Rofifah, Khairunnisa (2016) Formulasi Permasalahan Terhadap Penggunaan E-Learning Share Its Berdasarkan Policy Analysis Of Multiactor Systems Di Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Berdasarkan SK Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI No.
109//2013 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh
pada Pendidikan Tinggi dan kondisi ideal yang diharapkan
pada perguruan tinggi mengimplementasikan e-learning.
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember telah
mengimplementasikan e-learning yang diberi nama e-learning
SHARE ITS. SHARE ITS ini digunakan untuk membantu
mengefektifkan dan mengefisiensikan kegiatan akademik
perkuliahan. Namun, faktanya yang terjadi bahwa e-learning
tidak digunakan secara optimal di seluruh jurusan ITS baik
oleh dosen maupun mahasiswa. Menurut P3AI, ada ratusan
mata kuliah di ITS dari berbagai jurusan yang terdaftar di
SHARE ITS tetapi hanya sedikit sekali dari mata kuliah
tersebut yang menggunakan SHARE ITS secara aktif. Dilihat
dari banyaknya pengguna SHARE ITS yang tidak hanya
mahasiswa saja namun juga dosen dan bagian akademik
jurusan dengan kepentingan yang berbeda, maka kepentingan
masing-masing yang dilakukan pada e-learning SHARE ITS
pun juga berbeda.
Kepentingan dari pengguna SHARE ITS masih belum
terpenuhi sehingga menimbulkan permasalahan terhadap
penyebab kurang optimalnya penggunaan SHARE ITS, maka
diperlukanlah suatu formulasi permasalahan berdasarkan
perspektif masing-masing actor menggunakan metode policy
analysis of multiactor systems. Metode ini dapat
menggambarkan pemahaman mengenai kepentingan, opini dan
relasi antar actor sehingga dapat merefleksikan hubungan
saling ketergantungan dan kepentingan actor.
Penelitian ini menghasilkan formulasi permasalahan
pengoptimalan penggunaan SHARE ITS yang dipengaruhi oleh
13 aktor, dimana setiap aktor yang memiliki interest berbeda
tergantung pada peran keterlibatan aktor pada permasalahan
dan power. Sebagian besar aktor berpendapat bahwa tingkat
penggunaan SHARE ITS saat ini masih rendah, dikarenakan
tidak adanya kebijakan tentang kewajiban penggunaan SHARE
ITS, tidak adanya reward terhadap dosen yang aktif
menggunakan, kurangnya kesadaran top management,
kurangnya koordinasi terhadap pengelolaan SHARE ITS antar
unit maupun lembaga di ITS, serta kurang ketersediaannya
fleksibilitas aktor untuk mengelola matakuliah sebagai konten
di SHARE ITS. Sementara itu kondisi yang diharapkan adalah
peningkatan penggunaan, sebagai sarana meningkatkan
pendapatan ITS, dan terintegrasinya sistem SHARE ITS dengan
Integra ITS.
Based on the Minister of Education and Culture No. 109 // 2013
concerning the Implementation of Distance Education in
Higher Education and the ideal conditions expected at
universities implement e-learning. Sepuluh Nopember Institute
of Technology has implemented e-learning, named e-learning
SHARE ITS. ITS SHARE is used to help the effectivity and
eficiency the activities of academic lectures. However, the fact
that it happens that e-learning is not being used optimally in all
departments ITS by lecturers and students. According to P3AI,
there are hundreds of courses in ITS from various majors
enrolled in the SHARE ITS but only a few of the courses that
use ITS SHARE actively. Judging from the number of users
SHARE ITS not only students but also faculty and the academic
departments with different interests, the interests of each were
made on e-learning SHARE ITS was also different.
The interests of SHARE ITS users still have not been met,
causing a problems which is what is the cause less than optimal
use of ITS SHARE, it requires a formulation of the problem
based on the perspective of each actor using the method of
policy analysis of multiactor systems. This method can describe
an understanding of the interests, opinions and relationships
between actors to reflect the relationship of interdependence
and interests of actors.
This research resulted in the formulation of optimization
problems using SHARE ITS influenced by 13 actors, where each
actor has a different interest depends on the role and
involvement of actors on the issue of power. Every actor
believes that the level of use SHARE ITS is still low, due to the
absence of a policy on the obligation to use SHARE ITS, no
reward to the faculty who actively use, lack of awareness of top
management, a lack of coordination in the management of the
SHARE ITS between units and institutions in ITS , as well as
less availability actor flexibility to manage content on the
subject as ITS SHARE. Meanwhile the expected conditions is
the increased use, as a means of increasing revenue ITS and ITS
SHARE system integrated with Integra.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Additional Information: | RSSI 005.43 Rof f |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Formulasi permasalahan, analisis sistem, analisis aktor, policy analysis of multiactor systems, elearning |
Subjects: | L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1029.S53 Educational games. Simulation methods |
Divisions: | Faculty of Information Technology > Information System > 57201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis |
Depositing User: | EKO BUDI RAHARJO |
Date Deposited: | 12 Nov 2019 05:17 |
Last Modified: | 12 Nov 2019 05:17 |
URI: | |
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