Pengembangan Model Diffusion Of Innovations Untuk Rekomendasi Peningkatan Behavior Intention Pada Social Commerce Dengan Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling

Chabibah, Eva Septiarni (2025) Pengembangan Model Diffusion Of Innovations Untuk Rekomendasi Peningkatan Behavior Intention Pada Social Commerce Dengan Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Kemajuan teknologi informasi di era digital telah berdampak pada dunia bisnis, terutama dengan berkembangnya social commerce. Media sosial yang sebelumnya hanya digunakan untuk interaksi sosial, kini juga dimanfaatkan untuk aktivitas komersial. Meski social commerce di Indonesia berkembang pesat dengan nilai transaksi mencapai USD 8,2 juta pada tahun 2023, e-commerce tetap dominan dengan nilai transaksi sebesar USD 30 miliar. Adopsi social commerce di Indonesia masih menghadapi tantangan terkait behavior intention pengguna untuk bertransaksi. Niat atau kecenderungan pengguna untuk berpartisipasi dalam aktivitas belanja online melalui platform social commerce masih lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan e-commerce. Penelitian-penelitian terdahulu belum mempertimbangkan peran faktor-faktor sosial sebagai elemen esensial untuk meningkatkan behavior intention. Penelitian ini mengembangkan model Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) yang mengintegrasikan social influence dan social support untuk menghasilkan rekomendasi peningkatan behavior intention pada social commerce. Dengan adanya potensi besar dari penggunaan media sosial di Indonesia, peningkatan adopsi social commerce melalui behavior intention pengguna tidak hanya akan memperluas pangsa pasar, tetapi juga mengoptimalkan penggunaan teknologi digital untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih inklusif. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui survei kepada pengguna social commerce di Indonesia dan dianalisis menggunakan metode PLS-SEM. Hasil analisis data disajikan dalam model struktural yang menghasilkan rekomendasi untuk peningkatan behavior intention. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa trust, relative advantage, compatibility, dan social support berpengaruh signifikan terhadap behavior intention dengan arah hubungan positif. Namun, complexity berpengaruh dengan arah berlawanan sebesar 0,191 terhadap behavior intention. Critical mass memiliki pengaruh terbesar terhadap behavior intention sebesar 0,925 secara positif. Variabel subjective norms pada penelitian ini tidak memediasi hubungan antara trust dengan behavior intention sehingga tidak mendukung penelitian sebelumnya. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, penelitian ini menghasilkan rekomendasi peningkatan behavior intention untuk memperluas adopsi social commerce di Indonesia.
Background: The advancements of information technology in the digital era have impact the business world, especially with the development of social commerce. Social media, which was previously used solely for social interaction, also utilized for commercial activities. Although social commerce in Indonesia has grown rapidly, with transaction values reaching USD 8.2 million in 2023, e-commerce remains dominant with transaction values of USD 30 billion. Problem: The adoption of social commerce in Indonesia still faces challenges related to user behavior intention. User’s intention or tendency to participate in online shopping activities through social commerce platforms is still lower compared to e-commerce. Previous research has not considered the role of social factors as essential elements to improve behavior intention. Objective: This research develops a Diffusion of Innovations (DOI) model that integrates social influence and social support to generate recommendations for behavior intention improvement in social commerce. With significant potential of social media use in Indonesia, accelerating social commerce adoption will not only expand market share but also optimize digital technology for inclusive economic growth. Data and Methods: The research data were collected through a survey of social commerce users in Indonesia and analyzed using PLS-SEM. The data analysis results are presented in a structural model that can provides recommendations for behavior intention improvement. Results: The results of this study show that trust, relative advantage, compatibility, and social support have a significant positive effect on behavior intention. However, complexity has a negative effect of 0.191 on behavior intention. Critical mass has the greatest positive influence on behavior intention, with a value of 0.925. Subjective norms in this study does not mediate the relationship between trust and behavior intention, thus not supporting previous studies. Based on these findings, this study provides recommendations to enhance behavior intention in order to expand the adoption of social commerce in Indonesia.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Social commerce, behavior intention, diffusion of innovations, social support, PLS-SEM,
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T174 Technological forecasting
T Technology > T Technology (General) > T58.6 Management information systems
Divisions: Faculty of Intelligent Electrical and Informatics Technology (ELECTICS) > Information System > 59101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: Eva Septiarni Chabibah
Date Deposited: 30 Jan 2025 16:54
Last Modified: 30 Jan 2025 16:54

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