Analisa Penentuan Kapasitas Mesin Induk Dan Energi Index Sesuai Kriteria IMO

Cahyasasmita, Noah (2015) Analisa Penentuan Kapasitas Mesin Induk Dan Energi Index Sesuai Kriteria IMO. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknology Sepuluh Nopember.

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Dalam rangka menciptakan lingkungan laut yang lebih bersih dan sebagai wujud partisipasi
menjaga keberlangsungan hidup manusia di bumi, maka organisasi maritime dunia (IMO)
yang berpusat di London mengeluarkan regulasi tentang EEDI (energy efficiency design
index) pada tahun 2009 dan berlaku efektif per 1 Januari 2013. Ketentuan ini berlaku untuk
kapal-kapal baru dengan kapasitas 400 GT ke atas. Sementara itu, untuk kapal-kapal yang
telah ada, IMO mengeluarkan ketentuan tentang Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
(SEEMP). Paper ini membahas tentang evaluasi 3 jenis kapal yang umumnya beroperasi di
perairan Indonesia yaitu kapal tunda, kapal penumpang, dan kapal pengangkut container.
Masing-masing tipe kapal terdiri dari 15 kapal dan fokus evaluasi adalah berupa analisis
pemilihan motor induk dan indeks energy dari masing-masing kapal dan tipe kapal.
Pembahasan meliputi perhitungan besarnya energy indeks dan analisis tentang pengurangan
indeks energy seperti penggunaan system penggerak hybrid, optimalisasi desain kapal dan
penyempurnaan system pengoperasian kapal.
In order to create a cleaner marine environment and as a form of participation
sustain human life on earth, the world maritime organization (IMO), based in
London issued a regulation on EEDI (energy efficiency design index) in 2009 and
become effective by January 1, 2013 . These provisions apply to new ships with a
capacity of 400 GT and above. Meanwhile, for the ships that have been build, IMO
issued a regulation on the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP).
This paper discusses the evaluation of 3 types of ships which generally operate in
the waters of Indonesia, tugs, passenger ships and ships carrying container. Each
type of vessel consists of 15 ships and focus of evaluation is a master motor
selection and analysis of energy index of each vessel and type of vessel. The
discussion includes the calculation of the energy index and analysis of the reduction
of energy indices such as the use of hybrid propulsion systems, optimization of ship
design and operation of ship systems improvement.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Additional Information: RTKe 623.83 Cah a
Uncontrolled Keywords: IMO, EEDI, SEEMP, indeks energy.
Subjects: V Naval Science > VM Naval architecture. Shipbuilding. Marine engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Marine Technology (MARTECH) > Marine Engineering > 36101-(S2) Master Theses
Depositing User: Mr. Tondo Indra Nyata
Date Deposited: 07 Oct 2019 01:53
Last Modified: 10 May 2024 01:54

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