Efek Penambahan Hidrogen Pada Biodiesel Untuk Memperbaiki Karakteristik Pembakaran, Kinerja, Dan Emisi Gas Buang Mesin Diesel Dual Fuel

Winangun, Kuntang (2023) Efek Penambahan Hidrogen Pada Biodiesel Untuk Memperbaiki Karakteristik Pembakaran, Kinerja, Dan Emisi Gas Buang Mesin Diesel Dual Fuel. Doctoral thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Biodiesel sebagai salah satu bahan bakar terbarukan, potensinya sangat besar dan rendah emisi. Namun memiliki kekurangan pada yaitu rendah nilai kalor dan tinggi viskositas. Sehingga pemakaian biodiesel pada mesin diesel menyebabkan penurunan kinerja mesin diantaranya daya, torsi, dan efisiensi termal, serta konsumsi bahan bakar meningkat. Disisi lain hidrogen memiliki keuntungan yaitu tinggi nilai kalor dan tidak mengandung unsur karbon, sehingga berpotensi mengatasi kekurangan biodiesel. Pengoperasian mesin diesel secara dual fuel, yaitu antara biodiesel dan hidrogen, menjadi terobosan untuk mengatasi permasalahan kinerja mesin biodiesel. Optimalisasi komposisi hidrogen menjadi sasaran utama untuk sistem dual fuel, sehingga memberikan karakteristik pembakaran, pembentukan emisi dan kinerja yang baik. Metode pengoperasian dimulai memodifikasi mesin diesel single fuel menjadi mesin diesel dual fuel, yaitu menambahkan saluran gas hidrogen pada pipa intake manifold (sebelum posisi intake valve). Selanjutnya gas hidrogen diinjeksikan pada saat langkah hisap dengan cara mengatur waktu dan durasi injeksi hidrogen menggunakan electronic control unit (ECU), variasi jumlah hidrogen 2.5;5;7,5; dan 10 lpm. Mesin dilengkapi alat-alat ukur berupa combustion analyser, termokopel, flowmeter gas, Avometer, burret meter, smoke meter dan gas analiser. Parameter-parameter yang diukur meliputi tekanan silinder, HRR, knocking, emisi CO, HC, CO2, NO, EGT, dan smoke. Sedangkan parameter yang dihitung meliputi daya efektif, konsumsi bahan bakar, efisiensi termal, ignition delay, durasi pembakaran. Parameter-parameter ini diharapkan bisa menghitung karakteristik pembakaran, pembentukan emisi dan kinerja mesin diesel sistem dual fuel. Penambahan hidrogen menunjukkan perbaikan pada karakteristik pembakaran, kinerja, dan emisi. Hasil terbaik terjadi pada komposisi/penambahan hidrogen 2,5 lpm dengan ignition delay dan knocking terbaik, serta pada variasi waktu injeksi biodiesel optimal pada 15oBTDC. Kinerja mesin yang optimal pada aliran 2.5lpm dan waktu injeksi terbaik pada variasi 15oBTDC dengan peningkatan BTE sebesar 20.12% dan 8.79% dibandingkan biodiesel. Sedangkan penurunan SFC sebesar 27.57% dan 11.57% pada beban tinggi. Penambahan gas hidrogen berdampak positif pada emisi gas buang (HC, CO, CO2, dan smoke opacity), namun berdampak negatif pada emisi NO. Pada beban tinggi aliran hidrogen 2.5lpm didapat emisi masing-masing 40.00ppm, 0.04%, 4.20%, dan 44.20%. Serta kenaikan emisi NO sebesar 45.72%. Sedangkan variasi waktu injeksi, emisi terendah pada variasi waktu injeksi 15oBTDC sebesar 4ppm, 0.02%, 2.00%, dan 45.00% pada beban tinggi.
Biodiesel has enormous potential and minimal emissions as a renewable fuel. Low heating value and high viscosity are disadvantages, however. Therefore, the use of biodiesel in diesel engines results in a reduction in engine performance, including power, torque, and thermal efficiency, as well as an increase in fuel consumption. Hydrogen, on the other hand, has a high heating value and no carbon elements, so it has the potential to surmount biodiesel's shortcomings. The operation of a dual-fuel diesel engine, specifically between biodiesel and hydrogen, is an innovation for addressing the performance issues of biodiesel engines. Dual-fuel systems have as their primary objective the optimization of the hydrogen composition, which results in improved combustion characteristics, emission generation, and overall performance. The method begins by converting a diesel engine with a single fuel to a diesel dual fuel engine by adding a hydrogen gas channel to the intake manifold conduit (prior to the intake valve position). In addition, hydrogen gas is injected during the suction phase by adjusting the time and duration of hydrogen injection using an electronic control unit (ECU) and varying the quantity of hydrogen between 2.5; 5; 7.5; and 10 lpm. The machine includes measuring devices such as a combustion analyzer, thermocouple, gas flow meter, avometer, burret meter, smoke meter, and gas analyzer. Included among the measured parameters were cylinder pressure, HRR, banging, CO, HC, CO2, NO, EGT, and smoke emissions. Among the parameters computed are effective power, fuel consumption, thermal efficiency, ignition delay, and duration of combustion. It is anticipated that these parameters can be used to calculate the combustion characteristics, emission generation, and efficacy of a dual fuel system diesel engine. The incorporation of hydrogen demonstrates improvements in combustion characteristics, performance, and emissions. At 15oBTDC, the composition/addition of 2.5 lpm of hydrogen produced the finest ignition delay and knocking, as well as the optimal biodiesel injection time variation. Optimal engine performance is achieved at a flow rate of 2.5lpm and an injection time of 15oBTDC, with an increase in BTE of 20.12% and an increase in BTE of 8.79% relative to biodiesel. At large loads, the decrease in SFC was 27.57%, while it was 11.5% at low loads. The addition of hydrogen gas has positive effects on exhaust emissions (HC, CO, CO2, and smoke opacity), but negative effects on NO emissions. At a flow rate of 2.5lpm and a high load of 40 ppm, 0.04 %, 4.20 %, and 44.20 % were obtained for the hydrogen emissions. In addition to a 45.72 percent rise in NO emissions. While the injection time variation has the lowest emissions at 15oBTDC, it is 4ppm, 0.02%, 2.00%, and 45.0% at high loads.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Uncontrolled Keywords: diesel dual fuel, biodiesel CPO, gas hidrogen, karakteristik pembakaran, kinerja mesin, emisi gas buang, aliran gas hidrogen, waktu injeksi pilot
Subjects: T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ799 Diesel motor--Electronic control.
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ808 Renewable energy sources. Energy harvesting.
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Mechanical Engineering > 21001-(S3) PhD Thesis
Depositing User: Kuntang Winangun
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2023 04:38
Last Modified: 24 Aug 2023 04:38
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/103168

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