Sintesis UiO-66 dari Pasir Zirkon sebagai Pendukung Komposit g-C3N4/UiO-66 untuk Pengurangan Kadar Zat Warna

Aldianita, Ananda Krisna (2024) Sintesis UiO-66 dari Pasir Zirkon sebagai Pendukung Komposit g-C3N4/UiO-66 untuk Pengurangan Kadar Zat Warna. Other thesis, Intitut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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UiO-66 dan g-C3N4/UiO-66 telah berhasil disintesis dengan variasi penambahan massa UiO-66 berturut-turut 5%, 10%, dan 15% dinotasikan sebagai CNU-5, CNU-10, dan CNU-15. Sintesis UiO-66 dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan bahan alam pasir zirkon (PZ) sebagai prekursor ZrOCl2 penghasil Zr4+ dengan metode solvotermal dalam pelarut DMF pada suhu 120oC selama 24 jam. Modifikasi g-C3N4/UiO-66 dilakukan secara in-situ. Padatan yang diperoleh dikarakterisasi dengan XRD, FTIR, SEM-EDX, dan adsorpsi-desorpsi nitrogen. Seluruh material hasil sintesis menunjukkan puncak karakteristik pada 2θ = 7,26° dan 8,78° yang sesuai dengan pola difraktogram UiO-66 standar serta pita serapan pada panjang gelombang yang sama dengan UiO-66 dan g-C3N4 yang telah dilaporkan. Material UiO-66 dan g-C3N4/UiO-66 memiliki morfologi yang hampir sama yaitu berbentuk bulat tidak beraturan yang bergerombol. Hasil pengukuran dengan adsorpsi-desorpsi N2 menunjukkan bahwa SBET dari material UiO-66 dan CNU-10 berturut-turut sebesar 406,884 m2/g dan 291,414 m2/g. Hasil uji adsorpsi zat warna metilen biru dan methyl orange menunjukkan bahwa CNU-10 memiliki kapasitas adsorpsi tertinggi masing-masing sebesar 78,265 mg/g dan 163,791 mg/g serta keduanya mengikuti model kinetika orde dua semu dan isotermal Langmuir. Hasil uji fotokatalitik methyl orange menunjukkan bahwa CNU-10 memiliki nilai persen degradasi sebesar 83% pada menit ke 135.
UiO-66 and g-C3N4/UiO-66 have been successfully synthesized with variations of g-C3N4 mass addition of 5, 10, and 15% to the mass of UiO-66 which are denoted as CNU-5, CNU-10, and CNU-15, respectively. The synthesis of UiO-66 was carried out by utilizing natural zircon sand (PZ) as the precursor of ZrOCl2 producing Zr4+ by solvothermal method in DMF solvent at 120 oC for 24 hours. Modification of g-C3N4/UiO-66 was carried out in-situ. The X-ray Diffraction (XRD) diffractogram of the synthesized material shows characteristic peaks at 2θ = 7.26° and 8.78° which match the diffractogram pattern of standard UiO-66. The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra of the synthesized material showed absorption bands at the same wavelength as the reported UiO-66 and g-C3N4. The surface morphology of g-C3N4/UiO-66 is irregular cubic-like particles which are similar to the surface morphology of UiO-66. The measurement results by N2 adsorption-desorption showed that the SBET of UiO-66 and CNU-10 materials were 406,884 m2/g and 291,414 m2/g, respectively. The results of methylene blue and methyl orange dyes adsorption tests showed that CNU-10 had the highest adsorption capacity of 78,265 mg/g and 163,791 mg/g, respectively, and both followed the pseudo second-order kinetics model and Langmuir isotherm. The methyl orange photocatalytic test results showed that CNU-10 had a percent degradation value of 83% at 135 minutes. This indicates that CNU-10 has the potential to be applied to the removal of methylene blue and methyl orange dyes in water.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: UiO-66, g-C3N4, Komposit g-C3N4/UiO-66, Adsorpsi, Fotokatalis, g-C3N4/UiO-66 Composite, Adsorption, Photocatalysts
Subjects: Q Science > QD Chemistry > QD501 Catalysis. Catalysts.
Q Science > QD Chemistry > QD547 Flocculation, precipitation, adsorption, etc.
Q Science > QD Chemistry > QD716 Photocatalysis.
Q Science > QD Chemistry > QD905.2 Crystals.
Divisions: Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (SCIENTICS) > Chemistry > 47201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Ananda Krisna Aldianita
Date Deposited: 03 Sep 2024 07:52
Last Modified: 03 Sep 2024 07:52

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