Modify Microplastic Capture Product to Aid Research on Microplastic Concentration in the Mediterranean Sea

Nugraha, Sam Adi (2024) Modify Microplastic Capture Product to Aid Research on Microplastic Concentration in the Mediterranean Sea. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Polusi mikroplastik adalah masalah yang semakin mendesak di seluruh dunia. Mikroplastik dapat didefinisikan sebagai partikel plastik kecil dengan ukuran kurang dari 5 milimeter. Dalam kasus ini, Penulis bekerja sama dengan organisasi bernama ExpéditionMED. Organisasi ini berfokus secara khusus pada penelitian polusi plastik untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan mobilisasi pengambil keputusan dan kebijakan. Penulis mempunyai ide dan gagasan untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam mengembangkan fitur alat ini. Terdapat ide dengan mekanisme semi-automatic memanfaatkan arduinno nano-controller dan rotary encoder untuk menyelesaikan masalah pada monitoring alat yang akan digunakan klien. Dengan menerapkan konsep design engineering, concurrent engineering, dan sustainable manufacture di pekerjaan ini, penulis berhasil menghadirkan mesin prototipe yang akan diuji ExpéditionMED pada ekspedisi berikutnya.
Microplastic pollution is becoming an increasingly urgent issue worldwide. Microplastics can be defined as small plastic particles measuring less than 5 millimeters. In this case, the Author collaborated with an organization named ExpéditionMED. This organization specifically focuses on researching plastic pollution to raise awareness and mobilize decision-makers and policymakers. The Author has ideas and concepts to address the issue by developing features for this tool. There is an idea with a semi-automatic mechanism utilizing an Arduino Nano controller and a rotary encoder to solve issues with the monitoring tool that will be used by clients. By implementing concepts of design engineering, concurrent engineering, and sustainable manufacture in this work, the Author successfully delivered a prototype machine that will be tested by ExpéditionMED on their next expedition.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Semi otomatis, 3D Desain, Sistem Terintegrasi, Pengembangan Produk, Semi-Automatic, Design Engineering, Concurrent Engineering, Integrated System, Product Development
Subjects: T Technology > TS Manufactures > TS170 New products. Product Development
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Industrial Engineering > 26201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Sam Adi Nugraha
Date Deposited: 27 Aug 2024 07:54
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2024 07:54

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