Evaluasi Kinerja Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja (IPLT) Ngudal Kabupaten Ngawi

Bilqis, Nafida Azza (2024) Evaluasi Kinerja Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja (IPLT) Ngudal Kabupaten Ngawi. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja (IPLT) Ngudal Kabupaten Ngawi memiliki kapasitas desain sebesar 10 m3/hari atau 200 m3/bulan. Kuantitas influen terbesar yang masuk sebesar 111,46 m3/bulan yang jauh dibawah dari kapasitas desain. Berdasarkan survei pendahuluan diperoleh unit – unit pengolahan belum berjalan dengan optimal. Kendala unit pengolahan meliputi air limbah yang tidak mengalir secara kontinu, waktu pemisahan padatan dan air limbah yang terlalu lama di unit solid separation chamber, proses aerasi yang tidak berjalan pada cascade aerator, dan aliran air limbah yang hanya mengalir hingga unit Constructed Wetland sehingga kolam klorinasi tidak digunakan. Hal – hal tersebut menyebabkan efluen yang dihasilkan belum memenuhi Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Nomor 68 tahun 2016 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji penyebab kuantitas lumpur tinja yang masih sangat rendah pada IPLT Ngudal, mengevaluasi dan merekomendasikan upaya peningkatan kinerja IPLT Ngudal. Kapasitas eksisting masih jauh dari kapasitas desain sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut. Data primer yang diperlukan meliputi observasi unit pengolahan IPLT Ngudal, observasi sanitasi masyarakat, wawancara dan penyebaran kuisioner kepada masyarakat Kecamatan Ngawi secara judgement sampling. Penyebab rendahnya kapasitas eksisting akan digali melalui observasi di lapangan. Kapasitas yang rendah diduga berpengaruh terhadap kinerja unit pengolahan, sehingga dilakukan evaluasi kinerja dengan menganalisis dan membandingkan antara kapasistas eksisting, kapasitas desain dan kriteria desain. Evaluasi didasarkan pada aspek efisiensi penyisihan, waktu detensi, dan organic loading rate. Efisiensi penyisihan diperoleh melalui hasil uji laboratorium influen dan efluen yang diambil secara grab sampling. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi akan diberikan rekomendasi dalam meningkatkan kinerja IPLT Ngudal Kabupaten Ngawi Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa penyebab rendahnya kapasitas eksisting IPLT Ngudal adalah 80% masyarakat Kabupaten Ngawi tidak pernah melakukan penyedotan lumpur tinja yang diindikasikan tangki septik memiliki struktur tidak kedap, 98% masyarakat tidak mengetahui adanya IPLT Ngudal, IPAL komunal sebesar 92,5% tidak pernah dilakukan penyedotan lumpur tinja secara rutin. Serta, adanya masyarakat melakukan pembuangan lumpur tinja ke Sungai dan ditemukan masyarakat yang menggunakan kolam lele sebagai tempat penampungan black water. Kecilnya debit lumpur tinja yang masuk menyebabkan kinerja unit pengolahan IPLT Ngudal tidak berjalan dengan efisien. Hal tersebut ditunjukan dengan adanya efisiensi penyisihan 0% pada beberapa parameter. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa waktu detensi dan organic loading rate unit pengolahan tidak memenuhi kriteria desain. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja IPLT Ngudal maka diperoleh rekomendasi meliputi penambahan pasokan lumpur tinja melalui pengurasan IPAL komunal dan merencanakan Layanan Lumpur Tinja Terjadwal (LLTT). Selain itu, juga diberikan rekomendasi penambahan debit menjadi 15 m3/hari atau dilakukan revitalisasi pada unit pengolahan Solid Separation Chamber, Anaerobic Filter, Drying Area, Kolam Fakultatif, Kolam Maturasi, Cascade Aerator, Constructed Wetland, dan Kolam Klorinasi. Total biaya revitalisasi adalah sebesar Rp566.851.526,13.
The Ngudal Septage Treatment Plant in Ngawi Regency has a design capacity of 10 m3/day or 200 m3/month. The largest influent quantity entered was 111.46 m3/month, which was far below the design capacity. A preliminary survey indicates that the processing unit is not operating optimally. The challenges faced by the processing unit include non-continuous flow of wastewater, ineffective separation of solids and wastewater in the Solid Separation Chamber (SSC), aeration process not functioning in the cascade aerator, and wastewater flow only reaching the Constructed Wetland, rendering the chlorination pond unused. These issues result in the effluent produced not yet meeting the requirements of Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number 68 of 2016. Therefore, this research aims to examine the causes of the low quantity of fecal sludge at the Ngudal IPLT, evaluate the performance of the Ngudal IPLT, and provide recommendations for efforts to improve the performance of the Ngudal IPLT based on technical and cost aspects. Existing capacity is still far from design capacity so further research needs to be done. The primary data required includes observations of the unit processing in Septage Treatment Plant, observations of community sanitation, interviews and distribution of questionnaires to the Ngawi District community using judgment sampling. The causes of the low existing capacity will be explored based on the results of field observations. Low capacity is likely to affect the performance of the processing unit, so performance evaluation is carried out by analyzing and comparing existing capacity, design capacity and design criteria. Evaluation is based on aspects of removal efficiency, detention time, & organic loading rate. Removal efficiency is obtained through laboratory test results of influent and effluent taken by grab sampling. Based on the evaluation results, recommendations will be provided to improve the performance of the Ngudal Septage Treatment Plant. The results of the research show that the cause of the low capacity of the existing IPLT Ngudal is that 80% of the residents in Ngawi Regency have never performed septic tank sludge suction, which suggests that the septic tank structure is not watertight. Additionally, 98% of the residents are unaware of the existence of IPLT Ngudal, and 92.5% of communal wastewater treatment plants have never had regular sludge suction. Furthermore, it has been found that some residents dispose of septic sludge into the river and that some use catfish ponds as a place to store black water. The small amount of fecal sludge that enters causes the performance of the Ngudal IPLT processing unit to not run efficiently. This can be shown by the removal efficiency of 0% in several parameters. This indicates that the detention time and organic loading rate of the processing unit do not meet the design criteria. To improve the performance of the Ngudal IPLT, recommendations were obtained including increasing the fecal sludge supply through draining the communal Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) and planning a Scheduled Fecal Sludge Service (LLTT). In addition, a recommendation is given to increase the flow rate to 15 m3/day or to conduct revitalization of the Solid Separation Chamber, Anaerobic Filter, Drying Area, Facultative Pool, Maturation Pool, Cascade Aerator, Constructed Wetland and Chlorination Pool processing units. The total cost of revitalizing the processing unit is Rp566.851.526,13.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Instalasi Pengolahan Lumpur Tinja, Air Limbah, Evaluasi Kinerja, Septage Treatment Plants, Wastewater, Performance Evaluation
Subjects: T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD195.S47 Sewage disposal plants--Environmental aspects
T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD767.7 Sewage sludge treatment and disposal
Divisions: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Environment Engineering > 25201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Bilqis Nafida Azza
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2024 03:18
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2024 08:57
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/109515

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