Pasar Wisata Apung Surabaya Dengan Pendekatan Vernakular Kontemporer

Ramadhani, Annisa Nur (2016) Pasar Wisata Apung Surabaya Dengan Pendekatan Vernakular Kontemporer. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Surabaya merupakan kota yang kaya akan potensi perdagangan mikro dan perkembangan ekonomi kerakyatannya yang cukup signifikan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan banyaknya program bertemakan pengembangan ekonomi kerakyatan yang diprakarsai pemerintah Kota Surabaya. Diantaranya adalah penyediaan sentra PKL, pengembangan dan pembinaan UMKM, sampai tambahan suntikan modal bagi pelaku bisnis mikro. Namun dibalik banyaknya potensi tersebut, tersimpan banyak ancaman terhadap perkembangan perekonomian kerakyatan di Surabaya. Mulai dari kurangnya akses pasar untuk produk-produk mereka, persaingan dengan sektor ekonomi makro, sampai tantangan pasar global dan MEA. Dalam hal ini diperlukan fasilitas pasar yang dapat menjadi wadah dan sarana pasar bagi pelaku ekonomi makro sekaligus fungsi wisata sehingga dapat menarik minat pengunjung. Pendekatan vernakular kontemporer digunakan dalam desain pasar wisata ini, dengan tujuan menggali eksotisme lokalitas budaya yang dipadu dengan selera kontemporer masa kini, sehingga objek desain dapat menjadi destinasi objek wisata belanja khas Kota Surabaya. Penggunaan material lokal pada bangunan seperti bambu, kayu, batu-bata, dipadukan dengan elemen konstruksi kontemporer seperti beton dan baja juga membuat aksen tersendiri dalam desain bangunan. Selain lokalitas, pendekatan vernakular kontemporer memiliki nilai responsif dan adaptif terhadap site eksisting, sehingga desain bangunan sebisa mungkin meminimalisir kerusakan pada site eksisting dan memaksimalkan penggalian potensi site eksisting dalam desain yang ada. Hal ini sesuai dengan site terpilih yang berlokasi di area Mangrove Wonorejo. Bangunan didesain dengan struktur panggung sehingga meminimalisir kerusakan site eksisting yang berupa bozem atau waduk mangrove. Elemen ekosistim mangrove pun dipertahankan dan dimanfaatkan sebagai elemen pendukung yang mengintervensi desain bangunan.
Surabaya was the second largest city and known as one of the center trading in the nation. Surabaya have a great potential in developing their economics, especially in micro trade and home based enterprises. That was proven by the large amount of Surabaya government program that concern in society economics development such as supplying street vendors center, empowering and couching among Home Based Enterprises, and also additional capital for micro trade in the city. But behind those potents, there was a lot of things threaten this development pace. Threat such as the lack of market acces for their product, strict competition with macro economic sectors, and the complicated AEC challenge because of globalisations. In this case, this floating market facility needed as the means of micro trade market and another function in recreation sectors so it can attract many visitors to come. Contemporary vernacular approach used in this floating market to dig cultural locality exoticism that combined with contemporary idioms. So it could lead this floating market to become a new main shopping tourism destination in Surabaya. The used of local material such as bamboo, timber, brick, and stone combined with contemporary construction elements like concrete and steel makes a unique accent of locality in this design. Beside that, contemporary vernacular approach have another value in respecting site. We must prevent the damage of existing site as minimum as we could. And contrastly, we have to maximize the site’s potential and bring it to design. This corelated with the chosen site, that located in mangrove bozem area in Wonorejo, Surabaya. Floating structure chosen to respon this kind of site, so it can minimize the contact between building and land directly. Mangrove ecosystem elements have to be maintained and be used for supporting and interventing building design and strengthen the concept.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information: RSA 711.558 Ram p 3100016066651
Uncontrolled Keywords: mangrove ,pasar wisata, UMKM, vernakular kontemporer, Contemporary Vernacular, Floating Market, Tourism Market
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General) > G155 Tourism
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture
Divisions: Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Planning > Architecture > 23201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: - Davi Wah
Date Deposited: 19 Feb 2020 03:18
Last Modified: 19 Feb 2020 03:18

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