Perencanaan Ulang Struktur Dermaga Barge to Barge Coal Transfer Menggunakan Pile Fender di Kalimantan

Octabviani, Winda Meta (2025) Perencanaan Ulang Struktur Dermaga Barge to Barge Coal Transfer Menggunakan Pile Fender di Kalimantan. Diploma thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Perencanaan ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan ulang dermaga barge to barge transfer batu bara di Kalimantan. Perusahaan tambang di Indonesia, memiliki kebutuhan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan kapasitas transfer batu bara melalui sungai sebagai jalur transportasi utama. Dermaga barge to barge transfer merupakan infrastruktur krusial dalam proses ini, namun kondisinya saat ini menghadapi beberapa tantangan yang menghambat operasional yang optimal. Karena dermaga ini direncanakan pada salah satu sungai di Kalimantan, maka dermaga ini harus didesain mampu beroperasi ketika air sungai dalam keadaan pasang maupun surut. Seperti yang diketahui, bahwa pasang surut air sungai lebih ekstrim dari pada pasang surut air laut. Tidak jarang air sungai mengalami surut yang sangat ekstrim ketika musim kemarau yang menyebabkan debit air mengalami penyusutan tinggi muka air sebesar 5,5 m dari muka air tertinggi. Debit air yang menyusut ketika terjadi surut, baik dalam keadaan musim kemarau maupun penghujan perlu menjadi fokus pada perencanaan dermaga yang terletak disungai. Kondisi pasang dan surut pada sungai ini sangat memengaruhi posisi kapal ketika bersandar pada dermaga. Sehingga perlu dipertimbangkan ketinggian fender yang digunakan pada struktur dermaga, agar pada saat kapal bersandar dapat mengenai fender tersebut. Dikarenakan pasang surut pada air sungai terbilang ekstrim, maka penggunaan pile fender menjadi sebuah solusi agar struktur dermaga tidak mengalami kerusakan akibat tumbukan kapal, baik pada saat air sungai pasang maupun surut. Perencanaan struktur dermaga dimulai dengan melakukan pengumpulan data yang berupa data tanah, peta bathimetri, kondisi eksisting lokasi. Data yang digunakan merupakan data pada pelabuhan umum batu bara yang berada di Kalimantan. Dermaga direncanakan memiliki panjang 295,55 meter yang terdiri dari platform, mooring dolphin, berthing dolphin, dan pile fender. Pile fender direncanakan memiliki tinggi 16 meter dan lebar 1,6 meter, dimana dari tinggi pile fender tersebut tertanam kedalam dasar tanah sedalam 7 meter. Pile fender direncanakan menggunakan welded plate yang disambung menggunakan las. Pile fender tersebut didesain dengan pelat horizontal sebagai pengaku dalam menahan beban tumbukan kapal. Pada bagian luar pile fender diberikan lapisan karet agar tidak merusak kapal ketika menumbuk pile fender. Dermaga dilengkapi dengan jembatan akses ke darat yang direncanakan dengan panjang 152 meter dengan lebar 2 meter yang digunakan sebagai akses pejalan kaki dan akses mobilisasi dan demobilisasi material atau peralatan. Pemodelan perencanaan dermaga dilakukan menggunakan program bantu analisis struktur SAP2000, dimana pile fender, berthing dolphin, mooring dolphin, platform, dan trestle dimodelkan secara terpisah. Perencanaan dermaga menggunakan acuan SNI 1725-2016, SNI 2847-2019, SNI 2833-2016, SNI 1729-2020, Standard Design Criteria of Port in Indonesia tahun 1984, Technical Standard and Commentaries for Port and Harbour Facilities in Japan, RSNI-T-12-2004, dan ANSI/AISC 360-10, Port of Long Beach Wharf Design Criteria, dan British Standard, Maritime Structure. Hasil dari perencanaan ini adalah rekomendasi perencanaan ulang struktur dermaga pada sungai yang menggunakan pile fender untuk mengatasi keadaan pasang surut air sungai yang ekstrim. Dengan demikian, perencanaan ini tidak hanya memberikan manfaat dalam meningkatkan infrastruktur, tetapi juga berpotensi berkontribusi pada pengembangan industri tambang batu bara yang lebih berkelanjutan dan efisien di Indonesia.
