Biokonversi Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Dan Lumpur Ipal Industri Kelapa Sawit Dengan Larva BSF (Black Soldier Fly)

Hapsari, Luthfi Gita (2024) Biokonversi Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Dan Lumpur Ipal Industri Kelapa Sawit Dengan Larva BSF (Black Soldier Fly). Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Indonesia telah menjadi salah satu produsen minyak kelapa sawit terbesar di dunia. Pada tahun 2010, Indonesia telah mengekspor sekitar 23 juta ton kelapa sawit. Produksi minyak kelapa ini menghasilkan limbah padat seperti Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) sebanyak 210-230 kg dan Palm Oil Solid Decanter (POSD) sebanyak 40-50 kg dari setiap ton Tandan Buah Segar (TBS) yang diolah. Dengan pertumbuhan industri kelapa sawit yang terus meningkat di Indonesia, masalah timbulan sampah organik juga semakin besar. Salah satu solusi yang dikenal untuk mengatasi masalah ini adalah teknologi pengolahan limbah organik menggunakan larva Black Soldier Fly (BSF). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik TKKS dan lumpur IPAL industri kelapa sawit, menentukan kemampuan larva BSF dalam mengolah limbah organik tersebut, serta menentukan produk yang dapat dihasilkan dari proses biokonversi limbah padat dengan bantuan larva BSF. Limbah padat yang digunakan sebagai sampel adalah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit (TKKS) dan lumpur IPAL pengolahan industri kelapa sawit. Substrat akan melalui proses fermentasi terlebih dahulu sebelum diberikan kepada larva. Fermentasi akan dilakukan dengan Trichoderma sp. selama 8 hari. Fermentasi digunakan untuk menetralkan kandungan lignin dan selulosa. Jumlah biostarter yang diberikan adalah 5%, 10%, dan 15% dari berat limbah padat. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penggunaan variasi rasio limbah padat antara TKKS dan lumpur sebesar TKKS 100%, TKKS 75% : lumpur 25%, TKKS 50% : lumpur 50%, TKKS 25% : lumpur 75%, dan lumpur 100%. Pengembangbiakan larva akan dilakukan dengan pemberian pakan setiap hari selama 18 hari. TKKS memiliki karakteristik pH 7, kadar air sebesar 8,86%, rasio C/N 27,22, karbohidrat 75,1%, protein 5,31%, lemak 6,72%, kadar abu 3,99%, lignin 11,24%, selulosa 34,57%, dan hemiselulosa 5,68%. Sedangkan lumpur memiliki pH 7, kadar air sebesar 82,9%, Rasio C/N 22,39, karbohidrat 3,02%, protein 3,61%, lemak 6,01%, kadar abu 4,45%, lignin 33,24%, selulosa 34,57%, dan hemiselulosa 5,68%. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan pada penelitian utama, berat larva BSF cenderung lebih tinggi ketika diberikan campuran antara TKKS dan lumpur diterapkan. Rasio pencampuran yang tinggi terdapat pada rasio T25:L75 dengan fermentor 10% mencapai 842,1 mg. Dari hasil larva dengan bobot yang terbaik dapat berpotensi untuk dijadikan pakan ternak karena memiliki kandungan protein, lemak, dan abu total yang sesuai dengan komposisi pakan ternak. Sedangkan untuk residu berpotensi untuk dijadikan kompos organik karena nilai rasio C/N telah sesuai dengan standar baku mutu.
Indonesia has become one of the largest producers of palm oil in the world. In 2010, Indonesia exported approximately 23 million tons of palm oil. The production of palm oil generates solid waste such as Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) totaling 210-230 kg and Palm Oil Solid Decanter (POSD) totaling 40-50 kg per ton of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) processed. With the continuous growth of the palm oil industry in Indonesia, the issue of organic waste accumulation is becoming increasingly significant. One recognized solution to address this issue is the technology of organic waste treatment using Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae. This research aims to identify the characteristics of EFB and wastewater sludge from palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment plants, assess the BSF larvae's capability in processing these organic wastes, and determine the products that can be produced from the solid waste biocoversion process aided by BSF larvae. The solid waste used as samples are Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) and wastewater sludge from palm oil mill effluent treatment plants. The substrate will undergo a fermentation process first before being fed to the larvae. Fermentation will be conducted using Trichoderma sp. for 8 days to neutralize lignin and cellulose content. The amount of biostarter added will be 5%, 10%, and 15% of the solid waste weight. This study will vary the ratio of solid waste between EFB and sludge as follows: EFB 100%, EFB 75% : sludge 25%, EFB 50% : sludge 50%, EFB 25% : sludge 75%, and sludge 100%. Larvae cultivation will involve daily feeding for 18 days. Empty bunches has a pH of 7, moisture content of 8.86%, C/N ratio of 27.22, carbohydrates 75.1%, protein 5.31%, fat 6.72%, ash content 3.99%, lignin 11.24%, cellulose 34.57%, and hemicellulose 5.68%. Meanwhile, sludge has a pH of 7, moisture content of 82.9%, C/N ratio of 22.39, carbohydrates 3.02%, protein 3.61%, fat 6.01%, ash content 4.45%, lignin 33.24%, cellulose 34.57%, and hemicellulose 5.68%. Based on the observations in the main study, the weight of BSF larvae tends to be higher when given a mixture of TKKS and sludge. The highest mixing ratio is found in the T25:L75 ratio with 10% fermentor achieving 842.1 mg. Larvae with optimal weight potential could be used as animal feed due to their appropriate levels of protein, fat, and total ash content suitable for livestock feed composition. Meanwhile, the residue shows potential for use as organic compost because the C/N ratio meets standard quality criteria.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: black soldier fly, tandan kosong kelapa sawit, lumpur IPAL industri kelapa sawit, Trichoderma sp., black soldier fly, empty palm oil bunch, palm industry WWTP sludge, Trichoderma sp.
Subjects: T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD899 Waste control in special industries, plants, processes, etc
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Environmental Engineering > 25201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Luthfi Gita Hapsari
Date Deposited: 01 Aug 2024 04:09
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2024 05:51

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