Evaluasi Reliability Komponen Kritis EV RC Pushback Tug Dengan Metode Reliability Block Diagram, Fault Tree Analysis, Dan Fussel-Vesely Importance

Syamsuri, Achmad (2024) Evaluasi Reliability Komponen Kritis EV RC Pushback Tug Dengan Metode Reliability Block Diagram, Fault Tree Analysis, Dan Fussel-Vesely Importance. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pushback Tug adalah salah satu peralatan yang paling sering digunakan dan penting dalam Aircraft Ground Handling Services. PT GMF AeroAsia Tbk sedang mengembangkan Pushback Tug bertenaga penggerak listrik yang dapat dikendalikan secara remote dengan harapan akan segera dikomersialkan. EV RC Pushback Tug ditujukan untuk beberapa manfaat, seperti peningkatan keselamatan, efisiensi, pengurangan tenaga kerja, penurunan emisi, dan lain-lain. Untuk mencapai fungsinya dengan optimal, produk harus memiliki reliability yang telah terbukti. Evaluasi reliability dilakukan dalam tahap pengembangan EV RC Pushback Tug generasi 2 karena pada generasi sebelumnya belum pernah dilakukan. Selain itu, hal ini juga dilakukan untuk mempersiapkan produk sebelum dilakukan komersialisasi dan hilirisasi produk. Evaluasi reliability dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk memiliki estimasi reliability dari produk ketika dipasarkan di kemudian hari. Metode pada penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 tahap utama, yaitu identifikasi, pengolahan data, dan analisis. Identifikasi EV RC Pushback Tug dilakukan melalui pendefinisian konfigurasi sistem untuk menjadi acuan dalam penyusunan Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) dan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). RBD digunakan untuk merepresentasikan keandalan sistem dan untuk penyusunan FTA selama proses analisis. Berdasarkan hasil FTA, komponen-komponen kritis dapat diidentifikasi dari identifikasi Minimal Cut Set (MCS) dan pembobotan komponen kritis menggunakan metode Fussel-Vesely (FV) Importance Index. Hasilnya adalah keandalan sistem pada saat beroperasi 20 jam bernilai 88,54% dimana hasil tersebut belum memenuhi target perusahaan yang bernilai 90%. Sementara itu, komponen kritis ditandai dengan indeks FV lebih dari 1% pada sistem produk ada 5, yaitu baterai 0,6746; gearbox 0,1108; main controller 0,07128; wire harness 0,07065; dan remote control 0,05058. Dengan menerapkan metode ini, pengembang dapat memfokuskan pengembangan produk terhadap 5 komponen kritis tersebut daripada harus fokus terhadap seluruh komponen yang berjumlah 37 komponen fungsional. Dengan metode ini akan membutuhkan waktu yang jauh lebih sedikit untuk mengidentifikasi kekurangan dalam produknya selama tahap pengembangan. Dengan demikian, keandalan EV RC Pushback Tug dapat ditingkatkan selama fase pengembangan produk melalui peningkatan kualitas komponen kritis.
Pushback Tug is one of the most frequently used and important pieces of equipment in Aircraft Ground Handling Services. PT GMF AeroAsia Tbk is developing an electric-powered Pushback Tug that can be remotely controlled, with the hope that it will soon be commercialized. The EV RC Pushback Tug is aimed at several benefits, such as increased safety, efficiency, reduced labor, lower emissions, and more. To achieve its optimal function, the product must have proven reliability. Reliability evaluation is carried out in the development stage of the second-generation EV RC Pushback Tug because it was not conducted in the previous generation. Additionally, this is done to prepare the product before commercialization and downstream product development. The reliability evaluation aims to estimate the product's reliability when marketed in the future. The method in this study consists of three main stages: identification, data processing, and analysis. Identification of the EV RC Pushback Tug is done by defining the system configuration to serve as a reference in the preparation of the Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). The RBD is used to represent the system's reliability and to prepare the FTA during the analysis process. Based on the FTA results, critical components can be identified from the identification of the Minimal Cut Set (MCS) and weighting of critical components using the Fussel-Vesely (FV) Importance Index. The result is that the system's reliability when operating for 20 hours is valued at 88.54%, which does not meet the company's target of 90%. Meanwhile, critical components marked with an FV index of more than 1% in the product system include 5 components: battery 0.6746; gearbox 0.1108; main controller 0.07128; wire harness 0.07065; and remote control 0.05058. By applying this method, developers can focus on developing the product for these 5 critical components rather than focusing on all 37 functional components. This method will require significantly less time to identify deficiencies in the product during the development stage. Thus, the reliability of the EV RC Pushback Tug can be improved during the product development phase by enhancing the quality of critical components.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: EV RC Pushback Tug, Reliability Block Diagram, Fault Tree Analysis, Fussel-Vesely Importance
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA169 Reliability (Engineering)
T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL152.8 Vehicles, Remotely piloted. Autonomous vehicles.
T Technology > TL Motor vehicles. Aeronautics. Astronautics > TL671.9 Airplanes--Maintenance and Repair
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Industrial Engineering > 26201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Achmad Syamsuri
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2024 02:18
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2024 02:18
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/110175

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