Analisis Perbandingan Jarak Pemasangan Stopper pada Pengelasan Butt Joint Pelat Baja A36 terhadap Distorsi Angular Menggunakan Pemodelan Numerik dan Eksperimen

Payapo, Aulia Muhammad Rabbani (2019) Analisis Perbandingan Jarak Pemasangan Stopper pada Pengelasan Butt Joint Pelat Baja A36 terhadap Distorsi Angular Menggunakan Pemodelan Numerik dan Eksperimen. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kondisi lapangan pada proses fabrikasi bangunan kapal, struktur maupun bejana tekan yang menggunakan alat bantu berupa stopper. Dimana stopper berfungsi untuk meminimalisir adanya distorsi pada suatu sambungan las. Yang mana distorsi terjadi karena kontraksi pada logam pengisi las saat terjadi fusi dengan material induk yang dapat menarik/mendorong selama proses pengelasan. Namun pada praktiknya, penempatan stopper masih terkesan acak dan kurang diperhatikannya jarak yang efisien antar stopper yang dipasang. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya analisis mengenai jarak stopper yang efektif untuk meminimalisir adanya distorsi. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pemodelan numerik dan eksperimen mengenai pengaruh variasi jarak stopper terhadap distorsi angular. Dimana hasil analisis numerik akan dibandingkan dengan hasil perubahan distorsi pada eksperimen. Dari hasil perbandingan diperoleh pendekatan antara pengukuran eksperimen dengan numerik, kemudian akan diperoleh nilai rata-rata distorsi paling minimum. Diketahui rata-rata distorsi sudut paling minimum berdasar eksperimen pengelasan terdapat pada variasi jarak stopper 100 mm sebesar 1.26 mm. Sama halnya dengan hasil pemodelan numerik, variasi jarak stopper 100 mm memiliki rata-rata distorsi angular terkecil.
This research is motivated by the field conditions in the fabrication process of ships, structures and pressure vessels using a tool in the form of a stopper. Where the stopper functions to minimize the distortion in a welded joint. Which is where distortion occurs due to contraction in the weld fill metal during fusion with the parent material which can be pulled/pushed during the welding process. But in practice, the placement of the stopper still seems random and less attention is paid to the efficient distance between the installed stopper. Therefore, there is a need for an analysis of the effective stopper distance to minimize distortion. In this study numerical modeling and experiments were conducted on the effect of variations in stopper distance on angular distortion. Where the results of numerical analysis will be validated with the results of changes in distortion in the experiment. From the results of the validation, the approach between numerical and experimental measurements is obtained, then the minimum minimum distortion value will be obtained. It is known that the average minimum angle distortion based on welding experiments is found in variations of the 100 mm stopper distance of 1.26 mm. As with the results of numerical modeling, the variation of the 100 mm stopper distance has the smallest average angular distortion.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Baja A36, distorsi angular, SMAW, stopper
Subjects: T Technology > TC Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering > TC1665 Offshore structures--Materials.
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Ocean Engineering > 38201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Payapo Aulia Muhammad Rabbani
Date Deposited: 26 Jun 2024 07:21
Last Modified: 26 Jun 2024 07:21

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