Desain Set Perhiasan Coiling Bambu untuk Gen Z

Aurani, Zelmananda Zharfiasa (2024) Desain Set Perhiasan Coiling Bambu untuk Gen Z. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Bambu merupakan salah satu sumber daya alam yang jumlahnya melimpah di Indonesia sehingga produk-produk kerajinan bambu mudah ditemui di Indonesia. Teknik yang paling banyak digunakan adalah teknik anyam. Kerajinan anyaman bambu banyak menggunakan coiling sebagai kerangka produk anyaman. Coiling merupakan teknik menggulung iratan bambu sehingga bentuk yang dihasilkan umumnya rounded. Meskipun kerap disandingkan dengan teknik anyam yang populer, teknik coiling justru kurang dilirik dan dikembangkan di Indonesia. Hal ini dikarenakan coiling yang memiliki bentuk dasar lingkaran dan sulit untuk dibuat dalam diameter kecil yang akhirnya menjadi hambatan pengembangan produk menggunakan teknik coiling. Pengolahan bambu juga menambah tantangan bagi para pengrajin karena bambu mudah terserang jamur dan organisme perusak bambu. Padahal pasar sustainable sedang populer akhir-akhir ini khususnya pada Gen Z. Pasar tersebut merupakan peluang yang sangat besar karena Gen Z menduduki populasi tertinggi saat ini di Indonesia. Berdasarkan beberapa sumber, Gen Z memiliki ketertarikan terhadap produk-produk fesyen, salah satunya perhiasan. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebutlah perancangan perhiasan coiling bambu untuk Gen Z dilakukan. Perhiasan yang dibuat berupa set yang terdiri dari anting, kalung dan gelang. Pada perancangan ini Gen Z merupakan target pasar yang menjadi kunci utama pada styling perhiasan, dimana preferensi Gen Z akan menjadi pertimbangan utama dalam proses desain. Dalam perancangan ini preferensi Gen Z akan digali melalui metode utama yaitu CJM dan kuesioner. Sementara pengolahan bambu akan digali melalui studi lapangan produk dan teknik terkait serta melakukan berbagai eksperimen-eksperimen yang dibutuhkan seperti jenis bambu, pengawetan bambu, bentuk coiling, joining dan finishing coiling. Metode-metode tersebut digunakan untuk mendukung proses desain perhiasan coiling bambu yang dapat dikustomisasi sesuai dengan preferensi Gen Z.
Bamboo is one of the abundant natural resources in Indonesia so bamboo handicraft products are easily found in Indonesia. The most widely used technique is the plaiting technique. Many woven bamboo crafts use coiling as a framework for woven products. Coiling is a technique of rolling bamboo strips so that the resulting shape is generally rounded. Although it is often juxtaposed with the popular plaiting technique, the coiling technique is actually less glamourised and developed in Indonesia. This is because coiling has a basic circular shape and is difficult to make in small diameters, which ultimately becomes an obstacle to product development using coiling techniques. Bamboo processing also adds to the challenges for craftsmen as bamboo is susceptible to mould and bamboo-destroying organisms. Whereas the sustainable market is popular these days, especially with Gen Z. This market is a huge opportunity because Gen Z has the highest population in Indonesia today. Based on several sources, Gen Z has an interest in fashion products, one of which is jewellery. Based on this background, the design of bamboo coiling jewellery for Gen Z was carried out. The jewellery is a set consisting of earrings, necklace and bracelet. In this design, Gen Z is the target market that is the main key in jewellery styling, where Gen Z's preferences will be the main consideration in the design process. In this design, Gen Z preferences will be explored through the main methods, namely CJM and questionnaires. Meanwhile, bamboo processing will be explored through field studies of related products and techniques as well as conducting various experiments needed such as bamboo type, bamboo preservation, coiling form, joining and coiling finishing. These methods are used to support the design process of bamboo coiling jewellery that can be customised according to Gen Z's preferences.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Perhiasan, Bambu, Coiling, Gen Z, Jewelry, Bamboo, Coiling, Gen Z.
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NK Decorative arts Applied arts Decoration and ornament > NK1535.B3 Design
Divisions: Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business (CREABIZ) > Product Design > 90231-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Zelmananda Zharfiasa Aurani
Date Deposited: 03 Aug 2024 08:16
Last Modified: 03 Aug 2024 08:16

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