Murdi (2024) Perancangan Sistem Branding Transportasi Umum Suroboyo Bus Kota Surabaya. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Saat ini, sistem transportasi umum telah menjadi tolak ukur keberhasilan kinerja pemerintahan kota di Indonesia dalam rangka meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan
mengurangi kemacetan. Namun, transportasi umum perkotaan Kota Surabaya memiliki
beberapa permasalahan, yaitu kondisi kendaraan transportasi umum, infrastruktur
transportasi, sistem pembayaran, dan tidak ada informasi yang jelas mengenai Suroboyo
Bus kepada masyarakat. Hal ini menyebabkan eksistensi transportasi umum Surabaya
masih belum dapat menunjukkan moda transportasi sebagai akomodir kebutuhan mobilitas masyarakat.
Dalam memenuhi perancangan branding sistem transportasi umum dilakukan
beberapa metode penelitian meliputi studi literatur, studi eksisting, observasi lapangan,
studi eksperimental, depth interview, kuesioner, dan user testing. Studi literatur sebagai pendukung, didukung oleh observasi dan depth interview. Studi eksperimental untuk
menemukan konsep desain dan wireframe aplikasi yang akan dirancang, kemudian
dilanjutkan dengan user testing sebagai evaluasi keberhasilan rancangan pada
masyarakat baik luar dan dalam Kota Surabaya.
Data tersebut akan diolah untuk merancang strategi branding berupa infrastruktur
graphic design terhadap halte dan signage pada jalur transportasi umum, serta
wireframe aplikasi untuk menyampaikan rute jalur transportasi umum yang jelas.
Perancangan ini diharapkan dapat mengimplementasikan sistem transportasi umum
Suroboyo Bus menjadi transportasi Kota Surabaya yang dapat memperkuat branding
Kota Surabaya dan mempermudah masyarakat dalam mencari informasi mengenai
transportasi umum Suroboyo Bus.

Currently, the public transportation system has become a benchmark for the
success of the performance of city governments in Indonesia in order to increase economic
growth and reduce congestion. However, urban public transportation in the city of Surabaya
has several problems, namely the condition of public transportation vehicles, transportation infrastructure, payment systems, and there is no clear information about Suroboyo Bus to the public. This causes the existence of public transportation in Surabaya to still not be able to
show the mode of transportation to accommodate the mobility needs of the community.
In fulfilling the branding design of the public transportation system, several
research methods were carried out including literature studies, existing studies, field
observations, experimental studies, depth interviews, questionnaires, and user testing.
Literature study as a support, supported by observations and depth interviews. An
experimental study to find the design concept and application wireframe to be designed, then
continued with user testing as an evaluation of the success of the design for the community
both outside and inside the city of Surabaya.
The data will be processed to design a branding strategy in the form of a graphic design infrastructure for bus stops and signage on public transportation routes, then
application wireframes to convey clear public transportation routes. This design is expected to
be able to implement the Suroboyo Bus public transportation system into Surabaya City transportation which can strengthen the branding of the City of Surabaya and makes it easier for people to find information about Suroboyo Bus public transportation.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kota Surabaya, Sistem Transportasi Umum, Branding, Suroboyo Bus, Surabaya City, Public Transport System, Branding, Suroboyo Bus
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications > HE311.I4 Urban transportation
H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5415.15 Branding (Marketing)
Divisions: Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (CREABIZ) > Visual Communication Design > 90241-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Felani Murdi Ariyanti
Date Deposited: 09 Aug 2024 07:49
Last Modified: 09 Aug 2024 07:49

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