Muqoddam, Ahmad Faqihul (2018) Pemanfaatan Limbah Plastik PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) pada Campuran AC-BC (Aspalth Concrete – Binder Course) Sebagai Inovasi Eco-material. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Indonesia memiliki jumlah penduduk sebesar 250 juta jiwa. Luas daratan Indonesia sebesar 1,905 Juta km2. Sedangkan luas jalan raya hanya memiliki 600 ribu km. Indonesia hanya memiliki luas jalan raya 6,35% dari total luas daratan. Pada negara maju, luas jalan raya rata-rata sebesar >10% dari total luas daratan. Hal ini mendorong pemerintah terus meningkatan infrastruktur khususnya jalan raya. Disisi lain, Indonesia berada diposisi ke-2 di dunia dengan jumlah sampah plastik di laut yang mencapai 1,29 juta ton per tahun. (Hoegh-Guldberg et al., 2015).
Limbah plastik berdampak besar bagi lingkungan. Plastik memiliki sifat sulit terdegradasi (non-biodegradable) dan bahan pembuat plastik umumnya terbuat dari Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB). Plastik diperkirakan membutuhkan waktu 1000 tahun agar dapat terdekomposisi dengan sempurna. Sampah kantong plastik yang ditimbun di tempat pembuangan akhir dapat mencemari tanah dan air tanah sehingga dapat membahayakan kesehatan manusia (Karuniastuti, 2014).
Berdasarkan penelitian terdahulu dan latar belakang diatas, pemanfaatan limbah plastik sebagai campuran aspal beton menjadi solusi strategis untuk dilakukan penelitian berkelanjutan. Pada penelitian ini, lapisan aspal beton yang menjadi fokus penelitian adalah pada lapisan aspal perantara atau AC-BC (Asphal Concrete – Binder Course). Spesifikasi yang digunakan adalah spesifikasi umum Binamarga revisi 3 tahun 2010.
Material penyusun aspal beton ialah agregat dan aspal. Agregat yang digunakan terdiri dari 4 jenis yaitu agregat ukuran 10-20, 10-10, 5-10 dan 0-5 (abu batu). Aspal yang digunakan adalah aspal shell dengan penetrasi 60/70. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini yaitu : uji material, cek spesifikasi, pengujian KOA (Kadar Optimal Aspal), pengujian penambahan PET dan analisa hasil pengujian marshall dan parameternya. Proses pencampuran PET menggunakan metode basah dengan menambahkan PET sewaktu pemanasan aspal serta pastikan PET dan aspal melebur dengan homogen. Pengujian KOA dengan variasi kadar aspal 5,5%, 6%, 6,5% dan 7%. Variasi kadar PET yang digunakan yaitu 1%-8% dengan interval 1%. Setiap variasi kadar PET dilakukan pembuatan benda uji sebanyak 3 buah. Pada penelitian ini analisa hasil meliputi pengujian density, Void in Mix (VIM), Void in Mineral Aggregat (VMA), Void in Filled With Aspalth (VFA), Stabilitas Marshall, flow, Marshall Quotient.
Hasil dari pengujian kadar aspal optimum (KAO), persentase yang memenuhi spesifikasi binamarga,2010 adalah kadar aspal 5,5% dan 6,0%. Maka nilai KAO yang digunakan ialah nilai tengah dari 5,5% dan 6,0 % ialah sebesar 5,8%. Hasil pengujian marshall serta parameternya pada kadar aspal 5,8% adalah density =2,44 gr/cc, VIM= 4,17%, VMA= 14,24%, VFA= 70,73%, stabilitas= 1632,7 Kg, flow= 2,37 mm dan marshall quotient= .697,91 Kg/mm.
Pengujian aspal plastik dengan kadar PET 1%-8%, mengahasilkan kadar PET optimum sebesar 3%. Hasil pengujian marshall serta parameternya pada kadar PET otimum 3% adalah density =2,42 gr/cc, VIM= 4,87%, VMA= 14,87%, VFA= 67,34%, stabilitas= 2286,6 Kg, flow= 2,20 mm dan marshall quotient= .1037,8 Kg/mm. Rencana anggaran biya dengan kadar PET 3% ialah sebesar Rp. 930.478,- per m3. Sedangkan campuran dengan non PET ialah sebesar Rp. 955.678,- per m3. Maka dengan penambahan PET dapat menghemat Rp. 29.400,- per m3 atau 3% dari aspal non PET.
