Rancang Bangun Safety System Pada Serial Plant Evaporator Limbah Pengolahan Garam (Bittern)

Allysyah, Sonia Ella (2024) Rancang Bangun Safety System Pada Serial Plant Evaporator Limbah Pengolahan Garam (Bittern). Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Serial evaporator bittern yang terdapat pada laboratorium Instrumentasi & Kontrol Departemen Teknik Instrumentasi telah dilengkapi dengan sistem pengendalian Temperature & flow. Serial Evaporator Bittern tersebut melakukan proses evaporasi secara bertahap dengan menggunakan dua panci presto. Meskipun telah ada penelitian sebelumnya tentang evaporator bittern, namun belum ada Safety Instrumented System (SIS) yang dapat mencegah bahaya. Dengan adanya SIS, maka evaporator dapat meminimalkan risiko yang tidak diinginkan selama proses ekstraksi garam anorganik dari bittern. Untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya kegagalan dalam temperature dan flow control pada proses evaporasi bittern, maka perlu dirancang SIS dengan fokus pada beberapa komponen Safety System, dalam merancang Safety System maka dilakukan kajian Hazard of Operability atau HAZOP dengan menggunakan skenario pada temperature bittern di dalam panci presto. Hasil HAZOP digunakan untuk merancang Safety Instrumented System (SIS) yang mencegah bahaya seperti overheating dengan menggunakan buzzer alarm dan shutdown system. Shutdown system dan Buzzer Alarm diintegrasikan untuk mematikan kompor dan mengaktifkan alarm jika terdeteksi bahaya. Safety System ini dirancang untuk memastikan proses ekstraksi bittern berjalan dengan aman dan tanpa risiko. Serta penelitian ini telah dilakukan uji kinerja buzzer alarm sebagai alarm system pada temperature 55°C pada evaporator 1 dan 100°C pada evaporator 2, serta shutdown system pada temperature 60°C evaporator 1 dan 105°C pada evaporator 2 sebagai langkah terakhir dalam safety system.
The bittern evaporator series in the Instrumentation & Control laboratory of the Instrumentation Engineering Department has been equipped with a Temperature & flow control system. The Bittern Evaporator Series carries out the evaporation process in stages using two pressure cookers. Although there has been previous research on bittern evaporators, there has been no Safety Instrumented System (SIS) that can prevent hazards. With the SIS, the evaporator can minimize unwanted risks during the inorganic salt extraction process from bittern. To anticipate failures in temperature and flow control in the bittern evaporation process, it is necessary to design a SIS with a focus on several Safety System components, in designing the Safety System, a Hazard of Operability or HAZOP study is carried out using a scenario at the bittern temperature in the pressure cooker. The HAZOP results are used to design a Safety Instrumented System (SIS) that prevents hazards such as overheating by using a buzzer alarm and shutdown system. The Shutdown system and Buzzer Alarm are integrated to turn off the stove and activate the alarm if a hazard is detected. This Safety System is designed to ensure that the bittern extraction process runs safely and without risk. And this research has conducted a performance test of the buzzer alarm as an alarm system at a temperature of 55°C on evaporator 1 and 100°C on evaporator 2, as well as a shutdown system at a temperature of 60°C on evaporator 1 and 105°C on evaporator 2 as the final step in the safety system.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Proses Evaporasi, Bittern, Safety Instrumented System (SIS), HAZOP, Evaporation Process, Bittern, Safety Instrumented System (SIS), HAZOP
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T55.3.H3 Hazardous substances--Safety measures.
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > Instrumentation Engineering
Depositing User: Sonia Ella Allysyah
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2024 08:40
Last Modified: 13 Aug 2024 08:40
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/115304

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