Analisis Alternatif Penggunaan Properti “Mal Gresik” dengan Metode Highest and Best Use

Setyowati, Sofi Fitriyah (2025) Analisis Alternatif Penggunaan Properti “Mal Gresik” dengan Metode Highest and Best Use. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Mal Gresik merupakan satu-satunya pusat perbelanjaan selama belasan tahun di Kabupaten Gresik sebelum mulai bermunculannya tren belanja online via e-commerce dan juga mall baru sebagai pesaing Mal Gresik. Perubahan perilaku dan kondisi pasar tersebut membuat keberadaan Mal Gresik mulai tersudutkan. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan menurunnya pendapatan dan laba kotor yang diterima pengelola. Perlu dilakukan analisis untuk mencari alternatif penggunaan bangunan dan lahan yang bisa memberikan pendapatan yang tinggi, yang berarti akan menaikkan nilai properti. Tugas Akhir ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis alternatif penggunaan bangunan properti Mal Gresik agar menaikkan nilai properti dengan metode Highest and Best Use. Alternatif penggunaan properti didapatkan dengan analisis pasar, pengamatan perkembangan properti di sekitar obyek penelitian, dan juga mepertimbangkan kondisi eksisting bangunan properti Mal Gresik. Pada metode Highest and Best Use, terdapat empat kriteria yang harus dipenuhi yaitu aspek legal yang meliputi zoning dan building code; aspek fisik yang meliputi lokasi properti, utilitas dan aksesibilitas properti, serta pembuatan preliminary design; aspek finansial yang meliputi perencanaan biaya investasi, perencanaan pendapatan dan pengeluaran, dan analisis arus kas; dan aspek produktivitas maksimum untuk menentukan nilai properti tertinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4 alternatif properti yakni perkantoran, pergudangan, pergudangan – perkantoran, dan retail – perkantoran. Dari keempat alternatif tersebut, alternatif mixed use: ritel-perkantoran merupakan alternatif penggunaan terbaik yang memiliki produktivitas tertinggi bagi properti objek penelitian ini. Alternatif ritel-perkantoran memiliki selisih nilai antara nilai awal properti alternatif dengan nilai akhir properti alternatif sebesar Rp 212.994.118.288,95 dengan persentase kenaikannya adalah sebesar 76% dari nilai awal properti alternatif.
Mal Gresik was the only shopping center for a dozen years in Gresik district before it began to appear online shopping trends and new malls as a competitor of Ramayana Mall Gresik. Changes in behaviour and market conditions have caused the existence of Mal Gresik to become obscure. Due to the strategic location of this property, it is very unfortunate when the value of the property decreases because of the use of property that is perceived to have changed. Highest and Best Use analysis should be done to identify the best use alternatives for the property Mal Gresik. Alternative uses of the property are obtained by analyzing the market, observing property development around the research object, and considering the existing conditions of the building of the Mal Gresik property. In the Highest and Best Use method, there are four criteria that must be met: legally aspect, which includes zoning and building code permitted; physically, which covers the location of the property as well as the utility and accessibility of the property; financially, that covers investment cost planning, revenue and expenditure planning, and also the analysis of cash flows that are said to be reasonable and profitable; and in terms of maximum productivity to determine the property's highest value. This research uses 4 alternative properties: office, warehouse, warehouse-office, and retail-office. Among these four alternatives, the mixed-use alternative: retail-office is the best usage alternative with the highest productivity for the property in this research study. The retail-office alternative has a value difference between the initial value of the alternative property and the final value of the alternative property amounting to Rp 212,994,118,288.95, with a percentage increase of 76% from the initial value of the alternative property.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Productivity Analysis, Land Developed, Property Usage, Commercial Property, Analisis Produktivitas, Highest and Best Use, Penggunaan Properti, Properti Komersial.
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD30.24 Feasibility studies. Feasibility appraisals
T Technology > T Technology (General) > T56.8 Project Management
T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions: Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo Engineering (CIVPLAN) > Civil Engineering > 22201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Sofi Fitriyah Setyowati
Date Deposited: 01 Feb 2025 09:11
Last Modified: 01 Feb 2025 09:11

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