Analisis Dinamis Side By Side Crane Barge Dan Transport Barge Tahap Instalasi Topside

Nakiva, Napoleon Bonaparte (2024) Analisis Dinamis Side By Side Crane Barge Dan Transport Barge Tahap Instalasi Topside. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Operasi instalasi platform merupakan salah satu kegiatan lepas pantai yang membutuhkan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi. Topside harus terpasang dengan sempurna pada jacket leg. DAF (Dynamic Amplification Factor) yang digunakan dalam industri hanya mengkompensasi beban dinamik, sedangkan pada instalasi topside gerakan dinamis topside perlu ditinjau karena dapat mempengaruhi nilai DAF. Penelitian ini mendalami tentang analisis dinamis pada saat proses pengangkatan topside dari barge dalam kondisi side by side antara crane barge dan transport barge. Melalui simulasi numerik dengan software MOSES dan SACS, penelitian ini menyelidiki hubungan antara kondisi lingkungan, lifting process dan konfigurasi side by side antara crane barge dan transport barge yang menyebabkan efek multibody selama operasi berlangsung. Dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, kondisi side by side menyebabkan nilai tension pada tali tambat meningkat dengan tension maksimum sebesar 243.76 MT karena efek multibody dibanding kondisi stand alone dengan tension maksimum 153.14 MT. Sedangkan nilai tension tali pada hoist line kondisi stand alone adalah 1197.66 MT, dan pada kondisi side by side sebesar 1008.01 MT. Hal tersebut diakibatkan oleh perubahan pada komponen hidrodinamika saat kondisi side by side.
Installation operations for platforms are one of the offshore activities that require a high degree of accuracy. The topside must be perfectly installed on the jacket leg. The Dynamic Amplification Factor (DAF) used in the industry only compensates for dynamic loads, while in topside installations, the dynamic movements of the topside need to be considered as they can affect the DAF value. This research delves into dynamic analysis during the topside lifting process from a barge under side-by-side conditions between the crane barge and the transport barge. Through numerical simulations using MOSES and SACS software, this study investigates the relationship between environmental conditions, the lifting process, and the side-by-side configuration between the crane barge and the transport barge, which causes multibody effects during the operation. From the analysis conducted, side-by-side conditions cause the tension value on the mooring lines to increase, with a maximum tension of 243.76 MT due to multibody effects compared to stand-alone conditions with a maximum tension of 153.14 MT. Meanwhile, the tension value on the hoist line under stand-alone conditions is 1197.66 MT, and under side-by-side conditions is 1008.01 MT. This is due to changes in the hydrodynamic components during side-by-side conditions.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Lifting, Floating Crane Barge, Transport barge, Side by side
Subjects: V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Ocean Engineering > 38201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Napoleon Bonaparte Nakiva
Date Deposited: 04 Sep 2024 07:51
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2024 07:51

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