Potensi Aktivitas Antibakteri dari Senyawa Kompleks Kobalt(II)-Aroilhidrazon berbasis Benzohidrazida dan Salisilaldehida

Fitria, Nuraini (2024) Potensi Aktivitas Antibakteri dari Senyawa Kompleks Kobalt(II)-Aroilhidrazon berbasis Benzohidrazida dan Salisilaldehida. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Senyawa kompleks kobalt (II) dengan ligan aroilhidrazon berbasis 2-hidroksibenziliden benzohidrazida telah berhasil disintesis. Hasil sintesis senyawa kompleks berupa padatan serbuk berwarna cokelat dengan rendemen sebesar 35,066%. Ligan aroilhidrazon diperoleh dari hasil reaksi antara benzohidrazida dengan salisilaldehid. Hasil analisis FTIR pada kompleks Co(II)-2-hidroksibenziliden benzohidrazida menunjukkan bahwa kompleks memiliki bentuk tautomer enol, serta terdapat serapan khas berupa ikatan koordinasi Co-N pada bilangan gelombang 470 cm-1 serta ikatan koordinasi Co-O pada bilangan gelombang 528 cm-1 dan 686 cm-1. Hasil analisis UV-Vis menunjukkan adanya pergeseran panjang gelombang dari 299 nm ke panjang gelombang 328 nm, Pergesaran batokromik ini menandakan adanya tranfer muatan dari ligan ke logam (LMCT). Hasil TGA menunjukkan empat tahap dekomposisi dengan hasil akhir berupa kobalt oksida, selain itu diketahui bahwa rasio mol ligan dan logam adalah 1:1. Hasil tersebut diperkuat dengan data analisis unsur C, H, N, dan O, yaitu didapatkan rumus molekul kompleks [Co(L)(Cl)(H2O)]. Interpretasi powder XRD menunjukkan bahwa senyawa kompleks memilki kemiripan dengan material standar. Berdasarkan uji antibakteri terhadap bakteri gram positif (Staphylococcus aureus) dan gram negatif (Escherichia coli) dengan metode difusi cakram, diperoleh nilai zona inhibisi ligan sebesar 11,5\pm0,5 mm untuk Staphylococcus aureus dan 6,0\pm0,0 mm untuk Escherichia. coli, sedangkan nilai zona inhibisi kompleks sebesar 12,25\pm1,05 mm untuk S aureus dan 14,85\pm0,5 mm untuk E coli.
Complexes Co(II) compound with aroilhydrazone ligand based on 2-hydroxybenzyliden benzohydrazide had been successfully synthesized. The synthesized complex compound is a brown powder solid with a yield of 35.066%. The aroilhydrazone ligand was obtained from the reaction of benzohydrazide with salicylaldehyde. The result of analysis using FTIR of the Co(II)-2-hydroxybenzyliden benzohydrazide complex shows that the complex has an enol tautomeric formation, and there are a typical absorption of Co-N coordination bond at wave number 470 cm-1 and Co-O coordination bond at wave number 528 cm-1 and 686 cm-1. UV-Vis analysis shows a shift in wave length from 299 nm to 328 nm, this batochrome shift indicates a transfer of charge from ligan to metal (LMCT). The TGA data shows that there were four stages of decomposition with the final result in the form of cobalt oxide, besides that it was known that the ratio between ligand and metal moles was 1: 1. These results are reinforced by the elemental analysis data of C, H, N, and O, which obtained the complex molecular formula [Co(L)(Cl)(H2O)]. XRD powder interpretation shows that the complex compound has similarity with the standard material. Based on antibacterial tests against gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and gram-negative (Escherichia coli) bacteria by disc diffusion method, the ligand inhibition zone value was 11,5\pm0,5 mm for Staphylococcus. aureus and 6,0\pm0,0 mm for Escherichia. coli, while the complex inhibition zone value was 12,25\pm1,05 mm for S. aureus and 14,85\pm0.5 mm for E. coli.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Antibakteri, Aroilhidrazon, Bakteri gram positif, Bakteri gram negatif, Senyawa Komplek, Antibacterial, Aroilhydrazone, Gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, Complex Compound
Subjects: Q Science > QD Chemistry > QD905.2 Crystals.
Divisions: Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (SCIENTICS) > Chemistry > 47201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Nuraini Fitria
Date Deposited: 12 Aug 2024 03:25
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2024 08:06
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/114827

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