Analisa Kinerja pada Kapasitor Start/Run Single Phase Induction Motor Control Kit PE482

Kusdanisworo, Ridwan Ganie (2020) Analisa Kinerja pada Kapasitor Start/Run Single Phase Induction Motor Control Kit PE482. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Motor induksi memiliki penerapan yang luas di bidang maritim, khususnya pada penerapan yang membutuhkan kecepatan konstan. Mayoritas penerapan motor induksi dapat dicakup menggunakan motor induksi tiga fasa, tetapi motor induksi satu fasa juga memiliki kegunaannya sendiri dalam mengatasi beban yang membutuhkan tenaga kuda rendah atau kurang dari 2 kilowatt. Penelitian ini menggunakan motor induksi satu fasa kapasitor start/run PE482D dengan variasi dua suplai tegangan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui kinerja motor dalam kondisi tanpa beban dan berbeban dengan variasi skala pembebanan mulai dari skala 1 hingga 10. Beban yang digunakan adalah unit beban rem magnet PE482C. Percobaan tanpa beban pada tegangan 52.2 volt mendapatkan hasil berupa arus nominal 0.98 ampere, kecepatan sebesar 2920 rpm, dan menghasilkan daya sebesar 10.231 watt, sedangkan pada tegangan 60 volt, mendapatkan hasil berupa arus nominal 1.33 ampere, kecepatan sebesar 2900 rpm, dan menghasilkan daya sebesar 15.960 watt. Pada kondisi beban maksimal, tegangan 52.2 volt diperoleh kecepatan sebesar 2590 rpm dengan torsi sebesar 0.1159 Nm dan daya motor sebesar 31.738 watt, sedangkan pada tegangan 60 volt, diperoleh kecepatan sebesar 2550 rpm dengan torsi sebesar 0.1524 dan daya motor sebesar 40.680 watt. Motor induksi satu fasa kapasitor start/run PE482D kurang cocok untuk digunakan sebagai penggerak propulsi diesel-elektrik kapal perikanan 30 GT karena propulsi diesel-elektrik kapal perikanan 30 GT membutuhkan motor listrik yang memiliki karakteristrik “torsi konstan” dan cenderung meningkat seiring meningkatnya kecepatan putaran motor, sedangkan motor PE482D memiliki karakteristik torsi berbanding terbalik dengan kecepatan putaran motor dan memiliki kecenderungan penurunan torsi yang drastis ketika persentase kecepatan putaran motor melebihi 90%.
Induction motors have wide applications in the maritime field, especially in applications that require constant speed. The majority of induction motor applications can be covered using three-phase induction motors, but single-phase induction motors also have their own uses in overcoming loads that require low horsepower or less than 2 kilowatts. This study uses a PE482D capacitor start / run induction motor with a variation of two supply voltages. The study was conducted to determine the performance of the motor in the condition of no-load and load with a variety of loading scales ranging from a scale of 1 to 10. The load used is the PE482C magnetic brake load unit. A no-load experiment at 52.2 volt results in the form of a nominal current of 0.98 ampere, a speed of 2920 rpm, and produces a power of 10.231 watts, while at a voltage of 60 volts, a nominal current of 1.33 ampere, a speed of 2900 rpm, and a power output of 15.960 watts. Under maximum load conditions, a voltage of 52.2 volts obtained a speed of 2590 rpm with a torque of 0.1159 Nm and a motor power of 31.738 watts, while at a voltage of 60 volts, a speed of 2550 rpm was obtained with a torque of 0.1524 and a motor power of 40.680 watts. PE482D star /run capacitor induction motors are not suitable for use as a driving propulsion for diesel-electric 30 GT fishing vessels because the 30 GT diesel-electric fishing boat propulsion requires an electric motor that has the characteristics of "constant torque" and tends to increase with increasing motor rotation speed , while the PE482D motor has torque characteristics inversely proportional to the rotation speed of the motor and has a tendency to decrease in torque when the percentage of motor rotation speed exceeds 90%.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Motor Induksi Satu Fasa, Analisa Kinerja, Rotor Sangkar Tupai, Propulsi Diesel-elektrik
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK201 Electric Power Transmission
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK4055 Electric motor
V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering > VM773 Ship propulsion, Electric
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Marine Engineering > 36202-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Ridwan Ganie Kusdanisworo
Date Deposited: 03 Oct 2024 05:37
Last Modified: 03 Oct 2024 05:37

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