Wulandari, Ika (2020) Pengaruh Alas Kaki Dengan Kelenturan Sol Berbeda Terhadap Aktivitas Sinyal EMG Otot Tungkai Bawah Dan Ground Reaction Force Saat Berjalan. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Penggunaan berbagai jenis walking shoes saat ini mempengaruhi aktivitas otot dan Ground Reaction Force, yang dapat berimplikasi pada perubahan struktur/posisi dan fungsi pada tubuh manusia. Hal ini mendorong penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh dari sepatu berjalan ini, dengan berbagai bahan dan fleksibilitas sol sepatu, ketika berjalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti efek dari sepatu berjalan dengan kelenturan sol berbeda pada aktivitas otot tungkai bawah dan GRF yang terjadi dalam tubuh selama berjalan. Tiga puluh pria dewasa yang sehat (usia rata-rata: 30,93 ± 6,78) berjalan di jalur 8,0 m yang ditanam force plate, dengan mengenakan tiga jenis sepatu yang berbeda yaitu Sepatu A (sol fleksibel), Sepatu B (sol mid-fleksibel) dan Sepatu C (sol kaku). Selama berjalan, aktivitas otot gastrocnemius medialis, tibialis anterior, dan vastus medialis dari kedua kaki direkam oleh EMG melalui elektroda permukaan dan GRF direkam secara bersamaan melalui force plate. Empat kondisi eksperimental dianalisis: (i) barefoot, (ii) sepatu sol fleksibel, (iii) sepatu sol mid-fleksibel, (iv) sepatu sol kaku. Gerakan dari setiap kondisi diulang empat kali. Dalam percobaan ini, aktivitas otot dan GRF tanpa alas kaki digunakan sebagai baseline untuk dibandingkan dengan aktivitas otot dan GRF kondisi berjalan lainnya. Dengan hipotesis bahwa sepatu yang paling fleksibel memiliki pola aktivitas otot dan GRF paling mendekati aktivitas otot dan GRF barefoot saat berjalan normal. Reapeated-measures analysis of variance (RM ANOVA) digunakan untuk menganalisis perbedaan pengaruh antara kondisi berjalan. Signifikansi ditetapkan pada (p <0,05). Hasil dari analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan signifikan terjadi untuk beberapa parameter statistik EMG seperti: peak, time of peak, durasi, dan onset untuk otot: gastrocnemius medialis, tibialis anterior, dan vastus medialis, serta Fmax1 dan Fmin dari GRF, ketika membandingkan empat kondisi eksperimental. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah parameter onset pada otot tibialis anterior dan Fmax1 pada VGRF saat berjalan menggunakan Sepatu A (sol fleksibel) memiliki pola terdekat dengan aktivitas otot dan VGRF saat berjalan barefoot (BF).
The use of currently various type of walking shoes affects muscle activity and the Ground Reaction Force on human body, which can have implications changing in structure/position and functionality. It is interesting to analyze the effect of these walking shoes with different materials and flexibility of shoe sole, during walking. This study examines the effect of these footwears on the muscle activity of the lower limb and on the GRF that occurs in the body during walking. Thirty healthy adult males (mean age: 30.93 ± 6.78) walk on 8.0 m walkway, with a force plate embedded in it, while wearing three different kind of shoes. One shoes are with flexible sole, the second one are with slightly-flexible, and the third shoes are rigid sole. All of those shoes were Skechers. During walking, the muscle activity of gastrocnemius medialis, tibialis anterior, and vastus medialis from both legs were recorded by electromyographic (EMG) via surface electrodes and the GRF were recorded simultaneously via force plate. Four experimental conditions were assessed: (i) barefoot, (ii) the flexible sole shoe, (iii) the slightly flexible sole shoe, (iv) the rigid sole shoe. They repeated each those conditions four times. In this experiment, the muscle activity and GRF pattern of barefoot is used as the golden standard to compare with other individual muscle activity and GRF. The hypothesis is that the most flexible shoe should activate muscle activity pattern and GRF close to the barefoot muscle activity during normal walking. Repeated-measures analysis of variance (RM ANOVA) was conducted to analyze the different effects between conditions. Significance was set at (p < 0.05). Results showed that significant differences happen for several statistical parameters of EMG such as: peak, time of peak, duration of peak, and onset time of peak amplitude for muscles: gastrocnemius medialis, tibialis anterior, and vastus medialis, also the first vertical peak and minimum value during peaks of GRF, when comparing the four experimental conditions. Since Barefoot is the baseline for this study, the conclusion is that onset time for tibialis anterior muscle pattern and the first vertical peak of VGRF with Shoe A (Flexible Sole) was the closest pattern to the barefoot (BF) muscle activity and GRF during normal walking.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Additional Information: | RTE 616.740 754 7 Wul p-1 2020 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | anggota gerak bawah, berjalan, EMG, Ground Reaction Force, sol sepatu, lower limb, sole, walking |
Subjects: | T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK5102.9 Signal processing. |
Divisions: | Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) > Electrical Engineering > 20101-(S2) Master Thesis |
Depositing User: | Ika Wulandari |
Date Deposited: | 15 May 2023 15:45 |
Last Modified: | 15 May 2023 15:45 |
URI: | http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/76632 |
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