Penambahan limbah plastik PET sebesar 3% dengan kadar aspal optimum 5,8% mengahasilkan nilai stabilitas yang lebih tinggi daripada tanpa plastik serta memenuhi persyaratan binamarga,2010. Selain itu, dapat membantu pemerintah dalam mencetah pencemaran lingkungan akibat limbah plastik serta membantu masyarakat menjadikan limbah plastik menjadi barang yang ber-ekonomis.
Indonesia has a population of 250 million people. Land area of Indonesia amounted to 1.905 million km2. While the wide roadways have only 600 thousand km. Indonesia only has highways 6.35% of the total land area. In developed countries, the broad highway on average more than 10% of the total land area. This prompted the Government of continuing to improve infrastructure especially the road. On the other hand, Indonesia is placed second in the world with the number of plastic waste in the ocean to reach 1.29 million tonnes per year. (Hoegh-Guldberg et al., 2015).
Plastic waste have a major impact for the environment. Plastic has properties hard degraded (non-biodegradable) materials and plastics makers are generally made of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB). Plastic is estimated to take 1000 years to be decomposes completely. Garbage plastic bags are piled up in landfills could contaminate the soil and groundwater that can harm human health (Karuniastuti, 2014).
Based on previous research and the background above, the utilization of waste plastics as a mixture of asphalt concrete into a strategic solution to do ongoing research. In this study, a layer of asphalt concrete that became the focus of research is on the asphalt layer of intermediaries or AC-BC (Asphal – Concrete Binder Course). The specifications used are general specifications Binamarga revision 3 year 2010.
Constituent materials of asphalt concrete is aggregate and asphalt. The aggregate used consists of 4 types of aggregate size, namely 10-20, 10-10, 5-10 and 0-5 (stone grey). Asphalt asphalt is used with shell penetration 60/70. The stages in this study i.e., test materials, check specifications, testing KOA (levels of Optimal Asphalt), testing the addition of PET and marshall test results and analysis of its parameters. Mixing PET using a wet method by adding a PET during the heating of asphalt as well as make sure the PET and asphalt with homogenous. Testing KOA with the variation of levels of asphalt 5.5%, 6%, 7% and 6.5%. Variations in the levels of PET that is used that is 1%-8% with intervals of 1%. Any variation of the rate of PET conducted a test of making as many as 3 pieces. In this research analysis results include testing density, Void in Mix (VIM), Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA), Void in Filled With Aspalth (VFA), Marshall Stability, flow, Marshall Quotient.
Results from testing the levels of optimum asphalt (KAO), a percentage that meets the specifications of the binamarga,2010 is the rate of 5.5% asphalt and 6.0%. The value used is the KAO middle value of 5.5% and 6.0% 5.8% of is. Marshall test results as well as its parameters on the level of 5.8% is asphalt density = 2.44 grams/cc = 4.17%, VIM, VMA = 14.24%, VFA = 70.73% = 1632.7 Kg, stability, flow = 2.37 mm and marshall quotient =. 697.91 Kg/mm.
Testing of asphalt plastic PET with 1%-8%, mengahasilkan PET optimum levels of 3%. Marshall test results as well as its parameters at the rate of 3% is the otimum PET density = 2.42 gr/cc, VIM = 4.87% 14.87% =, VMA, VFA = 67.34% = 2286.6 Kg, stability, flow = 2.20 mm and marshall quotient =. 1037.8 Kg/mm. Budget plan biya with PET 3% is Rp. 930,478 (nett) per m3. While the mixture with a non PET is Rp. 955,678 (nett) per m3. Then with the addition of a PET can save us $29,400 per m3 or 3% of the asphalt a non PET.
The addition of PET plastic waste of 3% with optimum asphalt 5.8% mengahasilkan value stability higher than without the plastic as well as meet the requirements of binamarga,2010. In addition, it can help the Government in mencetah environmental pollution resulting from waste plastic as well as help the community make the plastic waste into items with economical.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Additional Information: | RSIS 625.85 Muq p-1 3100018075518 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | limbah plastik, Aspal, Uji marshall, plastic waste, asphalt, marshall test |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD9622 Cement. Concrete. Cement and concrete additives T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA418.38 Materials--Fatigue. T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA441 Aggregates T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) > TA443.A7 Asphalt |
Divisions: | Faculty of Vocational > Civil Infrastructure Engineering (D3) |
Date Deposited: | 01 Aug 2018 04:15 |
Last Modified: | 09 Oct 2020 01:26 |
URI: | |
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