Studi Eksperimen dan Numerik Pengaruh Penggunaan Sekam Padi pada Proses Co-Firing terhadap Efisiensi Boiler, Fan, Mill dan Emisi Gas Buang pada PLTU Pangkalan Susu

Purba, Hendri Aman (2022) Studi Eksperimen dan Numerik Pengaruh Penggunaan Sekam Padi pada Proses Co-Firing terhadap Efisiensi Boiler, Fan, Mill dan Emisi Gas Buang pada PLTU Pangkalan Susu. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pesatnya pertumbuhan industri dinegara berkembang yang tidak bisa terhindari selaras dengan peningkatan pencemaran udara yang dihasilkan dari sisa gas buang pembakaran industri, salah satunya yaitu PLTU Batubara yang juga menjadi sumber emisi, selain itu tingginya kebutuhan bahan bakar fosil kedepan sehingga akan terjadi kelangkaan bahan bakar, maka dibutuhkan inovasi penggunaan bahan bakar bimassa ( energi baru terbarukan ). Co-firing adalah pembakaran dua bahan bakar sekaligus untuk menghasilkan energi. Batu bara akan dicampur dengan biomassa, sehingga menghasilkan komposisi bahan bakar baru, dimana terjadi pengurangan persentase karbon dan sulfur. Eksperimen dan simulasi dilakukan pada PLTU Pangkalan Susu pada Load 135 MW dengan pengujian Co-Firing biomasa sekam padi pada 3 (tiga) model pengujian yaitu pencampuran biomasa 3%, 5% dan 7% dengan batubara. Dari hasil pengujian ekperimen dan simulasi perbandingan pembakaran batubara murni dengan pembakaran co-firing didapatkan penurunan efisiensi boiler sebesar 0,8% co-firing 3%, sebesar 0,86% co-firing 5% dan sebesar 0,9% co-firing 7% , penurunan specific fuel consumsion sebesar 1,15% untuk co-firing 3%, peningkatan efisiensi force draft fan sebesar 0,45% untuk co-firing 3%, peningkatan efisiensi primary air fan sebesar 0,35% untuk co-firing 3%, penurunan pemakaian sendiri mill 2,26% untuk co-firing 3%, penurunan net plant heat rate sebesar 1,89% untuk co-firing 3%, pada outlet economizer untuk co-firing terjadi penurunan emisi gas buang SO2 sebesar 29,22%, penurunan emisi gas buang CO sebesar 0,57% dan peningkatan emisi gas buang CO2 sebesar 1,99% .
The rapid growth of industry in developing countries that cannot be avoided in line with the increase in air pollution produced from the remaining industrial combustion exhaust gases, one of which is the Coal Power Plant which is also a source of emissions, in addition to the high need for fossil fuels in the future so that there will be a shortage of fuel, then it takes the innovation of the use of biomass fuels (renewable energy). Co-firing is the combustion of two fuels at once to produce energy. Coal will be mixed with biomass, so resulting a new fuel composition, in which there is a reduction in the percentage of carbon and sulfur. Experiments and simulations were carried out at PLTU Pangkalan Susu on load 135 MW with co-firing testing of rice husk biomass on 3 (three) test models, namely mixing biomass of 3%, 5% and 7% with coal. From the results of experiment testing and simulation of ansys fluent, a decrease in boiler efficiency was obtained by 0.8% co-firing 3%, 0,86% co-firing 5% and 0,9% co-firing 7%, a decrease in specific fuel consumsion by 1.15% co-firing 3%, an increase in the efficiency of the force draft fan by 0.45% co-firing 3%, an increase in the efficiency of the primary air fan by 0.35% co-firing 3%, a decrease in the use of the mill by 2.26% co-firing 3%, a decrease in net plant heat rate by 1.89% co-firing 3% and for co-firing model in outlet economizer a decrease in SO2 exhaust emissions by 29,22%, a decrease in CO exhaust emissions by 0,57% and an increase in CO2 exhaust emissions by 1,99%.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Additional Information: RTM 621.194 Pur s-1 2022
Uncontrolled Keywords: PLTU Pangkalan Susu, Boiler Batubara, Co-Firing, Biomasa, Sekam Padi, Flue Gas, Efisiensi, Emisi Gas Buang dan Ansys Fluent,
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ263.5 Boilers (general)
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Mechanical Engineering > 21101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: Mr. Marsudiyana -
Date Deposited: 12 Feb 2025 08:55
Last Modified: 12 Feb 2025 08:55

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