Kajian Anatomi Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) yang Terinfeksi Ganoderma boninense pada Media Tanam yang Bervariasi

Nurzaman, Muhammad Akil Wasilah (2024) Kajian Anatomi Bibit Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) yang Terinfeksi Ganoderma boninense pada Media Tanam yang Bervariasi. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Kelapa sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) merupakan salah satu tanaman penghasil minyakdengan menyumbang ±34% pasokan minyak dan lemak nabati dunia. Namun, keberlanjutanperkebunan dan produksi minyak kelapa sawit di Asia Tenggara terancam oleh penyakit sepertiBusuk Pangkal Batang (BPB) yang disebabkan oleh cendawan genus Ganoderma. Penyakitdimulai ketika Ganoderma boninense menginfeksi bagian basal akar kelapa sawit, yang manaproses infeksi Ganoderma boninense salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh sifat fisik dari mediatanam seperti ukuran partikel, tekstur, porositas, dan drainase. Oleh karena itu, infeksiGanoderma boninense berkaitan dengan variasi media tanam. Metode yang digunakan yaitupersiapan variasi media tanam (1:1 dan 1:2), inokulasi Ganoderma rubber wood block (GRWB)termasuk persiapan bibit dan penanaman bibit dan aplikasi GRWB. Selanjutnya dilakukanpembuatan preparat anatomi (akar, batang, dan daun) bibit kelapa sawit menggunakan metodeparafin. Metode parafin yang digunakan terdiri dari, Fiksasi, Dehidrasi, Embedding, Sectioningdan Staining. Parameter pengamatan pada penelitian ini meliputi diameter anatomi jaringanpenyusun akar (total akar, epidermis, korteks, dan stele), diameter anatomi jaringan penyusunbatang (total batang, korteks, berkas pengangkut, dan epidermis) dan diameter anatomipenyusun daun (mesofil dan epidermis). Hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui jaringan anatomibibit kelapa sawit terdiri dari jaringan penyusun akar, yang mencakup diameter epidermis,korteks, korteks akar, dan stele akar. Jaringan anatomi penyusun batang terdiri dari epidermis,korteks, dan berkas pengangkut, sedangkan jaringan penyusun daun terdiri dari jaringanepidermis dan jaringan mesofil. Berdasarkan hasil anatomi jaringan akar, batang, dan daun,proses infeksi mempengaruhi bagian akar, batang, dan daun, namun tidak terdapat perbedaanyang signifikan antara perlakuan tanpa aplikasi G. boninense (G0) dan perlakuan denganaplikasi G. boninense (G1). Pada perlakuan tanpa aplikasi G. boninense (G0), diameter jaringan akar tertinggi tercatat pada diameter total akar G0M1 sebesar 632.06, diameter korteks G0M1sebesar 262.25, diameter stele G0M1 sebesar 218.06, dan diameter epidermis G0M2 sebesar16.69. Diameter jaringan batang tertinggi tercatat pada diameter total batang G0M2 sebesar6.59, diameter korteks G0M1 sebesar 577.32, diameter berkas pengangkut G0M1 sebesar257.55, dan diameter epidermis G0M2 sebesar 7.22. Diameter jaringan daun tertinggi tercatatpada diameter mesofil G0M2 sebesar 49.83 dan diameter epidermis G0M1 sebesar 4.73.Sementara itu, pada perlakuan dengan aplikasi G. boninense (G1), diameter jaringan akarterendah tercatat pada diameter total akar G1M2 sebesar 558.84, diameter korteks G1M2sebesar 184.74, diameter stele G1M2 sebesar 163.43, dan diameter epidermis G1M1 sebesar13.56. Diameter jaringan batang terendah tercatat pada diameter total batang G1M2 sebesar4.56, diameter korteks G1M2 sebesar 443.94, diameter berkas pengangkut G1M2 sebesar232.68, dan diameter epidermis G1M2 sebesar 4.95. Diameter jaringan daun terendah tercatatpada diameter mesofil G1M2 sebesar 33.80 dan diameter epidermis G1M2 sebesar 3.60. =================================================================================================================================
Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is one of the major oil-producing plants, contributingapproximately 34% of the world's vegetable oil and fat supply. However, the sustainability ofoil palm plantations and oil production in Southeast Asia is threatened by diseases such as BasalStem Rot (BSR) caused by fungi of the genus Ganoderma. The disease begins whenGanoderma boninense infects the basal part of the oil palm roots, where the infection processof Ganoderma boninense is influenced by the physical properties of the growing media, suchas particle size, texture, porosity, and drainage. Therefore, Ganoderma boninense infection isrelated to variations in the growing media. The method used involves the preparation ofgrowing media variations (1:1 and 1:2), inoculation of Ganoderma rubber wood block (GRWB),including seedling preparation and planting, and GRWB application. Next, anatomicalpreparations (roots, stems, and leaves) of oil palm seedlings were made using the paraffinmethod. The paraffin method used consists of fixation, dehydration, embedding, sectioning,and staining. Observation parameters in this study include the anatomical diameter of roottissues (total root, epidermis, cortex, and stele), the anatomical diameter of stem tissues (totalstem, cortex, vascular bundle, and epidermis), and the anatomical diameter of leaf tissues(mesophyll and epidermis). The results of this study reveal that the anatomical tissue of oil palmseedlings consists of root tissue, which includes the diameter of the epidermis, cortex, rootcortex, and stele. The anatomical tissue of the stem comprises the epidermis, cortex, andvascular bundles, while the leaf tissue consists of epidermal tissue and mesophyll tissue. Basedon the anatomical results of the root, stem, and leaf tissues, the infection process affects theroot, stem, and leaf parts. However, there is no significant difference between the treatmentwithout G. boninense application (G0) and the treatment with G. boninense application (G1).In the treatment without G. boninense application (G0), the highest root tissue diameter wasrecorded for the total root diameter of G0M1 at 632.06, cortex diameter of G0M1 at 262.25,stele diameter of G0M1 at 218.06, and epidermis diameter of G0M2 at 16.69. The highest stemtissue diameter was recorded for the total stem diameter of G0M2 at 6.59, cortex diameter ofG0M1 at 577.32, vascular bundle diameter of G0M1 at 257.55, and epidermis diameter ofG0M2 at 7.22. The highest leaf tissue diameter was recorded for the mesophyll diameter ofG0M2 at 49.83 and epidermis diameter of G0M1 at 4.73. Meanwhile, in the treatment with G.boninense application (G1), the lowest root tissue diameter was recorded for the total rootdiameter of G1M2 at 558.84, cortex diameter of G1M2 at 184.74, stele diameter of G1M2 at 163.43, and epidermis diameter of G1M1 at 13.56. The lowest stem tissue diameter was recorded for the total stem diameter of G1M2 at 4.56, cortex diameter of G1M2 at 443.94, vascular bundle diameter of G1M2 at 232.68, and epidermis diameter of G1M2 at 4.95. The lowest leaf tissue diameter was recorded for the mesophyll diameter of G1M2 at 33.80 and epidermis diameter of G1M2 at 3.60.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kelapa Sawit, Ganoderma boninense, Diameter, Anatomi
Subjects: Q Science > QH Biology > QH301 Biology
Q Science > QK Botany > QK710 Plant physiology
Divisions: Faculty of Science and Data Analytics (SCIENTICS) > Biology > 46201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Muhammad Akil Wasilah Nurzaman
Date Deposited: 15 Aug 2024 09:00
Last Modified: 15 Aug 2024 09:00
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/115313

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