Uji Performa Pada Jaringan Sistem Monitoring Kendaraan Operasional Logistik Menggunakan Reliability Testing

Harisma, Syamsabillah Agil (2024) Uji Performa Pada Jaringan Sistem Monitoring Kendaraan Operasional Logistik Menggunakan Reliability Testing. Diploma thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Perusahaan kosmetik memiliki karakteristik multiplant di satu kawasan industri sehingga antar gudang dan pabriknya tersebar. Oleh karena itu, diterapkan konsep milkrun, sebuah metode logistik yang memungkinkan pengiriman barang dengan rute tetap menggunakan satu truk yang dapat mengumpulkan dan mengantarkan barang di berbagai titik dalam satu perjalanan. Saat ini, operasional milkrun perusahaan memanfaatkan google forms dan google sheets dalam melakukan pemantauan operasional logistiknya, namun metode manual ini memiliki keterbatasan dalam keakuratan data dan pemantauan real-time. Oleh karena itu, dirancanglah platform sistem monitoring dengan fitur GPS tracking yang memungkinkan pemantauan posisi truk secara real-time. Sistem ini dirancang untuk beroperasi 24/7, sesuai dengan kebutuhan operasional tiga shift perusahaan. Agar sistem monitoring dapat berfungsi secara maksimal, dilakukanlah reliability testing untuk memastikan stabilitas serta konsistensi sistem dalam jangka panjang sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan operasional perusahaan secara efektif. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa sistem memiliki performa yang konsisten dan stabil dalam menangani beban pengguna hingga 25 pengguna, dengan nilai Apdex yang mendekati satu. Namun, performa mulai menurun saat jumlah pengguna meningkat menjadi 50 dan 100, menunjukkan adanya tekanan pada beberapa fitur. Selain itu, performa transmisi data GPS ke server dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas operasional, dengan interval pengiriman data yang diatur berbeda saat truk bergerak dan berhenti. Meskipun performa transmisi data stabil, terdapat penurunan pada malam hari, dan hasil pengujian menunjukkan rata-rata delay sebesar 1,7 detik dan throughput sebesar 701 bits/s, yang mengindikasikan kategori performa transmisi termasuk jelek untuk delay serta sangat bagus untuk throughput menurut QoS. Secara keseluruhan, sistem tetap menunjukkan kestabilan performa selama operasional.
A cosmetics company has multiplant characteristics in one industrial area so that its warehouses and factories are spread out. Therefore, the milkrun concept was applied, a logistics method that allows goods to be sent on a fixed route using one truck that can collect and deliver goods at various points in one trip. Currently, the company's milkrun operations uses Google Forms and Google Sheets to monitor its logistics operations, however, this manual method has limitations in data accuracy and real-time monitoring. Therefore, a monitoring system platform was designed with a GPS tracking feature that allows real-time monitoring of truck positions. The system is designed to operate 24/7, according to the company's three-shift operational needs. For the monitoring system to function optimally, reliability testing is carried out to ensure the stability and consistency of the system in the long term so that it can meet the company's operational needs effectively. Test results show that the system has consistent and stable performance in handling user loads of up to 25 users, with an APDEX value close to one. However, performance started to decline as the number of users increased to 50 and 100, indicating pressure on some features. In addition, the performance of GPS data transmission to the server is affected by operational activities, with data transmission intervals set differently when the truck is moving and stopping. Although data transmission performance is stable, there is a decline at night, and test results show an average delay of 1.7 seconds and throughput of 701 bits/s, which indicates a poor data transmission performance for delay and very good for throughput based on QoS. Overall, the system continues to show stable performance during operation.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Reliability testing, GPS tracking, milkrun,, GPS tracking, milkrun
Subjects: T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK5105.5956 Quality of service. Reliability Including network performance
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK7870.23 Reliability. Failures
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > 36304-Automation Electronic Engineering
Depositing User: Syamsabillah Agil Harisma
Date Deposited: 21 Aug 2024 02:44
Last Modified: 21 Aug 2024 02:44
URI: http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/115483

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