Pengembangan Model Kebijakan Adopsi dan Ekosistem Kendaraan Bermotor Listrik di Indonesia

Sasongko, Triyono Widi (2024) Pengembangan Model Kebijakan Adopsi dan Ekosistem Kendaraan Bermotor Listrik di Indonesia. Doctoral thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Program penggantian kendaraan berbahan bakar fosil menjadi kendaraan bermotor listrik (EV- electric vehicle) merupakan bagian dari upaya dunia untuk mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca dan konsumsi bahan bakar fosil. Di Indonesia, perkembangan EV masih lambat. Pangsa pasar EV hanya 1,47% dari target 10% pada tahun 2022. Berdasarkan kajian literatur ditemukan kesenjangan penelitian terkait belum dipertimbangkannya kendala manufaktur EV yang dikuasasi OEM (origin equipment manufacturer) global bagi negara yang belum kuat industri otomotifnya seperti Indonesia, kendala lemahnya manufaktur EV start-up dalam negeri, kendala belum ditetapkannya target segmentasi pengguna, dan kendala keterbatasan kebijakan adopsi dan ekosistem EV. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis faktor-faktor pendorong dan penghambat adopsi EV, menetapkan prioritas kebijakan-kebijakan kunci sebagai pendorong adopsi EV, dan mengembangkan model kebijakan adopsi dan ekosistem EV di Indonesia. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan proses pengambilan keputusan secara rasional, yang terdiri dari tahapan Intelejen, Desain, Pilihan dan Implemetasi. Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan menggunakan gabungan metode Delphi, DEMATEL dan ANP Model BOCR (benefits, opportunities, costs, risks). Hasil penelitian telah memetakan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi adopsi dan produksi EV dari perspektif ekosistem EV (pengguna, manufaktur EV, penyedia infratsruktur charging, dan pemerintah). Bagi pengguna yang mayoritas adalah economy users, masih mahalnya harga EV dibandingkan dengan ICEV pada kelas mobil yang sepadan, serta masih kurangnya SPKLU untuk perjalanan antar kota karena bisnis ini belum menguntungkan operator SPKLU, menjadi kendala tertinggi. Bagi Manufaktur EV, masih kecilnya pangsa pasar EV karena proses transisi menjadi kendala untuk memproduksi EV secara masif, disamping adanya kendala mahalnya biaya produksi, karena komponen utama EV harus diimpor dari global supply chain yang menguasai industri EV saat ini, dan kendala EV sebagai disruptive product. Pemerintah menghadapi kondisi faktual bahwa industri otomotif di Indonesia, didominasi oleh OEM luar negeri yang sangat bergantung kepada strategi bisnis OEM global, sementara industri EV lokal masih menghadapi banyak kendala. Hasil pemodelan kebijakan jangka pendek merekomendasikan prioritas model kebijakan yang bersifat penciptaan permintaan yang meliputi P1-Purchasing incentives, P8-EVCS provider incentives, P-9-EVCS in public area support, P5-Production incentives, dan P2-Annual tax incentives dan dikombinasikan dengan kebijakan yanag bersifat non-fiskal, yaitu P3-Driving privilege dan P4-Awareness campaign. Hasil pemodelan kebijakan jangka panjang merekomendasikan prioritas model kebijakan jangka pendek tetap diaplikasian, dengan penguatan sisi kebijakan yang berorientasi penyediaan dengan memberlakukan kebijakan yang lebih “memaksa’, yaitu kebijakan P6-EV shares targeted production dengan sistem reward and pinalty, dan kebijakan untuk menumbuhkan industri dalam negeri dengan memberlakukan kebijakan P7-Co-production with local start-up.
The program to replace fossil fuel vehicles with electric vehicles (EV) is part of the world's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel consumption. In Indonesia, EV development is still slow. The EV market share is only 1.47% of the target of 10% in 2022. Based on a literature review, it was found that there are research gaps related to the lack of consideration of the constraints of EV manufacturing dominated by global OEMs (origin equipment manufacturers) for countries that are not yet strong in the automotive industry, the limitations on weak domestic EV start-up manufacturer, the constraints of not yet setting user segmentation targets, and the constraints of the limitations of adoption policies and the EV ecosystem. This study aims to analyze the driving factors inhibiting EV adoption, set priorities for critical policies as drivers of EV adoption, and develop a policy model for EV adoption and ecosystem in Indonesia. This research methodology uses a rational decision-making process approach, which consists of the stages of Intelligence, Design, Choice, and Implementation. This study proposes using a combination of Delphi, DEMATEL, and ANP methods of the BOCR (benefits, opportunities, costs, risks) model. The study's results have mapped the factors that affect EV adoption and production from the perspective of the EV ecosystem (users, EV manufacturers, charging infrastructure providers, and governments). For users, the majority of whom are economy users, the high price of EVs compared to ICEV in a commensurate car class and the lack of charging stations for intercity travel because this business has not benefited charging stations operators are the highest obstacles. For EV Manufacturing, the EV market share is still small because the transition process is an obstacle to massively producing EVs and the constraints of high production costs. After all, the main components of EVs must be imported from the global supply chain that dominates the current EV industry and the constraints of EVs as disruptive products. The government faces the factual condition that the automotive industry in Indonesia is dominated by foreign OEMs who are highly dependent on global OEM business strategies. In contrast, the local EV industry still faces many obstacles. The results of short-term policy modeling recommend the priority of policy models that are demand creation, which include P1-Purchasing incentives, P8-EVCS provider incentives, P-9-EVCS in public area support, P5-Production incentives, and P2-Annual tax incentives and combined with non-fiscal policies, namely P3-Driving privilege and P4-Awareness campaigns. The results of the long-term policy modeling recommend that the short-term policy model be prioritized by strengthening the supply-oriented policy side by enacting a more "coercive" policy, namely the P6-EV shares targeted production policy with a reward and penalty system, and the policy to grow the domestic industry by enforcing the P7-Co-production with local start-up policy.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Uncontrolled Keywords: electric vehicles, adoption, ecosystem, policy model, kendaraan bermotor listrik, adopsi, ekosistem, model kebijakan, Indonesia, Delphi, DEMATEL, ANP-BOCR,
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
T Technology > T Technology (General) > T58.62 Decision support systems
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Industrial Engineering > 26001-(S3) PhD Thesis
Depositing User: Triyono Widi Sasongko
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2024 09:19
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2024 07:26

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