Identifikasi Persebaran Batuan Purbakala di Situs Tondowongso Desa Gayam, Kec Gurah, Kab Kediri dengan Metode VLF-EM

Nisak, Ida Amirotun (2024) Identifikasi Persebaran Batuan Purbakala di Situs Tondowongso Desa Gayam, Kec Gurah, Kab Kediri dengan Metode VLF-EM. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Identifikasi batuan arkeolog di bawah permukaan secara non-destructive perlu dilakukan agar tidak merusak batuan yang ada. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan ialah metode Very Low Frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM). Hal ini dikarenakan metode VLF-EM dapat memetakan persebaran bawah permukaan dengan memanfaatkan penjalaran gelombang radio yang berfrekuensi rendah. Perbedaan respon gelombang terhadap benda konduktif mampu menggambarkan kondisi bawah permukaan tanah. Oleh karena itu, metode VLF-EM ini dapat digunakan untuk menentukan persebaran batuan. Pada tugas akhir ini metode VLF-EM digunakan untuk menentukan persebaran batuan penyusun candi di Situs Tondowongso, Desa Gayam, Gurah, Kediri. Data pengukuran VLF-EM (inphase dan quadrature) difilter dengan menggunakan metode Noise Assisted-Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition (NA-MEMD) untuk mendapatkan data VLF-EM yang bebas dari gangguan. Setelah itu, hasil filter NA-MEMD dianalisa menggunakan filter Fraser dan Karous-Hjelt untuk menentukan posisi anomali resisitif yang diduga sebagai batuan penyusun candi. Untuk interpretasi kuantitatif data VLF-EM terfilter NA-MEMD diinversi untuk menghasilkan resistivitas 2D. Batuan penyusun candi diduga berada pada kedalaman ±3-6m dari permukaan tanah dengan nilai resistivitasnya ± 33-56 Ωm. Hasil ini sesuai dengan hasil metode Resistivitas, Self-Potensial (SP), dan Magnetik, serta hasil ekskavasi arkeologi didaerah penelitian.
Non-destructive identification of archaeological rocks in the subsurface needs to be done so as not to damage existing rocks. One method that can be used is the Very Low Frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) method. This is because the VLF-EM method can map the distribution of the subsurface by utilizing the propagation of low frequency radio waves. The difference in wave response to conductive objects can describe subsurface conditions. Therefore, the VLF-EM method is used to determine the distribution of rocks. In this final project, the VLF-EM method is used to determine the distribution of rocks that make up the temple at the Tondowongso Site, Gayam Village, Gurah, Kediri. VLF-EM measurement data (inphase and quadrature) is filtered using the Noise Assisted-Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition (NA-MEMD) method to obtain VLF-EM data that is free from interference. Afterwards, the NA-MEMD filter results were analyzed using Fraser and Karous-Hjelt filters to determine the position of the resistive anomaly suspected to be the constituent rock of the temple. For quantitative interpretation, the NA-MEMD filtered VLF-EM data was inversed to produce 2D resistivity. The temple's constituent rocks are thought to be at a depth of ±3-6m from the ground surface with a resistivity value of ±33-56 Ωm. These results are in accordance with the results of Resistivity, Self-Potential (SP), and Magnetic methods, as well as the results of archaeological excavations in the research area.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Arkeolog, VLF-EM, NA-MEMD, Resistivitas, Archaeology, Resistivity
Subjects: Q Science
Q Science > QC Physics > QC665.E38 Electric fields.
Q Science > QE Geology > QE601 Geology, Structural
Divisions: Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (SCIENTICS) > Physics > 45201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Ida Amirotun Nisak
Date Deposited: 20 Aug 2024 08:18
Last Modified: 20 Aug 2024 08:18

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