Analisis Permasalahan dan Pemeliharaan Mesin Auto Trimming Crank Case Yamaha Nmax Milik PT. Matahari Megah

Febrian, Tio Indra (2024) Analisis Permasalahan dan Pemeliharaan Mesin Auto Trimming Crank Case Yamaha Nmax Milik PT. Matahari Megah. Project Report. [s.n.], [s.l.]. (Unpublished)

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Laporan ini membahas analisis dan pemeliharaan mesin auto trimming crank case Yamaha NMAX di PT. Matahari Megah. Magang industri bertujuan memenuhi SKS, meningkatkan hubungan antara perguruan tinggi dan industri, serta memperdalam pemahaman mahasiswa mengenai otomasi industri.
Temuan utama menunjukkan masalah pada mesin, terutama tekanan switch rendah yang disebabkan oleh tekanan angin yang tidak mencukupi dan kondisi kelistrikan yang mengalami short. Rekomendasi meliputi peningkatan pemeliharaan preventif, penggunaan komponen standar, dan adopsi teknologi canggih untuk deteksi masalah lebih cepat. Pemeliharaan yang baik diharapkan memperpanjang umur mesin, mengurangi biaya perbaikan, dan meningkatkan kehandalan operasional.
This report presents the analysis and maintenance of the Yamaha NMAX auto trimming crank case machine at PT. Matahari Megah. The industrial internship aimed to fulfill credit requirements, enhance the relationship between academia and industry, and deepen students' understanding of industrial automation.
The findings highlight issues with the machine, particularly low pressure switch readings caused by insufficient air pressure and electrical short circuits. Recommendations include increasing preventive maintenance, using standard components, and adopting advanced technology for faster issue detection. Effective maintenance is expected to extend the machine's lifespan, reduce repair costs, and improve operational reliability.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mesin Auto Trimming Crank Case Yamaha NMAX Pemeliharaan Mesin Otomasi Industri Masalah Pressure Switch Pemeliharaan Preventif Keandalan Operasional Rekayasa Manufaktur Magang Industri Teknik Industri Analisis Kerusakan Tekanan Angin Korsleting Listrik Standar Komponen dan Auto Trimming Crank Case Yamaha NMAX Machine Maintenance Industrial Automation Pressure Switch Issues Preventive Maintenance Operational Reliability Manufacturing Engineering Technical Internship Industrial Engineering Fault Analysis Air Pressure Electrical Short Circuits Component Standards
Subjects: T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS174 Maintainability (Engineering) . Reliability (Engineering)
T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS176 Manufacturing engineering. Process engineering (Including manufacturing planning, production planning)
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > Mechanical Industrial Engineering (D4)
Depositing User: Tio Indra Febrian
Date Deposited: 21 Aug 2024 01:53
Last Modified: 21 Aug 2024 01:53

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