Studi Mekanisme Kelongsoran Dan Alternatif Penanganan Tanah Lunak Pada Ruas Jajaln Tol Indrapura – Kisaran (STA 112+850 – STA 112+900)

Hariri, Adnan (2025) Studi Mekanisme Kelongsoran Dan Alternatif Penanganan Tanah Lunak Pada Ruas Jajaln Tol Indrapura – Kisaran (STA 112+850 – STA 112+900). Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November.

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Lereng timbunan tinggi pada jalan tol Indrapura-Kisaran dirancang mencapai ketinggian 7-9 meter diatas tanah karakteristik yang didominasi tanah lunak. Ketinggian ini diperlukan sesuai dengan perhitungan konsolidasi pada implementasi penanganan tanah lunak dengan metode preloading agar mencapai elevasi desain jalan. Setelah diaplikasikan pada ruas jalan tersebut, dimana tinggi total timbunan adalah 7 meter, timbunan tersebut mengalami sliding dan penanganan dilapangan dilaksanakan dengan struktur tiang pancang dengan kedalaman 28m. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa penyebab dan mekanisme kelongsoran timbunan tinggi tersebut serta mengetahui bahwa metode geoteknik mana yang dapat diimplementasikan dengan pertimbangan faktor keamanan, biaya dan waktu. Dalam menganalisis mekanisme kelongsoran, dipertimbangkan kondisi material tanah dasar dan kondisi material tanah timbunan. Kondisi tanah dasar dan kondisi tanah timbunan didapat dari hasil penyelidikan tanah. Analisis ini akan menggunakan bantuan software finite element. Berdasarkan analisa dan pemodelan yang telah dilaksanakan diketahui bahwa penyebab kelongsoran pada desain eksisting adalah dikarenakan kedalaman tanah lunak diluar prediksi kedalaman pada titik borlog awal , dari hasil Analisa geoteknik didapatkan bahwa perkuatan timbunan dengan geotekstile dikombinasikan perbaikan tanah dasar dengan Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) merupakan alternatif terbaik. Kemudian dilakukan penelitian untuk penanganan struktur tiang pancang sesuai dengan kondisi di lapangan, hasil dari variasi kedalaman tiang pancang keseluruhan memenuhi kriteria faktor keamanan. Dari hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan dalam penanganan sliding dapat memprioritaskan dengan penanganan geoteknik dengan pertimbangan biaya penanganan geoteknik 70% lebih efisien dibandingkan penanganan struktur.
The high embankment slope on the Indrapura-Kisaran toll road is designed to reach a height of 7-9 meters above the characteristic soil which is dominated by soft soil. This height is required in accordance with the consolidation calculation in the implementation of soft soil treatment with preloading method in order to reach the design elevation of the road. After being applied to the road section, where the total height of the embankment is 7 meters, the embankment experienced sliding and the handling in the field was carried out with a pile structure with a depth of 28m. This study aims to analyze the cause and mechanism of the high embankment landslide and determine which geotechnical method can be implemented with consideration of safety, cost and time factors. In analyzing the landslide mechanism, the subgrade and embankment soil material conditions were considered. The subgrade and embankment soil conditions are obtained from the soil investigation results. This analysis will use finite element software. Based on the analysis and modeling that has been carried out, it is known that the cause of the landslide in the existing design is due to the depth of soft soil beyond the predicted depth at the initial borlog point, from the results of geotechnical analysis it is found that reinforcing the embankment with geotextiles combined with subgrade improvement with Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) is the best alternative. Then research was conducted to handle. Then research was carried out for the handling of pile structures in accordance with the conditions in the field, the results of the variation of the overall pile depth met the criteria for safety factors. The results above show the aspects studied based on the safety factor (SF), cost, and time. This research is expected to provide additional literature on soil handling models that have so far mostly focused on safety factors only.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Analisa Stabilitas Lereng, Timbunan Tinggi, Tanah Lunak . Kelongsoran, Keamanan Lereng, Perkuatan Timbunan, Alternatif Penanganan Tanah Lunak, Spun Pile
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA645 Structural analysis (Engineering)
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA749 Soil stabilization
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA775 Foundations.
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Civil Engineering > 22101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: Adnan Hariri
Date Deposited: 23 Jan 2025 03:09
Last Modified: 23 Jan 2025 03:09

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