Implementation of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Method to Assess the Environmental Impact of PT X Coal Mining Industry

Mastura, Rania (2024) Implementation of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Method to Assess the Environmental Impact of PT X Coal Mining Industry. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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The coal mining industry is one of the main sectors that supports global energy needs. However, on the other hand, large mining activities have the potential to have an impact on the environmental ecosystem, including activities carried out by PT X. Therefore, environmental management activities need to be carried out. The aim of this research is to examine the environmental impacts arising from the coal production process at PT X, as well as recommend alternatives that can reduce the environmental impacts caused. This research was conducted using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The LCA analysis consists of 4 stages, the first stage is goal and scope in the form of determining the objectives and scope of the research, the next stage is Life Cycle Inventory in the form of input and output data from the coal production process in 2023, emission loadings are also carried out from 5 parameters, namely CO2, CH4, N2O, SO2, NOx as emission output. Next, namely Life Cycle Impact Assessment in the form of calculating the magnitude of the impact resulting from the entire process using SimaPro software, and the impact method used is CML-IA Baseline, the final stage is interpretation in the form of drawing conclusions referring to the goal and scope. Based on the results of the Life Cycle Assessment analysis, it was found that there are 5 potential impacts on the environment, namely global warming of 1,22 x 108 kg CO2 eq, human toxicity of 5,25 x 104 kg 1.4 DB eq, photochemical oxidation of 9,59 x 103 kg C2H4 eq, acidification of 2,33 x 105 kg SO2 eq, eutrophication of 4,06 x 103 kg PO4 eq. The material removal process is the highest impact contributor in each impact category that appears, so that the material removal process becomes an important issue (hotspot).
Industri pertambangan batubara merupakan salah satu sektor utama yang menunjang kebutuhan energi global. Namun disisi lain besarnya aktivitas penambangan berpotensi memberikan dampak terhadap ekosistem lingkungan, termasuk kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh PT X. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan kegiatan pengelolaan lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dampak lingkungan yang timbul dari proses produksi batubara di PT X, serta merekomendasikan alternatif yang dapat mengurangi dampak lingkungan yang ditimbulkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Analisis LCA terdiri dari 4 tahapan, tahap pertama yaitu goal dan scope berupa penentuan tujuan dan lingkup penelitian, tahap selanjutnya yaitu Life Cycle Inventory berupa input dan output data dari proses produksi batubara di tahun 2023, dilakukan juga pembebanan emisi dari 5 parameter yaitu CO2, CH4, N2O, SO2, NOx sebagai output emisi. Selanjutnya yaitu Life Cycle Impact Assessment berupa perhitungan besaran dampak yang ditimbulkan dari keseluruhan proses menggunakan software SimaPro, dan metode dampak yang digunakan yaitu CML-IA Baseline, tahap terakhir yaitu interpretasi berupa penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis Life Cycle Assessment didapatkan ada 5 potensi dampak terhadap lingkungan yaitu global warming sebesar 1,22 x 108 kg CO2 eq, human toxicity sebesar 5,25 x 104 kg 1.4 DB eq, photochemical oxidation sebesar 9,59 x 103 kg C2H4 eq, acidification sebesar 2,33 x 105 kg SO2 eq, eutrophication sebesar 4,06 x 103 kg PO4 eq. Proses material removal menjadi penyumbang dampak tertinggi pada setiap kategori dampak yang muncul, sehingga proses material removal menjadi isu penting (hotspot).

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Coal Mining, Life Cycle Assessment, Environmental Impacts, Pertambangan Batubara, Life Cycle Assessment, Dampak Lingkungan
Subjects: T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD194.6 Environmental impact analysis
T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD883 Air quality management.
T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD883.5 Air--Pollution
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Environmental Engineering > 25201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Rania Mastura
Date Deposited: 01 Aug 2024 02:18
Last Modified: 03 Sep 2024 07:37

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