Prasetya, Mardia Putri (2017) Evaluasi Teknis Operasional Pengangkutan Sampah Kecamatan Rappocini Kota Makassar. Masters thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Laju timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Rappocini sebesar 441.37 m3 per hari, dengan jumlah penduduk 160.499 jiwa, pelayanan pengangkutan sampah hanya sebesar 117.04 m3, yaitu 27% dari total timbulan sampah. Frekuensi pengangkutan sampah eksisting masih rendah yakni 1trip/hari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi proses pengangkutan sampah ditinjau dari aspek teknis, kelembagaan dan finansial.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan terhadap 8 unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang beroprasi di Kecamatan rappocini. Dengan parameter yang diamati adalah waktu pengangkutan dari pool ke TPS (t1), waktu pengangkutan sampah (pc), waktu dari TPS ke TPA (h), waktu pembuangan sampah di TPA (s), waktu kembali dari TPA ke Pool (t2), jumlah lokasi yang dilayani oleh dump truk multi lokasi dan waktu istirahat (w). Pengamatan dilakukan selama 8 hari berturut – turut. Selain itu juga dilakukan perhitungan densitas sampah di gerobak dan dump truk guna menentukan faktor kompaksi. Data tentang aspek kelembagaan dan finansial diperoleh dari wawancara dengan staf Dinas Pertamanan dan Kebersihan Kota Makassar.
Hasil evaluasi teknis menunjukan bahwa pengangkutan sampah pada saat ini adalah 1 trip/hari untuk pengangkutan dump truk satu lokasi dan multi lokasi yang dimana dilakukan secara manual. Dari hasil evaluasi dibutuhkan Pengadaan 38 buah kontainer berukuran 8m3, 10 kendaraan jenis arm roll truk dan 1 buah kendaraan dump truk, untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pengangkutan. Tidak adanya lokasi TPS maka direncanakan penentuan lokasi penempatan kontainer pada 7 Kelurahan yang belum difasilitasi dan menentuka jalur alternatif guna mempercepat waktu pengangkutan selain itu melakukan perubahan waktu pengangkutan menjadi pagi hari atau pada waktu yang tidak mengalami kemacetan. Untuk hasil evaluasi aspek finansial tahun 2017 sebesar Rp. 2.691.518.500 dari Rp. 1.530.953.000 biaya operasional pengangkutan mengalami peningkatan dikarenakan jumlah kendaraan dan kebutuhan pengangkutan ditingkatkan menjadi 2 – 4 trip/hari. Untuk aspek kelembagaan strategi yang dibuat adalah memperbaiki struktur organisasi pengelolan sampah, dan mengembangkan lokasi pengangkutan menjadi TPS.
Waste production in Rappocini sub district is at 441.37 m³/day, for the
number of 160.499 residents, compared to the solid wastes that could be covered
is many as 117.04 m³ that is only 27% from total waste. It is because in some
areas, the frequencies of waste transportation are as low as 1 trip/day. The purpose
of this study was to evaluate the process of transporting the garbage in terms of
aspects technical, institutional and financial.
This research was conducted by field observations of the 8 units of
garbage vehicles that operate in the Sub-District of Rappocini. By taking into
account the parameters that were measured, those were the transport time from the
pool to TPS (t1), the time of transporting waste (pc), time of transfer station (TPS)
to disposal station (TPA) (h), the garbage disposal in the landfill (s), time of return
from the landfill to the Pool (t2), the number of locations served by multi-location
dump truck and break time (w). Observations were made during 8 consecutive
days - respectively. In addition, the calculation of the density of garbage in the
cart and dump trucks were also taken in order to determine the compaction factor.
The data on the institutional and financial aspects were obtained from interviews
with the staffs of the Parks and Cleanliness Department of Makassar.
The results of the technical evaluation showed that the waste
transportation at this time is 1 trip / day for transporting dump trucks in one
location and in multi-location which is done manually. From the evaluation, it
takes procurement of 38 pieces sized containers 8m3, 10 vehicles of arm roll
trucks type, to improve the efficiency of the transport. The absence of polling
location, the planned siting of container placement on the 7 village that have not
facilitated and determining the alternative routes to expedite transport time than
that to change the transport time to the morning or at a time that is not congested.
For the evaluation of the financial aspects of 2017 amounted to Rp. 2.362.645.750
from Rp. 1.530.953.000, freight operating costs have increased due to the number
of vehicles and the transportation needs increased to 2-4 trips / day. For the
institutional aspects, the strategy is to improve the management of organizational
structure trash, and developing transportation location to become transfer station
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | pengangkutan, Rapocini, sampah |
Subjects: | T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD789 Refuse and refuse disposal |
Divisions: | Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning > Environment Engineering > 25101-(S2) Master Thesis |
Depositing User: | - MARDIA PUTRI PRASETYA |
Date Deposited: | 30 Mar 2017 05:44 |
Last Modified: | 27 Dec 2017 06:52 |
URI: | |
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