Fistcar, Wawarisa Alnu (2020) Pengaruh Parameter Track Quality Indeks (TQI) Terhadap Perilaku Bantalan Beton. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Untuk mengatasi pergerakan pertumbuhan lalu lintas jaringan kereta api di Indonesia khusunya di Jalur Surabaya - Mojokerto (Km 17+ 000 - 57+ 000), dimana jalur tersebut merupakan jalur tersibuk di lintas selatan Pulau Jawa. Hal tersebut dapat mempengaruhi kondisi geometri lintasan yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas rel. Kontrol kualitas jalan rel mulai dikembangkan di berbagai negara dengan beberapa pendekatan dan metodologi yang hanya terkonsentrasi pada satu komponen jalan rel, hingga paling komprehensif yang merangkul semua faktor utama dalam penurunan kualitas jalan rel. Evaluasi kualitas jalan rel di Indonesia hanya dihitung dengan menggunakan standar perkeretaapian Indonesia yaitu track kualitas indeks (TQI). Dengan demikian, dibutuhkan penelitian untuk mengetahui semua faktor utama penurunan jalan rel.Penelitian ini di lakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ketidakstabilan geometri terhadap ketahanan struktur jalan rel yang difokuskan pada struktur atas jalan rel. Dalam mengkaji nilai penyimpangan geometri lintasan menggunakan perhitungan standar deviasi pada setiap parameter pengukuran, yang selanjutnya diolah menjadi nilai track kualitas indeks (TQI). Data parameter pengukuran di dapatkan dari kereta ukur Galunggung untuk tahun 2018 dan kereta ukur EM-120 untuk tahun 2019. Perbedaan hasil perhitungan nilai kualitas jalan rel (TQI) dengan tahun yang berbeda, dijadikan patokan untuk penentuan lokasi survey manual dengan menggunakan alat ukur matisa dan meter listring. Hasil pengukuran geometri dilapangan dimodelkan dengan program bantu perhitungan kekuatan struktural. Simulasi model dengan melakukan analisis menggunakan Finite Elemen Method (FEM) terhadap beberapa kondisi sesuai dengan kategori penyimpangan geometri (TQI). Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa, propertis material bantalan, dengan kaut tekan beton (Fc’) 54 MPa dan kuat tarik wire prestressed (Fy) 1400 MPa, tipe rel adalah R.54, serta properti balas sesuai PM.60 tahun 2012. Beban aksial yang bekerja sebesar 16.241 Kg, Dari hasil analisa pada nilai penyimpangan geometri kategori 3 (25<TQI<40), didapatkan spesimen bantalan (B4) mengalami tegangan tekan 15.566 MPa dan tegangan tarik sebesar 5.178 MPa. Analisa kondisi tersebut, material beton tidak dapat menumpu gaya tarik yang dipersyaratkan yaitu, 4.632 MPa (0.32 Fc0.67). Demikian terjadi juga, pada kondisi penyimpangan geometri kategori 4 (TQI > 40).
To overcome the movement of railways traffic growth in Indonesia, especially in the Surabaya - Mojokerto Line (Km 17+ 000 - 57+ 000), where the line is the busiest route in the southern crossing of the island of Java. This can affect the geometry conditions of the track which causes a decrease in the quality of the rail. Railway quality control has begun to be developed in various countries with several approaches and methodologies that are only concentrated on one component of the railway, to the most comprehensive one that embraces all the main factors in the decline in railway quality. Evaluation of the quality railways in Indonesia is only calculated using the Indonesian railways standard namely track quality index (TQI). Thus, research is needed to find out all the main factors of decline in railway tracks. There are many factors that affect the decline in the quality of the railways including the stability of the geometry, the resistance of the upper structure and the lowwer structure of the railways. This research was conducted to determine the effect of geometry instability on the resistance railways structure that is focused on the structure of the railways. In assessing the geometry deviation value of the path using the calculation of the standard deviation each measurement parameter which is then processed into a track quality indexs (TQI). Measurement parameter data is obtained from Galunggung measuring train for 2018 and EM-120 measuring train for 2019. Differences in the calculation of the value of railways quality (TQI) with different years are used as a benchmark for determining the location of a manual survey using a measurement tool and meter listring. The results of field geometry measurements are modeled with a program to help calculate structural strength. Model simulation by analyzing using Finite Element Method (FEM) for several conditions according to the geometry deviation category (TQI). The results of this study found that, concrete sleeper material properties, with concrete compressive (Fc ') 54 MPa and 1400 MPa prestressed wire strength (Fy), rail type is R.54 and ballast property according to PM.60 of 2012. The axial load is working at 16,241 kg, From the analysis of the geometric deviation value of category 3 (25 <TQI <40), it was found that concrete sleeper specimen (B4) experienced compressive stress of 15,566 MPa and tensile stress of 5,178 MPa. Analysis of these conditions, concrete bearings can not rely on the required tensile force that is, 4,632 MPa (0.32 Fc0.67).
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Additional Information: | RTS 620.136 Fis p-1 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Track kualitas index (TQI), Tegangan tekan, Tegangan Tarik, Bantalan Beton, Finite Elemen Analisis (FEM). |
Subjects: | T Technology > TF Railroad engineering and operation > TF240 Railway construction |
Divisions: | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Civil Engineering > 22101-(S2) Master Thesis |
Depositing User: | Wawarisa Alnu Fistcar |
Date Deposited: | 10 Mar 2025 02:49 |
Last Modified: | 10 Mar 2025 02:49 |
URI: | |
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