Kontrol Kelembapan Udara pada Sistem Pengeringan Mie Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic

Salim, Delvin (2024) Kontrol Kelembapan Udara pada Sistem Pengeringan Mie Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic. Diploma thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Proses pengeringan makanan memegang peranan penting dalam industri makanan untuk menjaga kualitas produk dan meningkatkan umur simpan. Di ruangan pengering mie PT Ladang Sehat Indonesia, sistem pengeringan menggunakan kipas dengan kondisi operasi hidup dan mati saja. Penggunaan sistem ini akhirnya tidak sesuai dengan keinginan operator dalam mengendalikan kelembapan udara. Pengambilan data kelembapan dan temperatur ruangan pengering mie masih dilakukan secara manual dengan menggunakan 1 buah alat Hygrometer HTC-2 sehingga data yang diperoleh kurang akurat karena belum merepresentasikan kelembapan dan temperatur ruangan secara menyeluruh. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, penelitian ini mengusulkan sistem otomatisasi menggunakan Fuzzy logic untuk mengontrol kecepatan kipas berdasarkan kondisi kelembapan dan temperatur ruangan. Selain itu, sistem ini dilengkapi alat monitoring kelembapan dan temperatur berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) dengan website untuk memudahkan pemantauan oleh operator. Sistem dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy logic memiliki rise time 648,4 detik untuk mencapai set point kelembapan 50% dari kelembapan awal 65%, sedangkan tanpa metode Fuzzy logic adalah 571,8 detik. Pada pengujian ini, rise time pada penggunaan metode Fuzzy logic lebih lambat 76,6 detik dibandingkan tanpa metode Fuzzy logic. Didapatkan nilai rata-rata kelembapan pada pengujian sistem menggunakan metode Fuzzy logic yaitu 50,5333%, sedangkan tanpa metode Fuzzy logic yaitu 52,5946%. Hasil pengujian sistem otomatisasi terhadap kecepatan kipas dalam mengontrol kelembapan udara menggunakan metode Fuzzy logic menunjukkan keunggulan yang tipis dibandingkan tanpa metode Fuzzy logic. Website monitoring dapat menampilkan data kelembapan dan temperatur ruangan pengering mie dengan rata-rata delay pembaruan data 13,96 detik.
The food drying process plays an important role in the food industry to maintain product quality and increase shelf life. In the noodle drying room of PT Ladang Sehat Indonesia, the drying system uses a fan with only on and off operating conditions. The use of this system ultimately does not match the operator's wishes in controlling air humidity. Data collection on humidity and temperature of the noodle drying room is still done manually using 1 HTC-2 Hygrometer so that the data obtained is less accurate because it does not represent the humidity and temperature of the room as a whole. To overcome this problem, this study proposes an automation system using Fuzzy logic to control fan speed based on humidity and room temperature conditions. In addition, this system is equipped with an Internet of Things (IoT)-based humidity and temperature monitoring tool with a website to facilitate monitoring by the operator. The system using the Fuzzy logic method has a rise time of 648.4 seconds to reach a humidity set point of 50% from an initial humidity of 65%, while without the Fuzzy logic method it is 571.8 seconds. In this test, the rise time using the Fuzzy logic method is 76.6 seconds slower than without the Fuzzy logic method. The average humidity value obtained in the system test using the Fuzzy logic method is 50.5333%, while without the Fuzzy logic method it is 52.5946%. The results of the automation system test on fan speed in controlling air humidity using the Fuzzy logic method show a slight advantage compared to without the Fuzzy logic method. The monitoring website can display humidity and temperature data for the noodle drying room with an average data update delay of 13.96 seconds.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Kelembapan Udara, Pengeringan Mie, Air Humidity, Internet of Things (IoT), Noodle Drying
Subjects: Q Science
Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA9.64 Fuzzy logic
T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD883 Air quality management.
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK3070 Automatic control
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK5105.546 Computer algorithms
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > 36304-Automation Electronic Engineering
Depositing User: Delvin Salim
Date Deposited: 20 Aug 2024 03:05
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2024 06:58
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/115468

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