Analisis Willingness To Pay Dan Model Pemilihan Moda Sepeda Motor, Mobil, Dan Bus Yang Akan Berpindah Menggunakan Kereta Api Madura

Noer, Ariel Ardian (2025) Analisis Willingness To Pay Dan Model Pemilihan Moda Sepeda Motor, Mobil, Dan Bus Yang Akan Berpindah Menggunakan Kereta Api Madura. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan wilayah di Kabupaten Bangkalan dan Sumenep akibat Jembatan Suramadu adalah Kepadatan Penduduk. Di Madura hanya ada satu akses jalan nasional yang menghubungkan antar empat kabupaten/kota. Hal ini menjadi salah satu penyebab kemacetan di beberapa ruas jalan yang diperparah oleh adanya kegiatan pasar tumpah di beberapa titik antara jalan nasional di Kabupaten Bangkalan hingga Kabupaten Sumenep yang diperkirakan hingga sepanjang tiga kilometer. Dari beberapa tinjauan studi, bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dan aktivitas ekonomi berdampak pada meningkatnya jumlah arus lalu lintas kendaraan di Madura. Dalam mendukung percepatan pembangunan ekonomi serta untuk menyelesaikan masalah transportasi di Madura diatas, pemerintah mengeluarkan surat keputusan yakni Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 80 Tahun 2019. Tentang proyek reaktivasi kereta api di Madura. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi pengguna moda eksisting (sepeda motor, mobil, dan bus) terhadap rencana reaktivasi Kereta Api Madura. Mendapatkan model probabilitas perpindahan jika nanti moda kereta api Madura ini beroperasi. Serta mengetahui besaran tarif tiket kereta api berdasarkan kemauan penumpang dengan Willingness To Pay (WTP). Hasil analisa didapatkan, variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap rencana reaktivasi kereta api Madura dari tiga moda eksisting pengguna sepeda motor, mobil, dan bus yaitu pendapatan dan jarak tempuh. Berdasarkan hasil pemodelan dan probabilitas, didapatkan peluang pengguna sepeda motor sebesar 45,7% dengan waktu 3 jam dan tarif Rp 40.000, aksesibilitas (intermoda) sebesar 97,5%, pengguna mobil sebesar 20,7% dengan waktu 2,5 jam dan tarif Rp 50.000, aksesibilitas (intermoda) sebesar 82,3%, pengguna bus sebesar 30,0% dengan waktu 2,5 jam dan tarif Rp 40.000, frekuensi keberangkatan kereta 3 kali sehari sebesar 76,4%, aksesibilitas (intermoda) sebesar 82,1%.
The most influential factor on regional development in Bangkalan and Sumenep Regencies due to the Suramadu Bridge is Population Density. In Madura there is only one national road access connecting the four regencies/cities. This is one of the causes of congestion on several roads which is exacerbated by the existence of spillover market activities at several points between the national road in Bangkalan Regency and Sumenep Regency which is estimated to be up to three kilometers long. From several study reviews, the increasing population and economic activities have an impact on the increasing number of vehicle traffic flows in Madura. In supporting the acceleration of economic development and to solve the transportation problems in Madura above, the government issued a decree, namely Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 80 of 2019. Concerning the train reactivation project in Madura. This study aims to identify the variables that influence users of existing modes (motorcycles, cars, and buses) on the plan to reactivate the Madura Railway. Obtain a probability model of transfer if the Madura railway mode later operates. And find out the amount of train ticket fares based on passenger willingness with Willingness To Pay (WTP). The results of the analysis obtained, the variables that influence the reactivation plan of the Madura railway from the three existing modes of motorcycle, car, and bus users are income and distance traveled. Based on the results of modeling and probability, the opportunity for motorcycle users is 45.7% with a time of 3 hours and a fare of Rp 40,000, accessibility (intermodal) of 97.5%, car users of 20.7% with a time of 2.5 hours and a fare of Rp 50,000, accessibility (intermodal) of 82.3%, bus users of 30.0% with a time of 2.5 hours and a fare of Rp 40,000, the frequency of train departures 3 times a day is 76.4%, accessibility (intermodal) of 82.1%.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kereta Api Madura, Discrete Choice, Stated Preference, Regresi Logistik, Willingness To Pay Madura Railway, Discrete Choice, Stated Preference, Regresi Logistik, Willingness To Pay
Subjects: T Technology > TE Highway engineering. Roads and pavements > TE7 Transportation--Planning
T Technology > TF Railroad engineering and operation > TF193 Estimates, costs, etc.
T Technology > TF Railroad engineering and operation > TF240 Railway construction
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Civil Engineering > 22101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: Ariel Ardian Noer
Date Deposited: 27 Jan 2025 09:47
Last Modified: 27 Jan 2025 09:47

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