Larasati, Ditya (2015) Modifikasi Enzimatik Limbah Bulu Ayam Sebagai Pakan Ternak Kaya Nutrisi. Undergraduate thesis, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
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Bulu merupakan limbah organik terdiri atas 90% keratin
yaitu protein berstruktur α-heliks (α-keratin) atau β-sheet (β-
keratin) dengan ikatan disulfida dan ikatan hidrogen. Ikatan dan
struktur keratin membuat limbah bulu sukar didegradasi. Meski
demikian, bulu unggas dapat didegradasi dengan menggunakan
metode mekanis, kimia, dan biologi. Kekurangan dari metode
mekanis dan kimia adalah membutuhkan input energi yang besar,
menimbulkan masalah lingkungan, dan merusak asam-asam
amino tertentu sehingga kualitas dan kecernaan protein menurun.
Solusi alternatif dan inovatif untuk mengatasi limbah
bulu unggas yang melimpah adalah dengan menggunakan
mikroorganisme keratinolitik yang mampu menghasilkan
keratinase dan mendegradasi keratin menjadi asam amino dan
peptida. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan
kadar protein terlarut dari limbah bulu ayam yang telah
dimodifikasi secara enzimatik menggunakan enzim keratinase
dan mengetahui pengaruh pakan ternak dengan sumber protein
alternatif limbah bulu ayam terhadap penampilan produksi ayam
Enzim keratinase diproduksi oleh Bacillus sp. SLII-I
melalui fermentasi menggunakan media feather meal (FM) yang
mengandung bulu. Enzim keratinase diisolasi menggunakan
metode sentrifugasi dan diukur aktivitas erta kandungan protein
enzim. Limbah bulu dimodifikasi secara enzimatik dan diamati
peningkatan kadar protein terlarutnya. Hasil modifikasi
enzimatik limbah bulu yang memiliki kadar protein terlarut
tertinggi dikonversi menjadi sumber protein alternatif pakan yang
digunakan sebanyak 5% dalam formula pakan. Pakan diuji coba
pada ternak ayam broiler (Gallus domesticus) selama sebulan
dengan dengan parameter pengukuran konsumsi pakan,
pertambahan bobot badan, dan konversi pakan. Data yang
diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan prosedur analisis
ragam (Analysis of Variance /ANOVA) dilanjutkan dengan uji
Duncan dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%.
Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa Bacillus sp. SLII-I
mampu menghasilkan menghasilkan enzim keratinase kasar
dengan aktivitas enzim 2,08 (mg/detik)/ml yang dapat
meningkatkan kadar protein terlarut tepung bulu ayam hingga
22,06% dan memberikan pengaruh terhadap penampilan
produksi ayam broiler dibandingkan dengan tepung bungkil
kedelai dan tepung ikan. Adapun ayam broiler dengan pakan
tepung bulu memberikan penampilan produksi meliputi konsumsi
pakan, pertambahan berat badan, dan konversi pakan masingmasing
sebesar 1194,8 gram/ekor, 567 gram/ekor, dan 2,11.
Feathers is organic waste consists of 90% keratin protein
that have α-heliks (α-keratin) or β-sheet (β-keratin)structure link
by disulfide and hydrogen bonds. Structures and linkages of
keratin make feathers waste very difficult to degrade. Despite the
rigid structure of keratin, it can be degraded by mechanical,
chemical, and biological methods. The major drawback of
mechanical and chemical degradation methods is requires great
input energy, give rise to environmental problems, and are
destructive to certain amino acids that leads to low protein
quality and digestibility.
The alternative and innovative solution to overcome
abundant of feathers waste is by the utilization of keratinolytic
microorganism capable of producing keratinase and degrade
keratin become amino acids and peptides. This research aimed at
ascertaining increase levels of protein dissolved from chicken
feathers waste that has been modified enzymatically using
keratinase and find out the influence of livestock feed with
alternatice source of protein from chicken feathers waste to
production performance of broiler chicken.
Keratinase produced by Bacillus sp. SLII-I through
fermentation using feather meal media (FM) containing feather.
Keratinase isolated by centrifugation method, activy and protein
content is measured. Chicken feathers waste modified
enzymatically and levels of dissolved protein is observed. An
enzymatic engineered feathers waste which have the highest
increase level of dissolved protein converted into alternative
source of protein. Livestock feed with alternative source of
protein from chicken feathers waste tested in broiler chicken for
a month. The measurement parameter in feed consumption, body
weight addition, and conversion of feed obtained and analyzed
using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) continued by Duncan (Pos
Hoc Test) with the level of trust 95%.
The result show that Bacillus sp. SLII-I produce
keratinase with 2,08 (mg/detik)/ml activity that can increase
dissolved protein level till 22,06%. This alternative protein
source show positive effect to the feed consumption, addition of
weight, and feed convertion ration total are 1194,8 gram/head,
567 gram/head, and 2,1.
The research result show that Bacillus sp. SLII-I capable
of producing keratinase with the activity of enzyme 2.08
(mg/detik)/ ml that could increase protein levels of dissolved
protein of chicken feather until 22.06% and give the effect on
production performance of broiler chicken compared with
soybean meal and fish meal. Broiler chicken consumed feather
meal give production performance which is feed consumption,
addition of weight, and feed convertion ration that are 1194,8
gram/head, 567 gram/head, and 2,1.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Additional Information: | RSBi 572.7 Lar m |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Bacillus sp. SLII-I, Keratinase, Keratin, Pakan Ternak, Ayam broiler |
Subjects: | Q Science > QH Biology > QH301 Biology |
Divisions: | Faculty of Mathematics and Science > Biology > 46201-(S1) Undergraduate Thesis |
Depositing User: | Yeni Anita Gonti |
Date Deposited: | 26 Feb 2020 05:31 |
Last Modified: | 26 Feb 2020 05:31 |
URI: | |
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