Analisa Sistem Track Slab pada Perencanaan High-Speed Railway di Indonesia

Islam, Bintang Fajrul (2024) Analisa Sistem Track Slab pada Perencanaan High-Speed Railway di Indonesia. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Perkembangan industri mendorong kebutuhan perekonomian spesifiknya pada aspek transportasi salah satunya jalur kereta api cepat. Tipe jalur transportasi untuk kereta api cepat saat ini sudah menggunakan sistem modern yang disebut dengan sistem track slab. Sistem track slab terdiri dari tiga layer berupa slab track, adjustment layer (self-compacting concrete), dan bed plate. Penggunaan sistem track slab pada lintasan kereta api cepat harus memenuhi berbagai macam persyaratan diantaranya harus memiliki ketahanan yang lama karena direncanakan dengan mutu yang tinggi.

Pada tugas akhir ini direncanakan sistem struktur track slab dengan menggunakan jalur menerus dan berbelok. Perencanaan sistem track slab mengacu kepada PM No.60 Tahun 2012, PD No. 10 Tahun 1986, EN 1991-2 (2003), EN-16432-1-2017, EN-16432-2-2017 dengan harapan sistem track slab ini dapat memenuhi segala persyaratan strukturalnya. Perhitungan yang dilakukan pada struktur harus memiliki kapasitas geser friksi yang lebih besar daripada beban ultimate yang bekerja untuk mendapatkan dimensi dari slab track, self-compacting concrete, dan bed plate untuk dilanjutkan ke dalam program bantu. Dari perhitungan kapasitas geser friksi didapatkan juga struktur membutuhan penahan geser berupa shear key antar slab track dengan dimensi 90 cm x 15 cm x 65 mm, shear key antara slab track dan self-compacting concrete dengan diameter 20 cm dengan menggunakan tulangan 7D10, shear key antara self-compacting concrete dan bed plate dengan dimensi 60 cm x 60 cm.

Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan program bantu SAP2000 untuk membuat model struktur dan mengetahui gaya dalam yang timbul pada elemen struktur akibat beban yang bekerja. Pembebanan pada model ini direncanakan dengan beban statik sebesar 22,5 ton untuk tipe rel 1435 mm dengan model di arah melintang dan lapisan tanah di bawah dimodelkan melalui stiffness yang didapatkan nilai CBR yang 8%. Hasil gaya dalam dari SAP2000 digunakan untuk menghitung kondisi service dan ultimate. Pada perencanaan penulangan didapatkan penulangan yang digunakan pada slab track adalah 4D13 dengan tulangan sengkang D10-250, pada self-compacting concrete dan bed plate tidak memerlukan tulangan karena kapasitas dari momen crack-nya dapat memikul beban yang bekerja.
Industrial development drives specific economic needs in the transportation aspect, one of which is high speed train track. The type of transportation track for high-speed train currently uses a modern system called the track slab system. The track slab system consists of three layers, namely the slab track, adjustment layer (self-compacting concrete), and bed plate. The use of a track slab system on high-speed trains must meet various requirements, including having to have long durability because it is designed with high quality.

In this final project, a structural track slab system is planned to use continuous and turning track. The planning of the track slab system refers to PM No. 60 of 2012, PD No. 10 of 1986, EN 1991-2 (2003), EN-16432-1-2017, EN-16432-2-2017 with the hope that this track slab system can meet all structural requirements. Calculations carried out on the structure must have a frictional shear capacity that is greater than the ultimate load that works to obtain the dimensions of the slab track, self-compacting concrete, and bed plate to be continued in the auxiliary program. From the calculation of the friction shear capacity, it is also found that the structure requires shear resistance in the form of a shear key between the slab track with dimensions of 90 cm x 15 cm x 65 mm, a shear key between the slab track and self-compacting concrete with a diameter of 20 cm using 7D10 reinforcement, a shear key between self-compacting concrete and bed plate with dimensions of 60 cm x 60 cm.

The analysis was carried out using the SAP2000 auxiliary program to create a structural model and determine the internal forces that arise in structural elements due to the working loads. The loading in this model is planned with a static load of 22.5 tons for the 1435 mm rail type with the model in the transverse direction and the soil layer below is modeled through stiffness which obtains a CBR value of 8%. Internal force results from SAP2000 are used to calculate service and ultimate conditions. In the reinforcement planning, it was found that the reinforcement used in the slab track was 4D13 with D10-250 stirrup reinforcement, in the self-compacting concrete and the bed plate does not need reinforcement because moment crack capacity can carry the load.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sistem Track Slab, Gaya Sentrifugal, Lintasan Berbelok, Track Slab System, Centrifugal Force, Turning Track.
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA278.3 Structural equation modeling.
Divisions: Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Civil Engineering > 22201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Bintang Fajrul Islam
Date Deposited: 02 Aug 2024 06:05
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2024 06:05

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