Analisis Pengaruh Getaran di Kamar Mesin LCU terhadap Kenyamanan ABK di Ruang Akomodasi

Ichwan, Fajar Rahmanul (2019) Analisis Pengaruh Getaran di Kamar Mesin LCU terhadap Kenyamanan ABK di Ruang Akomodasi. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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LCU atau Landing Craft Utility merupakan sarana pengangkut pasukan maupun alat berat, seperti halnya tank leopard dan truck transporter. Desain LCU terdiri dari enam geladak yang mana di setiap geladaknya terdapat crew atau ABK (Anak Buah Kapal), untuk menanggulangi besarnya getaran maka harus diperhitungkan terlebih dahulu frekuensi natural di setiap geladaknya. Sumber getaran LCU terbentuk dari komponen propulsor kamar mesin secara kontiyu. Thrust yang dihasilkan propeller dapat menimbulkan getaran secara longitudinal dan vertikal. Oleh karena itu kamar mesin merupakan eksiter terbesar di seluruh bagian kapal. Force dari getaran vertikal akan ditransformasikan menuju geladak-geladak di atasnya. Untuk mengetahui bahwa getaran pada setiap geladak diijinkan atau tidak, maka dibandingkan dengan ISO 6954. Pada penelitian ini, tidak didapati getaran berlebih di setiap geladak LCU, karena besarnya velocity setiap geladak kurang dari 9 mm/s. Sehingga dari segi konstruksi serta propulsi, LCU layak beroperasi dan berlayar. Jika diketahui di setiap geladak terdapat getaran berlebih, maka dilakukan analisa lebih lanjut pada bagian propeller-nya.
The function of LCU is transporting troops and heavy equipment, such as leopard tanks and truck transporters. The LCU design consists of six decks where on each deck there is a crew or crew, to overcome the magnitude of the vibration, the natural frequency in each deck must be calculated first. The source of vibration of LCU is formed from the components of the engine room propulsor continuously. Which thrust produced by the propeller can cause vertical longitudinal vibrations. Therefore the engine room is the biggest exciter in all parts of the ship. The force of vertical vibration will be transformed towards the decks above it. To find out that the vibration on each deck is permitted or not, then it is compared to ISO 6954. In this study, there was no excessive vibration in each LCU deck, because the velocity of each deck was less than 9 mm/s. So that in terms of construction and propulsion, LCU is feasible to operate and sail. If it is known that in each deck there is excessive vibration, then the solution is to do further analysis on the part of the propeller.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: LCU, Geladak, Getaran, Eksitasi, Mode
Subjects: V Naval Science > VC Naval Maintenance
V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering > VM163 Hulls (Naval architecture)
V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering > VM731 Marine Engines
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering > 36201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Fajar Rahmanul Ichwan
Date Deposited: 29 Jul 2024 02:32
Last Modified: 29 Jul 2024 02:32

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