Kerangka Rekrutmen Karyawan Berorientasi Efisiensi dengan Mempertimbangkan Kinerja Magang: Pendekatan FDM-DEA

Fauzi, Ahmad Restu (2025) Kerangka Rekrutmen Karyawan Berorientasi Efisiensi dengan Mempertimbangkan Kinerja Magang: Pendekatan FDM-DEA. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Program magang membantu mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan pengalaman kerja di industri dan mempelajari berbagai kompetensi yang relevan, sehingga diharapkan program magang dapat mengurangi kesenjangan antara ketersediaan sumber daya manusia berkualitas dan kebutuhan industri. Dalam implementasi program magang, dari sisi perusahaan dapat menangkap potensi keterlibatan mahasiswa sebagai peserta magang dalam proyek selanjutnya dapat mempertimbangkan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan tenaga kerja di perusahaan. Hal itu memberikan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa untuk langsung diterima bekerja setelah menyelesaikan studi mereka. Namun, masalah yang dihadapi adalah kesulitan dalam menyaring peserta magang yang berhak mendapatkan kesempatan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penyelesaian masalah tersebut, salah satunya melalui pendekatan integrasi metode Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) dan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). FDM meningkatkan kualitas yang digunakan dengan meminimalkan bias subjektif pada kriteria penilaian peserta magang. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari FDM, selanjutnya menjadi dasar dalam metode DEA yang menawarkan penyelesaian dengan berorientasi pada efisiensi kinerja peserta magang. Berdasarkan hasil FDM yang dilakukan, didapatkan bahwa dari 14 kriteria, terdapat 9 kriteria yang diterima sebagai pertimbangan manajemen perusahaan dalam menetapkan kriteria evaluasi peserta. Selanjutnya menjadi varabel input-output dalam proses DEA. Selanjutnya dari 67 peserta magang (sebagai DMU), diperoleh 19 peserta yang dapat direkomendasikan menjadi karyawan perusahaan. Hal ini berpotensi tinggi dapat mempercepat proses seleksi dan penetapan atau rekrutmen karyawan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis sensitivitas diperoleh bahwa variabel yang sensitif untuk variabel input yaitu jenjang pendidikan dan pengalaman peserta, sedangkan untuk variabel output yaitu penyelesaian proyek sesuai jadwal serta bekerja sesuai target, sehingga perusahaan perlu memberikan perhatian khusus pada variabel-variabel tersebut dalam proses pengelolaan program magang.


Internship programs help students gain work experience in the industry and learn various relevant competencies, so that internship programs are expected to reduce the gap between the availability of quality human resources and industry needs. In implementing internship programs, from the company's side, they can capture the potential for student involvement as interns in subsequent projects and can consider fulfilling the company's workforce needs. This provides an opportunity for students to be accepted to work directly after completing their studies. However, the problem faced is the difficulty in filtering interns who are entitled to the opportunity. Therefore, a solution to this problem is needed, one of which is through an integrated approach of the Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). FDM improves the quality used by minimizing subjective bias in the intern assessment criteria. Based on the results obtained from FDM, it then becomes the basis for the DEA method which offers a solution oriented towards the efficiency of intern performance. Based on the results of the FDM carried out, it was found that out of 14 criteria, there were 9 criteria that were accepted as considerations by company management in determining participant evaluation criteria. Furthermore, it becomes an input-output variable in the DEA process. Furthermore, out of 67 interns (as DMU), 19 participants were obtained who could be recommended to become company employees. This has high potential to accelerate the process of employee selection and determination or recruitment. Based on the results of the sensitivity analysis, it was obtained that the sensitive variables for input variables are the level of education and experience of participants, while for output variables, namely project completion on schedule and working according to target, so that companies need to pay special attention to these variables in the process of managing internship programs.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Data Envelopment Analysis, Fuzzy Delphi Method, Kinerja Magang, Rekrutmen Karyawan. =========================================================== Data Envelopment Analysis, Employee Recruitment, Fuzzy Delphi Method, Internship Performance.
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD30.23 Decision making. Business requirements analysis.
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology and Systems Engineering (INDSYS) > Industrial Engineering > 26101-(S2) Master Thesis
Depositing User: Ahmad Restu Fauzi
Date Deposited: 31 Jan 2025 14:14
Last Modified: 31 Jan 2025 14:14

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