Kajian Paparan Logam Terhadap Pekerja Di Sekitar Kawasan Industri Waru, Sidoarjo

Al Ammar, Ahmad Ghozi (2019) Kajian Paparan Logam Terhadap Pekerja Di Sekitar Kawasan Industri Waru, Sidoarjo. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pencemaran udara adalah masuknya polutan kedalam atmosfer (ambien) dalam jumlah tertentu yang dapat menyebabkan menurunnya kualitas udara. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya pencemaran udara adalah tingginya kandungan particulate matter. Kemajuan sektor industri di kawasan Industri Waru, Sidoarjo terbilang cukup pesat. Hal ini dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi particulate matter di kawasan industri tersebut, yang menyebabkan pekerja berpotensi terpapar partikulat yang mengandung logam dengan konsentrasi yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan karakteristik paparan logam berat terhadap pekerja dan menentukan lokasi sumber pencemar berdasarkan arah dan kecepatan angin di kawasan Industri Waru, Sidoarjo.
Pada penelitian ini pengambilan sampel partikulat menggunakan personal dust sampler dengan laju alir 1 lt/menit. Kertas filter yang yang digunakan adalah Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) dengan ukuran pori 5,0 µm dan diameter 37 mm. Konsentrasi partikulat terespirasi pada siang hari sebesar 3,024 mg/m3 dan konsentrasi partikulat terespirasi pada malam hari sebesar 3,571 mg/m3. Unsur-unsur kimia yang teridentifikasi diantaranya adalah Sulfur (S), Kalium (K), Kalsium (Ca), Vanadium (V), Mangan (Mn), Besi (Fe), Kobalt (Co), Nikel (Ni), Tembaga (Cu), Seng (Zn), Timbal (Pb) dan Arsen (As). Nilai konsentrasi rata-rata unsur pada responden siang hari sebesar S (5061,557 ng/m3), K (612,529 ng/m3), Ca (4723,916 ng/m3), V (397,406 ng/m3), Mn (171,433 ng/m3), Fe (4699,750 ng/m3), Ni (36,676 ng/m3), Zn (404,712 ng/m3), Pb (233,403 ng/m3), As (140,098 ng/m3). Sedangkan nilai konsentrasi rata-rata unsur pada responden malam hari sebesar S (3088,877 ng/m3), K (774,869 ng/m3), Ca (4354,877 ng/m3), V (312,626 ng/m3), Mn (118,245 ng/m3), Fe (3038,713 ng/m3), Co (3,349 ng/m3), Ni (37,814 ng/m3), Cu (90,079 ng/m3), Zn (372,210 ng/m3), Pb (333,412 ng/m3), As (202,677 ng/m3). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa nilai konsentrasi rata-rata partikulat terespirasi yang dihirup oleh pekerja malam hari di kawasan Industri Waru, Sidoarjo relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pekerja siang hari dilokasi yang sama. Sedangkan konsentrasi unsur-unsur yang terkandung dalam partikulat terespirasi pada siang hari relatif lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan malam hari.
Air pollution is the entry of pollutants into the atmosphere (ambient) in a certain amount which can cause a decrease in air quality. One factor that causes air pollution is the high content of particulate matter. The progress of the industrial sector in the Waru Industrial Area, Sidoarjo is quite rapid. This can increase particulate matter concentration in the industrial area, which causes workers to be potentially exposed to particulates containing metals with high concentrations. This study aims to determine the characteristics of heavy metal exposure to workers and determine the location of pollutant sources based on wind direction and speed in the Waru Industrial area, Sidoarjo.
In this study particulate sampling using a personal dust sampler with a flow rate of 1 lt/minute. The filter paper used is Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) with a pore size of 5.0 µm and a diameter of 37 mm. The concentrations of respired particulates during the day were 3.024 mg/m3 and at night concentrations of respired particulates were 3.571 mg/m3. The chemical elements identified include Sulfur (S), Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Vanadium (V), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu), Zinc ( Zn), Lead (Pb) and Arsenic (As). The value of the average element concentration in the morning respondents was S (5061,557 ng/m3), K (612,529 ng/m3), Ca (4723,916 ng/m3), V (397,406 ng/m3), Mn (171,433 ng/m3), Fe (4699,750 ng/m3), Ni (36,676 ng/m3), Zn (404,712 ng/m3), Pb (233,403 ng/m3), As (140,098 ng/m3). While the value of the average element concentration at night respondents was S (3088,877 ng/m3), K (774,869 ng/m3), Ca (4354,877 ng/m3), V (312,626 ng/m3), Mn (118,245 ng/m3), Fe (3038,713 ng/m3), Co (3,349 ng/m3), Ni (37,814 ng/m3), Cu (90,079 ng/m3), Zn (372,210 ng/m3), Pb (333,412 ng/m3), As (202,677 ng/m3). The results of this study indicate that the average concentration value of respired particulates inhaled by night workers in the Waru Industrial Estate, Sidoarjo is relatively higher compared to morning workers in the same location. While the concentration of the elements contained in respired particulates in the morning is actually higher than at night.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Air pollution, characterization of chemical elements, particulate matter, personal dust sampler, XRF.
Subjects: Q Science
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Environmental, and Geo Engineering > Environmental Engineering > 25201-(S1) Undergraduate Theses
Depositing User: Ahmad Ghozi Al Ammar
Date Deposited: 18 Jul 2024 01:34
Last Modified: 18 Jul 2024 01:34
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/65749

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