Sintesis Nanopartikel Nikel Ferit Dengan Metode Elektrokimia-Bebas Surfaktan Untuk Aplikasi Katalis Fotoanoda Pemecah Air

Nabila, Roida (2024) Sintesis Nanopartikel Nikel Ferit Dengan Metode Elektrokimia-Bebas Surfaktan Untuk Aplikasi Katalis Fotoanoda Pemecah Air. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Penelitian yang diusulkan sebagai topik tesis adalah sintesis nanopartikel nikel ferit (NiFe2O4) secara elektrokimia bebas surfaktan sederhana pada suhu ruang menggunakan plat besi sebagai elektroda anoda dan katoda. Nikel ferit tergolong oksida spinel yang banyak menarik perhatian karena berpotensi sebagai katalis fotoanoda Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER) untuk oksidasi air yang efisien. Penelitian mempelajari pengaruh variasi potensial (3, 6, 9 dan 12 V) terhadap pembentukan nikel ferit. Penelitian ditemukan bahwa pada potensial 12 V terbentuk nikel ferit yang berwarna hitam dan morfologi kubik dengan ukuran partikel 56 nm. Metode elektrokimia bebas-surfaktan terbukti menjanjikan sebagai metode sederhana untuk pembentukan nanopartikel nikel ferit dan mengontrol ukuran partikel. Onset potensial OER dari nikel ferit pada potensial 12 V (1,49 V vs RHE) memiliki performa lebih baik dibandingkan 3 V (1,52 V); 6 V (1,54 V); dan Ni-mesh base (1,56 V). Overpotensial (@ 10 mA/cm2) pada nikel ferit 12 V (0,337 V vs RHE) memiliki performa lebih baik dibandingkan 3 V (0,367 V); 6 V (0,452 V); dan Ni-mesh base (0,533 V). Kepadatan arus foto (photocurrent) nikel ferit 12 V sebesar 2,182 mA/cm2 pada 1,23 V vs RHE. Koefisien transfer muatan anodik (αa) pada nikel ferit 12 V (0,435) memiliki nilai lebih besar dibandingkan 9 V (0,402), 3 V (0,298), dan 6 V (0,237). Nikel ferit 12 V merupakan reaksi elektrokimia elektrokatalis yang reversibel dan bifungsional sebagai aktivitas OER (Oxygen Evolution Reaction) dan ORR (Oxygen Reduction Reaction).
The research proposed as a thesis topic is a simple surfactant-free electrochemical synthesis of nickel ferrite (NiFe₂O₄) nanoparticles at room temperature using iron plates as anode and cathode electrodes. Nickel ferrite is classified as a spinel oxide that has attracted much attention because of its potential as an Oxygen Evolution Reaction (OER) photoanode catalyst for efficient water oxidation. The research studied the effect of potential variation (3, 6, 9 and 12 V) on the formation of nickel ferrite. The research found that at a potential of 12 V, pure nickel ferrite was formed which was black in color and had a cubic morphology with a particle size of 56 nm. The particle size diameter is controlled by potential. The particle size increased with increasing potential. Nickel ferrite nanoparticles produced by the surfactant-free electrochemical method ranged from 4 to 56 nm. The surfactant-free electrochemical method proved to be promising as a simple method for the formation of nickel ferrite nanoparticles and control particle size. The onset potential OER of nickel ferrite at 12 V potential (1.49 V vs RHE) performed better than 3 V (1.52 V); 6 V (1.54 V); and Ni-mesh base (1.56 V). The overpotential (@ 10 mA/cm2) on nickel ferrite 12 V (0.337 V vs RHE) performed better than 3 V (0.367 V); 6 V (0.452 V); and Ni-mesh base (0.533 V). The photocurrent density of 12 V ferrite nickel was 2.182 mA/cm2 at 1.23 V vs RHE. The anodic transfer coefficient (αa) of 12 V nickel ferrite (0.435) has a larger than 9 V (0.402), 3 V (0.298), and 6 V (0.237). Nickel ferrite 12 V is a reversible and bifunctional electrochemical reaction electrocatalyst with OER (Oxygen Evolution Reaction) and ORR (Oxygen Reduction Reaction) activities.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Elektrokimia, Fotoanoda, Nikel ferit, OER (Oxygen Evolution Reaction). Electrochemistry, Nickel ferrite, OER (Oxygen Evolution Reaction), Photoanode.
Subjects: T Technology > TP Chemical technology > TP255 Electrochemistry, Industrial.
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Chemical Engineering > 24101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: Roida Nabila
Date Deposited: 07 Aug 2024 08:23
Last Modified: 07 Aug 2024 08:23

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