This planning aims to redesign the barge to barge coal transfer pier in Kalimantan. Mining companies in Indonesia have a need to increase the efficiency and capacity of coal transfer through rivers as the main transportation route. The barge to barge transfer pier is a crucial infrastructure in this process, but its current condition faces several challenges that hinder optimal operations. Because this pier is planned on one of the rivers in Kalimantan, this pier must be designed to operate when the river water is high or low. As is known, the ebb and flow of river water is more extreme than the ebb and flow of sea water. It is not uncommon for river water to experience very extreme ebb during the dry season which causes the water discharge to experience a decrease in water level by 5.5 m from the highest water level. The water discharge that decreases when ebb occurs, both in the dry and rainy seasons, needs to be a focus in the planning of a pier located on a river. The ebb and flow conditions on this river greatly affect the position of the ship when it docks at the pier. So it is necessary to consider the height of the fender used on the pier structure, so that when the ship docks it can hit the fender. Due to the extreme ebb and flow of river water, the use of pile fenders is a solution so that the pier structure does not experience damage due to ship collisions, both when the river water is high or low. The planning of the pier structure begins with collecting data in the form of land data, bathymetric maps, and existing location conditions. The data used is data from a public coal port in Kalimantan. The pier is planned to be 295.55 meters long, consisting of a platform, mooring dolphin, berthing dolphin, and pile fender. The pile fender is planned to be 16 meters high and 1.6 meters wide, where the height of the pile fender is embedded in the ground 7 meters deep. The pile fender is planned to use a welded plate connected using welding. The pile fender is designed with a horizontal plate as a stiffener to withstand the impact load of the ship. On the outside of the pile fender, a rubber layer is provided so as not to damage the ship when it hits the pile fender. The pier is equipped with a land access bridge planned to be 152 meters long and 2 meters wide, which is used as pedestrian access and access for mobilization and demobilization of materials or equipment. The dock planning modeling was carried out using the SAP2000 structural analysis aid program, where pile fender, berthing dolphin, mooring dolphin, platform, and trestle were modeled separately. The dock planning used references SNI 1725-2016, SNI 2847-2019, SNI 2833-2016, SNI 1729-2020, Standard Design Criteria of Port in Indonesia 1984, Technical Standard and Commentaries for Port and Harbor Facilities in Japan, RSNI-T-12-2004, and ANSI/AISC 360-10, Port of Long Beach Wharf Design Criteria, and British Standard, Maritime Structure. The result of this planning is a recommendation for re-planning the structure of the pier on the river using pile fenders to overcome extreme tidal conditions of the river. Thus, this planning not only provides benefits in improving infrastructure, but also has the potential to contribute to the development of a more sustainable and efficient coal mining industry in Indonesia.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Uncontrolled Keywords: dermaga, barge to barge coal transfer, pile fender, berthing dolphin, mooring dolphin, pier.
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA174 Computer-aided design.
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA444 Reinforced concrete
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA645 Structural analysis (Engineering)
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA658 Structural design
T Technology > TC Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering > TC205 Harbors--Design and construction.
T Technology > TC Hydraulic engineering. Ocean engineering > TC357 Harbor Engineering. Piers, quays, and wharves
T Technology > TG Bridge engineering > TG325.6 Bridges--Floors--Design and construction.
Divisions: Faculty of Vocational > Civil Infrastructure Engineering (D4)
Depositing User: Winda Meta Octabviani
Date Deposited: 26 Jan 2025 10:45
Last Modified: 26 Jan 2025 10:45

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