Penyusunan Model Bisnis dan Brand Identity Jasa Kursus Berenang (Basic Swim) Dan Selam Bebas (Freedive) Menggunakan Pendekatan Design Thinking Dan Business Model Canvas

Sagita, Hana (2025) Penyusunan Model Bisnis dan Brand Identity Jasa Kursus Berenang (Basic Swim) Dan Selam Bebas (Freedive) Menggunakan Pendekatan Design Thinking Dan Business Model Canvas. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Olahraga berenang dan selam bebas (freedive) semakin diminati di Indonesia, namun banyak masyarakat yang belum memahami teknik yang benar, khususnya dalam freediving. Hal ini meningkatkan risiko cedera akibat kesalahan teknik. Water Swimming, penyedia jasa kursus berenang dan freediving di Surabaya, berupaya memberikan layanan kursus yang aman dan profesional dengan pelatih bersertifikasi. Untuk mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis jangka panjang dan mencapai target member yang terus berkembang, diperlukan model bisnis yang relevan dan strategi pemasaran yang efektif melalui pembentukan identitas merek (brand identity). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Design hinking dan Business Model Canvas (BMC) untuk merancang model bisnis serta identitas merek yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan member. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara engan 7 responden yang terdiri dari calon member, member aktif, alumni, dan CEO Water Swimming. Hasil penelitian mengidentifikasi kendala utama, seperti kurangnya modul Latihan , akses fasilitas yang terbatas, branding media sosial yang kurang informatif, serta tingginya biaya kursus bersertifikasi. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, inovasi layanan dirancang mencakup kursus freediving, program berenang, fun diving trips, penjualan peralatan, serta layanan tambahan seperti modul digital, evaluasi pembelajaran, dan merchandise. Target pasar diidentifikasi berdasarkan aspek geografis, demografis, psikografis, dan perilaku. Strategi pemasaran dilakukan melalui media sosial dan promosi langsung, didukung penguatan relasi pelanggan dan kemitraan strategis. Pengembangan brand identity (logo, warna, tagline, dan tipografi) dirancang untuk meningkatkan brand awareness dan daya saing. Penelitian ini memberikan panduan strategis untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan, memperluas pasar, dan menciptakan nilai tambah yang berkelanjutan bagi pelanggan Water Swimming.
Swimming and freediving are increasingly popular in Indonesia, but many people do not understand the correct techniques, especially in freediving. This increases the risk of injury due to technical errors. Water Swimming, a swimming and freediving course provider in Surabaya, strives to provide safe and professional course services with certified trainers. To support long-term business growth and achieve the ever-growing target of members, a relevant business model and effective marketing strategy are needed through the formation of a brand identity. This study uses the Design Thinking and Business Model Canvas (BMC) methods to design a business model and brand identity that suits the needs of members. Data were collected through interviews with 7 respondents consisting of prospective members, active members, alumni, and the CEO of Water Swimming. The results of the study identified major obstacles, such as the lack of training modules, limited access to facilities, less informative so ial media branding, and the high cost of certified courses. Based on these results, service innovations were designed to include freediving courses, swimming programs, fun diving trips, equipment sales, and additional services such as digital modules, learning evaluations, and merchandise. The target market was identified based on geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral aspects. Marketing strategies are carried out through social media and direct promotions, supported by strengthening customer relations and strategic partnerships. The development of brand identity (logo, color, tagline, and typography) is designed to increase brand awareness and competitiveness. This study provides strategic guidance to improve service quality, expand the market, and create sustainable added value for Water Swimming customers.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Business Model Canvas, Brand identity, Design thinking
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD30.28 Planning. Business planning. Strategic planning.
H Social Sciences > HF Commerce > HF5415.15 Branding (Marketing)
Divisions: Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT) > 61101-Master of Technology Management (MMT)
Depositing User: Hana Sagita
Date Deposited: 31 Jan 2025 01:40
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2025 01:40

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