Perancangan Strategi Replenishment Untuk Persediaan Component Sparepart Maintenance, Repair, and Operation Dengan Multi Criteria Decision Making Di PT. Batutua Tembaga Raya.

Nazim, Fahd (2025) Perancangan Strategi Replenishment Untuk Persediaan Component Sparepart Maintenance, Repair, and Operation Dengan Multi Criteria Decision Making Di PT. Batutua Tembaga Raya. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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PT. Batutua Tembaga Raya merupakan perusahaan Tambang Tembaga yang terletak di pulau Wetar, Maluku Barat Daya. Industri Pertambangan dengan kebutuhan operasional yang cukup tinggi untuk melakukan proses penambangan sampai proses pasca tambang hingga menjadi product jadi yaitu plat tembaga. Pada saat proses tambang dan pengolahan pasca tambang diperlukan equipment yang menunjang operasional seperti alat berat dan pabrik pengolahan hasil tambang, sehingga di perlukan pemeliharaan atas component sparepart alat berat dan alat penunjang pabrik pengolahan tembaga. Dalam menjaga ketersediaan sparepart dan component untuk operasional tambang dan pabrik pengolahan, PT. Batutua Tembaga Raya menerapkan konsep replenishment terhadap stock persediaan component spare part alat tambang yang dimiliki. Dengan diterapkannya konsep Replenishment dapat menjaga stock persediaan sparepart component dengan penunjang moving classification tiap item serta decision making pembelian stock yang akan dilakukan. Namun jika hanya mengandalkan Replenishment tanpa movement classification terhadap barang, akan menimbulkan angka belanja pembelian persediaan yang besar, Metode Multi Criteria Decision Making dapat memberikan input terhadap keputusan pembelian apakah tepat sasaran atau tidak. Pada praktik stock persediaan sparepart di Gudang penyimpanan terdapat material dengan waktu tunggu yang lebih dari dua tahun sebanyak 49% dibandingkan dengan item yang memiliki permintaan tinggi hanya sebanyak 5% tersimpan di gudang. Penelitian ini berfokus pada satu jenis material sparepart heavy equipment, yaitu filter. Penelitian ini menentukan strategi terkait replenishment item sparepart, material dengan kategori non fast moving, memiliki impact rendah pada penggunaannya, dapat di subtitusi serta material leadtime cepat dan mudah didapat akan dikeluarkan dari replenishment, sehingga jumlah material pada Gudang penyimpanan berkurang dari 404 menjadi 86 material. Material yang tidak menggunakan replenishment akan diberlakukan approval prior to putchase. Berkurangnya jumlah material akan berdampak pada berkurangnya biaya persediaan. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan keputusan terhadap pembelian component sparepart yang memberikan dampak hasil penurunan biaya persediaan hingga 1,128 Milyar rupiah.
Kata kunci: Manajemen Persediaan, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Movement Classification, Replenishment, Sparepart.
PT Batutua Tembaga Raya is a copper mining company located on Wetar Island, Southwest Maluku. Mining industry with high operational needs to carry out the mining process until the post-mining process to become a finished product, namely copper plate. During the mining process and post-mining processing, equipment that supports operations such as heavy equipment and processing plants for mining products is needed, so maintenance of component spare parts for heavy equipment and supporting equipment for copper processing plants is required. In maintaining the availability of spare parts and components for mining operations and processing plants, PT Batutua Tembaga Raya applies the concept of replenishment to the stock of spare part components of mining equipment owned. By applying the Replenishment concept, it can maintain the stock of component spare parts inventory by supporting the moving classification of each item and decision making for stock purchases to be made. However, if you only rely on Replenishment without movement classification of goods, it will cause a large number of inventory purchase expenditures, the Multi Criteria Decision Making Method can provide input into purchasing decisions whether it is right on target or not. In the practice of stocking spare parts inventory in the storage warehouse there are materials with a waiting time of more than two years as much as 49% compared to items that have a high demand of only 5% stored in the warehouse. This research focuses on one type of heavy equipment spare part material, namely filters. This research determines strategies related to the replenishment of spare parts items, materials with non-fast moving categories, have a low impact on their use, can be substituted and fast leadtime materials and are easy to obtain will be excluded from replenishment, so that the number of materials in the storage warehouse decreases from 404 to 86 materials. Materials that do not use replenishment will be subject to prior approval to putchase. The reduced amount of material will have an impact on reducing inventory costs. This research can provide decisions on the purchase of component spare parts which have an impact on the results of reducing inventory costs by up to 1.128 billion rupiah.
Keywords: Inventory Management, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Movement Classification, Replenishment, Sparepart.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Manajemen Persediaan, Multi Criteria Decision Making, Movement Classification, Replenishment, Sparepart, Inventory Management.
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD30.23 Decision making. Business requirements analysis.
Divisions: Interdisciplinary School of Management and Technology (SIMT) > 61101-Master of Technology Management (MMT)
Depositing User: Fahd Nazim
Date Deposited: 02 Feb 2025 03:11
Last Modified: 02 Feb 2025 03:11

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