Pembuatan Dashboard Sportdasb untuk Monitoring Performa Heart Rate Variability Atlet menggunakan Design Thinking

Thufailah, Alana Nabihah (2024) Pembuatan Dashboard Sportdasb untuk Monitoring Performa Heart Rate Variability Atlet menggunakan Design Thinking. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Data performa heart rate variability (HRV) dalam olahraga bagi para atlet sangat penting bagi pelatih olahraga untuk dijadikan acuan kesehatan dan perkembangan atlet saat melakukan olahraga, terutama dalam aktivitas olahraga team sport yang bersifat berkelompok. Hingga saat ini, masih belum banyak dikembangkan aplikasi maupun website yang mampu membaca data HRV beberapa atlet dalam satu tampilan. Untuk mempermudah pelatih tim olahraga dalam mengawasi performa atlet, maka dikembangkan solusi dalam bentuk dashboard pengawasan performa beberapa atlet team sport sekaligus yang dinamakan Sportdasb. Dashboard ini nantinya mampu menampilkan data rekaman performa atlet yang diambil ketika atlet menggunakan Wearable device saat melakukan olahraga. Dashboard ini akan dibangun menggunakan Visual Studio Code dengan database yang memanfaatkan MySQL. Untuk mengembangkan dashboard ini, penelitian menerapkan metode design thinking dimana kebutuhan dan opini calon pengguna dashboard, yaitu pelatih atlet team sport, dijadikan sebagai acuan utama dalam pengembangan desain dashboard terutama secara visual. Pengambilan informasi terkait kebutuhan calon pengguna dalam penelitian ini akan bergantung utamanya pada wawancara beberapa guru dan pelatih olahraga yang berpengalaman dalam mengawasi atlet dalam team sport dan akan dilakukan secara iteratif selama pengerjaan dashboard. Metode design thinking dapat membuat pengembangan dashboard menjadi lebih fleksibel dan melibatkan calon pengguna secara langsung ketika melalui proses perancangan sehingga fungsi yang diimplementasikan bisa lebih sesuai dan mudah digunakan oleh calon pengguna dashboard.
Heart rate variability (HRV) performance data in sports for athletes is very important for sports coaches to be used as a reference for athletes' health and development when doing sports, especially in team sports activities that are done by several athletes. Until now, there are not many applications or websites developed that are able to read the HRV data of several athletes in one view. To make it easier for sports team coaches to monitor athlete performance, a solution was developed in the form of a dashboard to monitor the performance of several team sport athletes at once called Sportdasb. This dashboard will be able to display athlete performance recording data taken when athletes use wearable device while doing sports. This dashboard will be built using Visual Studio Code while utilizing MySQL as its database. To develop this dashboard, the study applies the design thinking method where the needs and opinions of prospective dashboard users, namely team sport athlete coaches, are used as the main reference in the development of dashboard design, especially visually. The collection of information related to the needs of prospective users in this study will depend primarily on interviews with several teachers and sports coaches who are experienced in supervising athletes in team sports and will be carried out iteratively during the work on the dashboard. The design thinking method can make the development of dashboard to be more flexible and involve potential users directly when going through the design process so that the functions implemented can be more appropriate and easy to use by prospective dashboard users.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pemantauan Atlet, Performa Atlet, HRV, Dashboard Olahraga, Olahraga Tim, Athlete Monitoring, Athlete Performance, Design thinking, Sport Dashboard, Team Sport
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T385 Visualization--Technique
Divisions: Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) > Information System > 57201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Alana Nabihah Thufailah
Date Deposited: 30 Jul 2024 03:24
Last Modified: 30 Jul 2024 03:24

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