Analisis Perhitungan Volume Galian-Timbunan dari Data Pengukuran Terestris dan Fotogrametri Menggunakan Metode Cross Section untuk Pekerjaan Tanah (Studi Kasus: Bendungan Meninting)

Ardiansyah, Muhammad (2024) Analisis Perhitungan Volume Galian-Timbunan dari Data Pengukuran Terestris dan Fotogrametri Menggunakan Metode Cross Section untuk Pekerjaan Tanah (Studi Kasus: Bendungan Meninting). Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Bendungan Meninting merupakan bendungan yang termasuk dalam pembangunan Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN) dan menjadi pekerjaan konstruksi bendungan yang berlokasi di Pulau Lombok. Sebelum pekerjaan konstruksi dimulai, pekerjaan tanah menjadi pekerjaan awal penting yang di dalamnya termasuk perhitungan volume sebagai pemantau progres pekerjaan. Pengukuran untuk perhitungan volume tidak hanya dapat dilakukan dengan metode terestris. Metode fotogrametri juga dapat digunakan untuk pengukuran perhitungan volume. Maka dari itu, pada penelitian ini dilakukan tinjauan ulang pada dua metode pengukuran dengan cara membandingkan hasil perhitungan volume dua metode pengukuran yakni metode terestris dan fotogrametri terhadap data yang dianggap benar berupa pengukuran GNSS¬-RTK berdasarkan uji statistik dan uji standar. Hasil perhitungan menghasilkan selisih volume: 4.446,89 m3 antara pengukuran fotogrametri terhadap GNSS-RTK dan 6.971,47 m3 antara pengukuran terestris terhadap GNSS-RTK (bendungan utama); 23.721,34 m3 antara pengukuran fotogrametri terhadap GNSS-RTK dan 4.832,69 m3 antara pengukuran terestris terhadap GNSS-RTK (galian genangan); 19.424,69 m3 antara pengukuran fotogrametri terhadap GNSS-RTK dan 2.125,1 m3 antara pengukuran terestris terhadap GNSS-RTK (timbunan genangan). Berdasarkan uji statistik paired sample t-test, pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%, perbedaan luasan penampang per STA maupun volume per partition pengukuran terestris dan fotogrametri tidak terlalu signifikan terhadap data yang dianggap benar yakni pengukuran GNSS-RTK. Uji standar ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) menghasilkan dua kriteria yakni kepresisian dan keakurasian. Terkait presisi dengan uji eror presisi, pada area bendungan utama, pengukuran fotogrametri lebih presisi daripada pengukuran terestris. Namun, pada area genangan, pengukuran fotogrametri tidak memenuhi toleransi presisi. Terkait akurasi dengan uji eror volume, pada area bendungan utama, pengukuran fotogrametri lebih akurat daripada pengukuran terestris. Namun, pada area genangan, pengukuran fotogrametri tidak memenuhi toleransi akurasi.
Meninting Dam is a dam construction work located on Lombok Island and a part of the National Strategic Project (PSN). Before construction work begins, earthwork becomes a crucial initial work. In earthwork, it is necessary to calculate the volume to monitor the progress of the work. Measurements for volume calculation can not only be done with terrestrial methods. The photogrammetric method can also be used for volume calculation measurements. Therefore, this research aims to review the two measurement methods by comparing the volume calculation results of both measurement methods which are terrestrial and photogrammetric methods against data that is considered correct which is GNSS-RTK measurement based on statistical and standard tests. The calculation results produced a volume difference: 4,446.89 m3 of photogrammetric measurements against GNSS-RTK and 6,971.47 m3 of terrestrial measurements against GNSS-RTK (main dam); 23,721.34 m3 of photogrammetric measurements against GNSS-RTK and 4. 832.69 m3 of terrestrial measurement against GNSS-RTK (reservoir cut); 19,424.69 m3 of photogrammetric measurement against GNSS-RTK and 2,125.1 m3 of terrestrial measurement against GNSS-RTK (reservoir fill). Based on the paired sample t-test (statistical test), at the 95% confidence level, the difference in cross-section area per STA and volume per partition of terrestrial and photogrammetric measurements is not very significant against the data that is considered correct, which is GNSS-RTK measurements. The ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standard test produces two criteria: precision and accuracy. Regarding precision with precision error test, in the main dam area, photogrammetric measurement is more precise than terrestrial measurement. However, in the reservoir area, the photogrammetric measurements did not meet the precision tolerance. Regarding accuracy with the volume error test, in the main dam area, photogrammetric measurements were more accurate than terrestrial measurements. However, in the reservoir area, the photogrammetric measurements did not meet the accuracy tolerance.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cut and Fill, Volume Calculation, Statistical Test, Galian dan Timbunan, Perhitungan Volume, Uji Statistik
Subjects: G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > G Geography (General) > G109.5 Global Positioning System
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA418.16 Materials--Testing.
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA590 Topographical surveying
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA593 Orthophotography
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Geomatics Engineering > 29202-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Muhammad Ardiansyah
Date Deposited: 29 Jul 2024 07:40
Last Modified: 29 Jul 2024 07:40

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