., Rachmasari (2016) Penelitian Konversi Sampah Di Kota Surabaya. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Technology Sepuluh Nopember.
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Kota Surabaya merupakan salah satu kota besar di Indonesia yang sangat serius dalam implementasi sustainable development. Pemerintah Kota Surabaya memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengatur pengangkutan sampah dari LPS (Lokasi Pembuangan Sementara) menuju TPA (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir) yang berlokasi di Benowo. Terdapat 37 LPS yang diangkut oleh truk sampah milik pihak swasta atau yang biasa disebut sebagai rekanan. Jumlah yang dibayarkan berdasar satuan volume dan jarak. DKP menganggap bahwa terdapat ketidakadilan ketika menggunakan satuan volume sebagai satuan unit pembayaran ke rekanan. Maka dari itu kebutuhan untuk merubah satuan pembayaran yang semula menggunakan volume menjadi satuan berat (tonase) sangat diperlukan.
Penelitian ini diawali dengan observasi dan benchmarking alternative yang memungkinkan untuk digunakan. Dari hasil brainstorming terdapat tiga alternative metode yang akan dikaji. Alternatif pertama adalah melakukan sampling perhitungan berat sampah di LPS untuk mengetahui penurunan berat sampah pada saat pengangkutan dari LPS ke TPA. Alternatif kedua adalah analisa manffat dan biaya penggunaan segregated waste truck. Alternatif ketiga adalah analisa statistik dengan metode zoning area LPS dan sampling densitas timbulan sampah.
Penentuan akhir metode yang akan digunakan adalah menggunakan metode hybrid antara alternatif metode 1 dan 3. Analisa statistik menggunakan teknik zoning are3a akan digunakan untuk mengetahui range densitas sampah di LPS dengan membagi LPS ke dalam kluster yang memiliki karakteristik sama dalam menghasilkan jumlah timbulan sampah. Untuk mengakomodasi teknik pada alternatif pertama, eksperimen dilakukan untuk mengetahui jumlah berat yang hilang pada saat pengangkutan dari LPS ke TPA. Kemudian faktor ini akan digunakan sebagai input untuk menentukan faktor konversi yang akan mempengaruhi jumlah timbulan sampah di LPS.
Surabaya is one of big cities in Indonesia that takes a serious action in implementing sustainable development. Government of Surabaya is responsible to manage solid waste transportation from LPS to TPA which located in Benowo. There are 37 LPS are being transported by dump trucks which owned by private companies or often referred as partners.The payment depend on volume and distance. DKP presumes that there is unfairness when implementing volume based for making payment to partners. Thus the need to convert payment from using volume based into becoming tonnage based is urgently required.
This research is started with observation and benchmarking of possible alternatives. From brainstorming process, three possible alternatives are generated. The first alternative is conducting sampling on selected LPS to figure out the reduction weight of solid waste being transported from LPS to TPA. The second proposed alternative is segregated waste truck which done by analyzing benefit and cost of the implementation. The third alternative is using statistical analysis by zoning LPS area and sampling the density of solid waste generation.
The final determination of method to use in this research is come up with hybrid method, between alternative 3 and 1. Statistical analysis using zoning method will be used to figure out the range of solid waste density in LPS by dividing the objected LPS into cluster which have similar characteristics in generating the amount of solid waste. In order to accommodate the method mentioned in alternative 1, another technique of experiment is generated to figure out the amount of weight loss occurred during the transportation from LPS to TPA. Then this factor will be used as the input to determine the conversion factor that will affect the amount of solid waste density in LPS.
The research result concludes that there are two option of determining solid waste density in LPS in Surabaya Municipality. The option is between to use single non specific density with value 303.07 kg/m3 or to use varied specific density according to the density from each cluster. The use of single non specific density is practically simpler but lead to wide. deviation and the inaccuracy in estimating the actual value. Regarding the use of varied specific density from each cluster, it is less practically simple to use but more accurate and reduced the deviation. It is also enable to close the gap of payment that should be given to partners to DKP and make it more fair by using the accurate basis of conversion.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Additional Information: | RSI 363.728 2 Rac s |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Municipal Solid Waste, Statistical Analysis, Mean Average Percentage Error (MAPE) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TD Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering > TD789 Refuse and refuse disposal |
Divisions: | Faculty of Industrial Technology > Industrial Engineering > 26201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis |
Depositing User: | Mr. Tondo Indra Nyata |
Date Deposited: | 05 Feb 2020 07:21 |
Last Modified: | 05 Feb 2020 07:21 |
URI: | http://repository.its.ac.id/id/eprint/74696 |
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