Laporan Magang Industri Pengelolaan Bengkel Tune Up Berbasis Entrepreneur di PT Liqui Moly Surabaya

Putranto, Wahyu Dwi (2021) Laporan Magang Industri Pengelolaan Bengkel Tune Up Berbasis Entrepreneur di PT Liqui Moly Surabaya. Project Report. [s.n], [s.l.]. (Unpublished)

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Liqui Moly merupakan perusahaan oli & aditif nomor satu buatan Germany yang sudah berdiri 1957 dan tersebar di seluruh dunia. Sebagai pemain global yang teliti, Liqui Moly hanya meneliti, mengembangkan, dan memproduksi di Jerman, bahkan hingga sekarang dan telah meningkatkan standar dalam hal kualitas dan layanan selama 60 tahun. Solusi Liqui Moly sebagian besar didasarkan pada komposisinya yang diuji secara permanen dan beradaptasi dengan keadaan teknis terbaru. Dalam dunia industri saat ini mahasiswa selain mendapatkan teori dalam perkuliahaan, diharapkan dapat memerapkan ilmu entrepreneurship untuk dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja nantinya. Maka dalam magang industri ini sebagai wadah untuk membuat suatu usaha dalam bidang industri yaitu dengan mambuka bengkel dengan nama “Nogogeni Garage”. Aktivitas magang industri dilaksanakan selama empat bulan dengan alat dan modal barang dari PT Liqui Moly. Nogogeni Garage dibagi menjadi beberapa divisi seperti non teknis dan teknis. Non teknis terbagi menjadi marketing dan branding. Pada marketing, perencanaan penentuan paket dan harga sangat perlu untuk dilakukan sebagai opsi bagi pelanggan yang akan menerima service. Selain itu juga dilakukan penentuan target pelanggan, metode service, dan promosi. Aktifitas teknis yang dilakukan meliputi Tune up, penggantian minyak pelumas, dan overhaul pada kendaraan bermotor. Selama magang berlangsung terdapat 63 konsumen dan 105 barang terjual. Selain melakukan aktivitas bengkel, terdapat tugas untuk membuat alat jet clean fuel system cleaner.
Liqui Moly is the number one oil & additive company made in Germany which was founded in 1957 and spread all over the world. As a conscientious global player, Liqui Moly only researches, develops and manufactures in Germany, even now and has been raising the bar in terms of quality and service for 60 years. Liqui Moly solutions are largely based on their compositions which are permanently tested and adapted to the latest technical circumstances. In today's industrial world, students in addition to getting theory in lectures, are expected to be able to apply entrepreneurship knowledge to be able to create jobs later. So in this industrial internship as a forum to make a business in the industrial sector, namely by opening a workshop with the name "Nogogeni Garage". The industrial internship activity was carried out for four months with tools and capital goods from PT Liqui Moly. Nogogeni Garage is divided into several divisions such as non-technical and technical. Non-technical divided into marketing and branding. In marketing, planning for determining packages and prices is very necessary to be done as an option for customers who will receive service. In addition, the determination of target customers, service methods, and promotions is also carried out. The technical activities carried out include Tune up, replacement of lubricating oil, and overhaul of motorized vehicles. During the internship, there were 63 consumers and 105 items sold. In addition to carrying out workshop activities, there is a task to make a jet clean fuel system cleaner.

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Additional Information: 10 Agustus 2020 - 10 Desember 2020.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Liqui Moly, Enterepreneurship, Industri, Tune Up, Marketing, Branding
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ1077 Lubrication and lubricants.
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > Mechanical Industrial Engineering (D4)
Date Deposited: 14 Aug 2021 08:16
Last Modified: 04 Apr 2023 15:10

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