Studi Eksperimen Karakteristik Pompa Sentrifugal Single Stage dan Cussons Friction Loss Apparatus

Safitri, Kania Amelia (2018) Studi Eksperimen Karakteristik Pompa Sentrifugal Single Stage dan Cussons Friction Loss Apparatus. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Air menjadi salah satu kebutuhan primer bagi kehidupan manusia, karena kegunaannya yang amat penting maka dibangunlah suatu sistem untuk mendistribusikan air ke berbagai tempat. Dari beragam metode yang ada, pemanfaatan pompa dan instalasi perpipaan menjadi metode yang paling umum digunakan untuk mendistribusikan air. Dalam proses pendistribusian air menggunakan pompa dan instalasi perpipaan akan ditemukan fenomena rugi-rugi energi, untuk mengetahui fenomena ini maka dilakukanlah penelitian pada alat uji CUSSONS friction loss in pipe apparatus.
Alat uji ini disusun dari dua macam material pipa yaitu PVC dan acrylic, dengan variasi diameter pipa sebesar 0.75 dan 1.0 inch. Pada instalasi ini terpasang flow meters berupa venturi dan orifice¸ fitting perpipaan berupa elbow 45°, long radius elbow 90°, short radius elbow 90°, dan ball valve. Untuk mengetahui pressure drop yang terjadi, maka digunakanlah pressure tap di sisi inlet dan outlet pada fitting, flow meters dan valve. Pressure tap ini dihubungkan dengan sebuah alat ukur berupa manometer raksa, sehingga besarnya pressure drop yang terjadi pada instalasi dinyatakan dalam selisih ketinggian pada manometer raksa. Pompa sentrifugal single stage terhubung dengan NEWMAN electric motor yang memiliki daya sebesar 1.5 hp dan putaran motor sebesar 2850 RPM. Pressure gauge digunakan untuk mengukur tekanan pada sisi suction dan discharge pompa. Debit aliran divariasikan antara 10-55 l/min dengan kenaikan debit sebesar 5 l/min untuk pengambilan data pada line I, instalasi fitting dan ball valve, sedangkan variasi debit aliran untuk flow meters adalah 10-30 l/min dengan kenaikan debit sebesar 2 l/min untuk orifice dan 4 l/min untuk venturi.
Berdasarkan data hasil uji eksperimen didapatkan nilai loss coefficient untuk standar radius elbow 90° adalah 0.58, untuk elbow 45° sebesar 0.38, ball valve fully open sebesar 0.62, dan long radius elbow 90° sebesar 0.611. Kekasaran relatif (e/D) pada pipa line I sebesar 0.0043 dan pada line II sebesar 0.024. Nilai coefficient of discharge pada flow meter jenis venturi sebesar 0.91 dan orifice sebesar 0.72 pada debit maksimum. Efisiensi pompa maksimum sebesar 27.1% pada saat head pompa sebesar 18.79 m.
======================================================================= Water becomes one of the primary needs for human life, because its utility is very important. Therefore, we need to build a system to distribute the water to various places. From various methods that available, pumps and piping installation become the most common method which used to distribute the water. In the process of distributing water using pumps and piping installation it will be found the phenomenon of energy losses. To evaluate in more details of this phenomenon then, its is necessary to conduct a research on CUSSONS friction loss in pipe apparatus test.
This test equipment is composed of two kinds of pipe material that is PVC and acrylic, with pipe diameter of 0.75 and 1.0 inch. This installation has some equipments such as flow meters (venturi and orifice)¸ some variaton piping fittings (elbow 45°, long radius elbow 90°, short radius elbow 90°), and ball valve. To know the pressure drop that happened, then some pressure taps are applied at the fitting, flow meters and valve. The pressure tap is then connected to a pressure measuring device of mercury manometer, so that the amount of pressure drop that occurs at the installation can be expressed in height difference in mercury manometer. A single stage centrifugal pump is connected to a NEWMAN electric motor 1.5 hp and motor rotation of 2850 RPM. Pressure gauge is used to measure pressures at the suction and discharge sides of the pump. The flow discharge is varied from 0 to 55 l/min with a 5 l/min increase flow for data collection on line I, fitting and ball valve installation, while the flow rate variation for flow meters is 0 to 30 l/min with an increase flow is 2 l/min for orifice and 4 l/min for venturi.
Based on the experimental test data, the value of loss coefficient for standard 90° elbow is 0.58, for elbow 45° is 0.38, fully open ball valve is 0.62, and long radius elbow 90° is 0.611. Relative roughness (e/D) on line pipe I is 0.0043 and on line II is 0.024. The coefficient of discharge value in the venturi type flow meter is 0.91 and the orifice is 0.72 at the maximum discharge. Maximum pump efficiency is 27.1%, when the head pump is 18.79 m.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: pressure drop, fitting, flow meters, pump.
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ903 Pumping machinery.
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ935 Pipe--Fluid dynamics. Tubes--Fluid dynamics
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology > Mechanical Engineering > 21201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Kania Amelia Safitri
Date Deposited: 30 Jun 2021 07:09
Last Modified: 30 Jun 2021 07:09

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