Analisa Tegangan Pipa Heating Coil pada Ruang Muat Kapal SPOB Menggunakan Software Caesar II

Triambodo, Rifaldi Agung (2019) Analisa Tegangan Pipa Heating Coil pada Ruang Muat Kapal SPOB Menggunakan Software Caesar II. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Self Propelled Oil Barge (SPOB) yang didesain untuk mengangkut minyak berat membutuhkan sistem perpipaan heating coil untuk proses perpindahan panas dari heater menuju setiap ruang muat kapal agar mudah dipompa. Pada penelitian ini, pipa heating coil akan diimplementasikan pada kapal yang semula didesain tanpa heating coil agar kedepannya kapal ini tidak hanya dapat mengangkut minyak ringan tetapi juga minyak berat. Spesifikasi thermal oil heater didapat dari perhitungan kebutuhan panas serta perpindahan panas akibat perbedaan antara temperatur muatan dengan temperatur daerah pelayaran kapal. Desain pipa mengacu pada rules Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia. Pipa yang telah didesain akan dianalisa tingkat fleksibilitasnya dalam menerima beban atau yang biasa dikenal dengan pipe stress analysis. Analisa ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui besarnya tegangan yang terjadi pada saat pipa dioperasikan, sehingga bisa diketahui tingkat keamanan dari pipa tersebut. Analisa ini juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari kenaikan tekanan dan temperatur dalam pipa. Perhitungan tegangan pipa ini mengacu pada standar ASME B31.3, dimana analisis tegangan dilakukan dengan pemodelan menggunakan software Caesar II. Pada tahap permodelan, variasi pembebanan juga akan dilakukan dengan menaikkan tekanan hingga 100 bar dan temperatur hingga 280 C. Berdasarkan hasil permodelan menggunakan software Caesar II, dapat diketahui bahwa pipa heating coil yang telah didesain tidak mengalami overstress pada saat pipa dioperasikan, sehingga aman untuk digunakan. Kenaikan tekanan dan temperatur terbukti mempengaruhi besarnya tegangan yang terjadi tetapi tidak menyebabkan overstress selama jarak penyangga didesain sebesar 1.89 meter.
Self Propelled Oil Barge (SPOB) which designed to carry heavy oil needs a heating coil piping system for the process of heat transfer from the heater to each cargo hold in order to be easily pumped. In this research, the heating coil pipe will be implemented on the ship which was originally designed without heating coil so that in the future this ship can not only carry light oil but also heavy oil. The specifications of thermal oil heater are obtained from the calculation of heat requirements and heat transfers due to the difference between cargo temperature and shipping area temperature. Pipe design refers to the rules of the Indonesian Classification Bureau (BKI). Pipe that has been designed will be analyzed its flexibility in accepting loads or commonly known as pipe stress analysis. This analysis is conducted to determine the value of pipe stress that occurs when the pipeline is operated, so that it can be known the safety level of the pipe. This analysis is also conducted to determine the effect of increasing pressure and temperature in the pipe. Calculation of pipe stress refers to ASME B31.3 standard, where stress analysis is done by modeling using Caesar II software. During the modeling phase, loading variations will also be conducted by increasing the pressure up to 100 bars and temperature up to 280 C. Based on the modeling results using Caesar II software, it can be seen that the heating coil pipe that has been designed is not overstressed when the pipeline is operated, so it is safe to use. The increase in pressure and temperature is proven to affect the value of the pipe stress that occurs but does not cause overstress as long as the pipe span is designed at 1.89 meters.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: SPOB, Heating coil pipe, Pipe stress analysis, ASME B31.3, Caesar II
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics > QC320 Heat transfer
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Marine Engineering > 36202-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Triambodo Rifaldi Agung
Date Deposited: 03 Jul 2024 02:59
Last Modified: 03 Jul 2024 02:59

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