Architectural Twin: Eksperimentasi Kloning Efisiensi Dalam Rekayasa Infosfer Di Lingkungan Tropis

Jamily R, Alvin (2024) Architectural Twin: Eksperimentasi Kloning Efisiensi Dalam Rekayasa Infosfer Di Lingkungan Tropis. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Era Net Zero Emission pada tahun 2060 menjadi target masa depan setiap negara, semuanya berhadapan dengan permasalahan yang sama, yaitu carbon footprint. Banyak sektor penghasil karbon terutama akibat penggunaan kendaraan pribadi. Solusi yang ada sekarang berupa efisiensi energi yang ramah lingkungan dan mempromosikan budaya penggunaan energi bersih. Dengan kemajuan teknologi yang terus berkembang, terdapat beberapa metode desain yang dilakukan, yaitu mengintegrasikan ruang nyata dengan ruang virtual (trase) dengan menggunakan teori architectural twin untuk mendapat arsitektur pengganti atau kombinasi. Selain itu, menggunakan teori cloning architecture dan adaptable architecture yang membantu dengan metode grafik efisiensi ruang ke dalam satu ruang arsitektur yang kompleks. Metode ini menganalisis efisiensi ruang standar menjadi ruang yang lebih efektif secara luas dan fungsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa architectural twin dapat menjadi alat yang efektif untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan ruang dan beradaptasi dengan luas ruang standar dan perubahan kebutuhan. Hasil tipologi tugas akhir berupa Transportation-Hub yang menjadi gabungan beberapa moda transportasi untuk memudahkan mobilitas manusia dan mengurangi carbon footprint transportasi pribadi.
The Net Zero Emission era in 2060 is the future target of every country, all of which are faced with the same problem, namely the carbon footprint. Many carbon-producing sectors are mainly due to the use of private vehicles. The current solution is in the form of environmentally friendly energy efficiency and promoting a culture of using clean energy. With the advancement of technology that continues to develop, several design methods are carried out, namely integrating real space with virtual space (infosphere) using the theory of twin architecture to obtain a replacement or combination architecture. In addition, using the theory of cloning architecture and adaptable architecture which helps with the method of space efficiency graphics into one complex architectural space. This method analyzes the efficiency of standard space into a more effective space in terms of area and function. The results of the study show that architecture twin can be an effective tool for optimizing the use of space and adapting to the standard area of space and changing needs. The results of the final project typology are in the form of Transportation-Hub which is a combination of several modes of transportation to facilitate human mobility and reduce the carbon footprint of private transportation.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Adaptable, Carbon Footprint, Ruang Nyata, Ruang Virtual, Transport-Hub Adaptable, Carbon Footprint, Real Space, Transport-Hub, Virtual Space
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA2542.36 Sustainable architecture
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA2542.8 Water and architecture (Aquatecture)
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA2750 Architectural design.
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA6310 Railroad stations.
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA6320 Bus terminals
N Fine Arts > NA Architecture > NA9053 City planning
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Architecture > 23201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Alvin Jamily R
Date Deposited: 19 Aug 2024 06:11
Last Modified: 19 Aug 2024 06:11

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