Perancangan Fault Tolerant Control System (FTCS) Akibat Kesalahan Aktuator pada Sistem Pengendalian Tekanan Scrubber di PT. Pertadaya Gas Semarang

Yuniartha, Anak Agung (2019) Perancangan Fault Tolerant Control System (FTCS) Akibat Kesalahan Aktuator pada Sistem Pengendalian Tekanan Scrubber di PT. Pertadaya Gas Semarang. Other thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.

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Pengendalian tekanan gas pada scrubber sangatlah penting yang mana akan berpengaruh pada laju gas yang keluar dari plan scrubber. Performansi sistem pengendali tidak lepas dari kinerja instrumennya, dimana seringkali aktuator mengalami kesalahan operasi. Pada Tugas Akhir ini dilakukan perancangan fault tolerant control system (FTCS) yang mampu bekerja ketika terdapat kesalahan pada aktuator dan dapat mempertahankan performansi sistem. Pertama, dilakukan pemodelan sistem terdiri dari pemodelan plant, aktuator, dan sensor. Selanjutnya merancang kontroler konvensional dan observer untuk aktuator. Kemudian merekonfigurasi sinyal pengendali. Dilakukan tiga jenis pengujian kesalahan untuk melihat performansi rancangan FTC, yaitu uji loss of effectiveness, uji kebocoran, dan kesalahan keduanya secara bersamaan dimana FTC memiliki performansi jauh lebih baik dalam mengatasi kesalahan dibandingkan dengan pengendalian konvensional. Terbukti pada salah satu uji kesalahan kebocoran 75% bersamaan dengan kesalahan loss of effectiveness 50% dengan algoritma FTC menghasilkan maximum overrshoot 6,351% lebih sedikit, settling time 28 detik lebih cepat dan Error Steady State 0,0287% yang lebih sedikit.
Control of gas pressure in the scrubber is very important which will affect the rate of gas coming out of the plan scrubber. Control system performance can not be separated from the performance of the instrument, where often the actuator has an operating error. In this Final Project, a fault tolerant control system (FTCS) is designed that can work when there is an error in the actuator and can maintain system performance. First, system modeling consists of modeling the plant, actuator, and sensor. Then design the conventional controller and observer for the actuator. Then reconfigure the control signal. Three types of error testing were performed to see the performance of the FTC design, namely loss of effectiveness test, leakage test, and both errors simultaneously where FTC has far better performance in overcoming errors compared to conventional controls. Evidenced in one of the 75% leak error tests along with a 50% loss of effectiveness with the FTC algorithm producing a maximum overrshoot of 6.351% less, settling time 28 seconds faster and Error Steady State 0.0287% less

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: RSF 629.895 Yun p-1 2019
Uncontrolled Keywords: Fault tolerant control, scrubber, aktuator, observer
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General) > T57.62 Simulation
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ213 Automatic control.
T Technology > TJ Mechanical engineering and machinery > TJ223 PID controllers
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK1001 Production of electric energy or power
T Technology > TK Electrical engineering. Electronics Nuclear engineering > TK1322.6 Electric power-plants
Divisions: Faculty of Industrial Technology > Physics Engineering > 30201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis
Depositing User: Anak Agung Yuniartha
Date Deposited: 06 May 2024 02:21
Last Modified: 06 May 2024 02:21

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